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Elena stepped out of the department and went towards her vehicle while waiting for her friend Sarah she dozed off

Background _

Sarah and Elena were not in good shape from the start they both have a different personalities on solving the cases. From the start Sarah always tried to slove the cases in her own way using strength to slove it but after the arrival of Elena as the new senior of the group they both started having a disagreement. Elena is always the fond of solving with brain not physical strength. Infact of having different personalities they both have strong connection. Starting days were very hard for the group to establish a image in the department and when the actually did they still have doubt on them still all of the  members of group works hard to prove their excellence.

Elena's POV

"Elena, Elena" ? Said Sarah while shaking her
" Oh yes Sarah" I smiled
"Where were you lost ? "
"Nothing I was just thinking about something"
It was already 9 pm there was darkness and Sarah and I was sitting inside a car. Sarah started to drive the Jeep we're passing through the highway only the dim street light was the source of light there.
"Madam" Sarah said
"Yes Sarah"?
"Actually it's been a few weeks since the reporter Annie Sloan hasn't published the article she was handling the case of illegal business of the famous XXX company. According to the information she had already collected the evidence of their illegal business then suddenly she  deactivated all of her accounts and even resign the job. Isn't that suspicious? She's out only key of exposing that company her evidence will shut down that company"Sarah said

I thought for a while then said maybe we should try to contact her and ask personally about it?

"Yes we should try it"Sarah said
We were crossing over the XXX river then suddenly we saw 4 men carrying a body more like dead her white shirt was full of blood and they were planning to throw her into river according to their moment suddenly we took out our gun and went towards them. As we were still in our uniforms they leave the body and quickly went towards their car and ran away. Panicking I took out the phone and clicked the number of the car. Fortunately the car was under the street light but the number were blur. "Mam isn't this Annie Sloan?" Sarah state I was shocked then checked her pulse she was still alive I told Sarah to call the ambulance.

Sarah's POV

As I dialed the emergency number, I couldn't help but feel a surge of fear. We had to save her. Annie Sloan was our key to exposing the XXX company. Elena was already applying pressure to Annie's wound, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Ambulance is on its way," I said, my voice trembling slightly.

"We need to keep her stable until they arrive," Elena instructed.

I nodded and took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. This was the moment we had trained for, but it always felt different in real life. I could see the determination in Elena's eyes. Despite our differences, I knew we made a good team.

The ambulance arrived within minutes. The paramedics quickly took over, and we briefed them on what had happened. As they loaded Annie into the ambulance, one of the paramedics turned to us.

"She’s in critical condition, but we’ll do everything we can. You did a good job keeping her alive."

Elena and I watched as the ambulance sped away, sirens blaring. We stood there in silence for a moment, processing what had just happened.

"We need to follow up on this," Elena said finally. "Those men who tried to dump her body—they might come back for her."

"Agreed," I said. "We need to find out who they are and what they know."

We headed back to our Jeep, determination fueling our steps. This case had just taken a dangerous turn, but we were ready to face whatever came next. Together, we would uncover the truth and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Elena's POV

Annie Sloan was rushed to the hospital, and despite the paramedics' best efforts, she slipped into a coma. The doctors told us it was touch-and-go, but they would do everything they could to help her recover.

As we left the hospital, I took out my phone and called Elward, our tech expert.

"Elward, we need a favor. I have a blurry image of a car’s license plate. Can you clean it up and trace it for us?" I asked.

"Send it over. I’ll get on it right away," Elward replied.

Within minutes, I received a text from him. "Got it. The car is registered under the name Justin, who works under the illegal businessman we’ve been investigating."

"Good work, Elward. Sarah and I are on our way," I said.

Sarah's POV

We arrived at the tech lab, where Elward was waiting for us.

"Here’s everything I found on Justin," Elward said, handing over a file. "He’s been under surveillance for a while, but we haven’t had enough evidence to bring him in."

"Until now," I said, flipping through the file. "We need to bring him in for questioning."

"Let’s make it happen," Elena said, her eyes focused and determined.

We tracked Justin to a seedy bar on the outskirts of town. As we entered, the patrons turned to look at us, sensing trouble.

"There he is," I whispered, pointing to a man sitting in the corner, nursing a drink.

We approached him, and he looked up, eyes narrowing. "What do you want?"

"Justin, you’re coming with us," Elena said, showing her badge.

He didn’t resist as we escorted him out and drove him to the station for interrogation.

Justin's POV

They had me in an interrogation room, and I knew this wasn’t going to be good. I had been careful, but obviously not careful enough.

"Justin, we need answers," Sarah said, her voice firm. "What do you know about the attack on Annie Sloan?"

"I don’t know anything," I said, trying to keep my cool.

"Don’t lie to us," Elena said, leaning forward. "We know you work for XXX, and we know you were involved in the attempt to dispose of Annie’s body."

My heart raced. They had more on me than I thought.

"Fine," I said, deciding to cooperate. "But I want protection. If they find out I talked, I’m as good as dead."

"We’ll see what we can do," Sarah said. "Who's the mastermind behind this dirty game"Elena asked
" I don't know the boss face hasn't revealed to anyone but I only know the boss is a girl"

Elena's POV

Justin’s confession was a goldmine. He revealed details about the illegal business, naming higher-ups and providing us with evidence we could use to bring them down. But something didn’t sit right with me. It felt too easy.

As Justin finished talking, a thought struck me. "Justin, who else knows about this?"

He hesitated. "There’s someone else. Someone high up. I don’t know their name, but they’re the real mastermind."

My heart sank. We were dealing with a bigger fish than we had anticipated.

Sarah's POV

We needed to find this mastermind before they realized Justin had turned on them. As we strategized our next move, a call came in from the hospital.

"It’s about Annie Sloan," the doctor said. "She’s showing signs of waking up."

We rushed to the hospital, hoping Annie could provide the missing piece of the puzzle. If she woke up, we might finally uncover the identity of the true mastermind behind the illegal operations.

The twists and turns of this case were far from over, but with each step, we were getting closer to the truth. And we would stop at nothing to see justice served.

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