Chapter Sixteen

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The party was boring.We'd arrived over half an hour ago, and other than politely introducing ourselves- or rather the people we were impersonating- and sipping at a couple of non alcoholic drinks, it had been bland. There was food on platters that were written in what seemed to be French, not to mention didn't at all look appealing. The music was slow and occasionally would dip into traditional Christmas songs, but other than that it felt as if laughing or even giggling would draw unwanted attention. Our costumes were also slightly unwelcomed, everyone else there looking elegant and suited up. It was more of a formal party than a fancy dress one.There was mixed ages her from teenage to late twenties, so it wasn't as if we were out of place because of that. It was just that the people here didn't seem to understand the phrase 'party'."We could leave early if you want?" Jane whispered to me, nudging me so I understood what the underlying meaning was.I shook my head."It's my last hours with everyone together..." I told her, moving some hair from my face. "I don't want to miss this, even if we spend it like this.""I'm bored," Alice said with a sigh as she came over to us, interrupting Jane and I. She was swirling the drink she held in a glass around with little thought to where it splashed. With another sigh, she gulped the entire contents down and smiled. "Thank fuck for alcohol."Both Jane and I shared a misunderstood look. "Alcohol?" we both asked Alice in unison.Alice gave us a pleased grin. "Found some in the kitchen when me and Jack were making out," she informed us, taking my hand and pulling me through to gathering to the said kitchen- a huge, marble carved beauty if a may add- where Jack stood, a large bottle of vodka in his hands. Behind him was an open cupboard, and stashed inside was more bottles of the stuff, amongst bottles of Jack Daniels, Tequila and Rum.This gave me an idea."I need Ben," I told Alice with a serious look on my face, one that sent her in search of the boy in a hurry. Jane, who'd followed behind us to the kitchen saw the mischief in my eyes."What are you thinking, Isabel?" she asked me coyly. I only grinned, the dark side in me agreeing with the devious thoughts my normal self was creating."I'm going to liven this party up."Jane matched me grin, just as Alice returned with a bored looking Ben, an equally bored looking Hoody Masky and Blazed behind them. "I swear I'd kill right now for some fun," Ben moaned, scratching his blonde head. He saw us all crowded in the kitchen, the alcohol in Jack's hands, and smiled eagerly, clasping his hands together as if coming up with an idea."Please tell me this is what I think it is?" he asked, looking up at me with desperate eyes.I looked around at the others, who unlike Ben were still a little slow to catch on to my devious plan. We huddled together as I explained the roots to our 'twist' on this party."We are going to introduce a little alcohol to this party's system," I grinned.*****Alice stood guard outside the kitchen, warning anyone away with excuses that someone had been sick or that the 'chef' was working on a surprise later on and that no one was to interrupt. This was to cover Ben and I who were making a set of our special punch, mixed with various juices and spirits and were being sent by Hoody and Masky to add to the already displayed drinks as they were spiked aswell by Eyeless Jack. Jane was hard at work with Clo, who'd wondered in when she saw us all lingering around the kitchen, at making mini pizzas infused with Ben's surprisingly large stash of personal weed that he took everywhere with him. I hadn't been a drug person, but as long as I didn't touch them I didn't care. This party needed life and that's what I was making sure was being delivered. I even had Zero and puppet rummaging through the stash of music ready to control the 'DJ' with Puppet's tricks when we were ready. Blazed was the only one without a current job. He leaned restlessly against the wall beside the counter where Ben and I were making more and more cocktails ready to be taken to the party room, his reindeer hat that covered his horns in his hands."Can I at least be a taste tester?" he asked hopefully."No" I replied harshly."What about an initiative who gets the party going?""No.""Excuse me, what do you think you're doing in here!" a stranger's voice asked, horrified, only for it to be the butler, who had beside him the presumed hosts of the party. They looked around at their now very messy kitchen with furious eyes, then rested them on Blazed and his exposed horns.Blazed gave me a keen, knowing look."What about taking care of our guests?" he asked with a devilish smile."No killing," I warned, before letting him off his metaphorical leash with a wave of my hand. He charged at the threesome who went screaming out the back door, blustering and fretting, only for their screams to be cut short a few moments later, followed by the sickening sound of bones being crushed and broken unnaturally."I thought I said no killing," I shot at him when he returned a little later, his reindeer costume splattered with blood, presumably the hosts' and butler's. In his hand was a bloody hand, one he held up to me as he waggled it's finger. "I thought I said no killing," he mimicked, waving the corpse's finger in my face, blood going everywhere. I didn't react, just handed the last bowl to Hoody to take away, as Jane handed the finished pizzas to Masky."Yuck," Clo said in direction of Blazed's new party prop, while he discarded it in the bin carelessly.We all left the kitchen in its hazardous state as we made our way back into the main room, ready for the party to begin. With no butler to stop us, and no hosts to judge what was and wasn't wrong, we set to work on easing the guests into our way of partying."Oh my god, this new punch is amazing!" Alice gushed to Jack, her act attracting the eyes of others around her. Jack smiled her with a piece of pizza in his hand. "Have you tried the pizzas? They're exquisite!" he chuckled, sharing a knowing look with all of us who stood near the DJ area. I gestured to Puppet to work his magic on some of the guests, the yellow electric strings taking hold of a few people and having them move towards the punch and pizzas. When others saw them go, they instinctively followed until nearly everyone was drinking down and scoffing the drink and food. Then I signalled Zero to start the music.Using some of Puppet's control, she make the DJ set up a club remix that played loudly into the crowd, shocking them all.But saving