25. A Deal with Destiny

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Anurag's pov.

I sat at the head of the long, polished conference table, the fluorescent lights above casting a harsh glare on the glossy surface. The board of directors of my company, a mix of seasoned executives and few deserving newcomers, were gathered around, discussing quarterly reports and strategic initiatives.

But my mind was elsewhere. I tapped my pen rhythmically against the table, trying to focus on the charts and graphs being presented. My heart wasn't in it. Every time I glanced at the clock, my stomach tightened with unease.

Something was wrong, I could feel it in my bones.

"Mr. Roy, do you have any insights on the proposed budget adjustments for the next fiscal year?" one of the directors asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I blinked, struggling to bring my attention back to the meeting. "Uh, yes. The budget adjustments. I believe we need to... um, consider the impact on our long-term investments."

My voice sounded distant, even to my own ears. Just as I was about to continue, the conference room doors burst open.

Ruhan rushed in earning some disapproving looks but he didn't seem to care. He made his way towards me, his face pale and eyes wide with panic.

"Sir, it's urgent," he said, his voice trembling slightly.

I nodded... hinting him to continue.

Ruhan took a deep breath, glancing around the room at the bewildered faces of the board members. "It's Mrs. Roy and your son. They've been kidnapped."

My blood ran cold. "What?"

He continued.

"The kidnapper called your work cell phone. He demanded to speak with you immediately."

Without a second thought, I stood up from my seat, buttoning my tuxedo's button. "Meeting adjourned."

I grabbed my phone and followed Ruhan out of the conference room, my heart pounding in my chest. I dialed my work cell phone and put it on speaker as we entered my office, closing the door behind us.

The phone rang once before it was picked up. A rough, familiar voice came through the line. "Anurag Roy. Finally."

My heart lurched. "Who is this? What do you want with my family?"

There was a chilling laugh. "You don't recognize my voice? I'm hurt, Anurag. It's your dear mamu, Rajiv."

I felt a surge of shock and anger. "Who?"

"Your biological mother's brother. The same mother you killed the moment you were born."

I felt my blood run cold for a moment.

"What the hell do you want?"

His voice turned icy. "Revenge. You and your father ruined my sister... the one I adored more than anything. Now, I'm going to ruin your family. If you ever want to see your wife and son again, come alone to the abandoned construction site on near the Sehgal Industry. No police, no backup. Just you."

In the background, I could hear Atharva crying, his wails piercing my heart. Then I heard Debasmita's voice, defiant and strong.

"You coward! You think this will solve anything? You're just a pathetic excuse for a man!"

There was a sickening sound of a slap, followed by Debasmita's pained gasp.
Rage boiled inside me.

"You touch her again, and I swear to God, I'll kill you!"

His laugh was cold and mocking.

"Big words, Anurag. But you're not in control here. Remember, come alone, or they both die. You have two hour."

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