us was those controlled by Puppet who he made dance, and pull others into to dance with him.Given five minutes, and a new set from Zero, the entire room was bursting with life as they raved, intoxicated and fearless.I turned to Jane, grinning."This is how to spend our last hours!" I squealed as I pulled them all out into the dance floor, us all cheering and laughing.Everyone around me was moving to the beat of the music, pressed against each other in rhythm and beat. I'd never done this before, so I watched as Jane and the others did and copied them. The smell of alcohol and pizza filled the room, as did the faint whiff of sweat, but it only made me want to dance more. I really went for it, going as far as to pressing up a guy suited in a black tux who welcomed my actions and pulled me in closer so his front was pressed against my back and we moved carelessly to everyone around us. It felt so good to finally let go of all the emotional baggage that had been weighing me down just to dance and to forget the world. He handed me some of the punch I'd made in a red cup, which I drunk down eagerly, and then tossed empty into the crowd. "What are you supposed to be?" I called to him over the music, turning around to face him and loop my arms around his neck. He wasn't handsome nor ugly, just plain. Nothing about him struck me as interesting, at least nothing I saw as interesting. Brown hair, brown eyes didn't do much for me.But I indulged him anyway."I didn't realise it was fancy dress," he called back to me, pulling me in with his hands on my waist. Then he looked me up and down and grinned. "But clearly you did."I smiled at him and carried on dancing, occasionally flitting from him to Jane who'd also found a girl to dance with, and then to the others who were also lost in the music.We must have danced for hours like that, lost and free in the music. Zero and Puppet even came to join us when the DJ ended up playing our music at his own free will.When the song changed I went back to the guy in the suit, slipping into his arms, welcomed."You look beautiful, Is," a familiar voice whispered in my ear, and I realised quickly the arms I was in were not that of the suit-wearer's. Butterflies filled my stomach.Turning around, I was met with the eyes of Jeff, who'd softened the dark rings around his eyes with make-up and covered up his facial scars, appearing normal among the crowd. I wasn't able to pull away from him, and it wasn't because of his arms circled around me either. I didn't want to move an inch away from him. I looped my arms around his neck and let our bodies move in sync to the music, forgetting the night before, forgetting his warning and forgetting I had this possessive state inside me. I wouldn't let it control me, not tonight at least."I like your outfit," I told him with a smile, looking down at his usual white hoodie, black jeans and converse. "Who are you supposed to be?"His hand left my side for a moment as he dug into his pocket and pulled out a carrot nose that he placed on his own nose, and grinned. "Jeff the Snowman, can't you tell?"I laughed, nearly going to kiss him but thankfully the carrot nose stopped me. I played it off casually, and we carried on dancing to the live music, eventually all of us grouping together and letting lose to the brilliant vibe we'd created here. Jane was with the girl she'd been dancing with earlier, a short blonde who was dressed as an angel, whilst Alice and Jack and Zero and Puppet were lost in their own world as they ate each other's faces as usual. Ben had managed to charm some girls into dancing beside him whilst Masky and Hoody had found some girls to make out with in distant corners. And surprisingly, Clo was pressed against Blazed as they mingled together freely. I had never seen that coming.This was how I wanted to remember everyone, everyone here at the party and then everyone back at the mansion. I didn't want to forget a moment of this, not ever.And then, pulling me out of my thoughts, Jeff pulled me around to face him and kissed me.Fireworks went off all over my body. I instantly pulled him closer, pushing into the kiss because I knew deep down I'd wanted this ever since last night.And I knew myself there was more that I wanted, but not here.Breaking from the kiss, I told him to follow me and pulled him through the crowd, away from Jane, Clo, Alice and everyone else as we made our way to where I remembered seeing a staircase. It was beside the kitchen, closed off with a gate which had surprisingly been left locked, despite all the intoxicated young people around us. Ignoring the sign which Jeff pointed out as a challenge, I took a hair pin from my hair and used it to unlock the gate, pushing it open triumphantly. Making my way up the stairs, I sensed Jeff close behind as we ascended up to no return. Once at the top, Jeff took my hand and pulled me to face him once more as we locked lips again, staggering backwards into a wall with a thud. It only intensified the kiss, and soon Jeff had picked me up so I was sandwiched between him and the wall, my legs wrapped tightly around his waist, never wanting to let go. He moved us then. guiding me to a bedroom I assumed had been the hosts' due to its large build, a canopy bed at its centre and glass furniture decorating the rest of interior. I kissed Jeff more as he pushed us to the bed, me falling back as he fell on to me where the kissing continued. Gone was my boots, my corset, skirt and short shorts. Off came his hoodie and the carrot nose now dangling around his neck like a chain, and then his jeans. He switched our positions, me on top now as I deepened the kiss we'd been stopping every now and then breathlessly.And then he broke away."I need to know it's you who wants this, not some bloodlust or some side that's taking control of you," he said to me with strained eyes. He was looking up at me with desperate eyes, searching for some sort of acceptance I had to what he was asking. I never answered him, just smiled as I bent down to kiss him again, and this time he didn't break away.Jeff was part of the darkness I didn't want to accept.To be with him I needed to accept that side of me.And as the last remains of our clothes came off, I felt that possessive, dark, controlling bloodlust not hide away but join with me as I finally accepted who and what I wanted.Only then were we finally together. 

Annoying the text wont past properly so I'm sorry it's all clumped together :( I really don't like the new Wattpad writing method now it makes everything on my laptop so slow. Anyway hope you enjoyed x

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