3 | New Beginnings

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Emily's POV

I stood in my New York apartment, surrounded by half-packed boxes and the remnants of my life in the city. The walls, once adorned with my sketches and blueprints, now felt bare and lifeless. I was preparing to move to Arizona for a new architectural project that promised to be both challenging and rewarding. My mind buzzed with a mix of excitement and anxiety.

As I taped up another box, my phone buzzed with a message. It was from Nathan, my step-dad. I sighed, knowing what the conversation would likely be about. Nathan had never been shy about expressing his concerns over my decision to move.

"Hey, Emily, can I come over and talk?" the message read.

I typed back, "Sure, I'm home packing."

A short while later, Nathan arrived. He entered the apartment, his usual confident demeanor evident in his stride. Tall, with dark salt-and-pepper hair and piercing green eyes, he looked every bit the top lawyer he was.

"Hey, Em," Nathan greeted me with a warm smile, though there was a hint of concern in his eyes. "How's the packing going?"

"Hey, Nathan. It's going," I replied, my tone slightly strained. "What's up?"

Nathan looked around the room, then back at me. "I just wanted to talk to you about this move. Are you sure it's the right decision? Arizona is so far away, and you have a great career here in New York."

I sighed, my frustration bubbling to the surface. "Nathan, we've talked about this. This project is important to me. It's a chance to do something different, to grow as an architect. I need this."

"I know, but... can't you find a similar opportunity here? Or maybe closer to home?" Nathan asked, his voice softening. "I just worry about you being so far away."

I shook my head, determination etched on my face. "No, Nathan. This is what I want. I've thought it through. I need to do this for myself."

Nathan ran a hand through his hair, clearly conflicted. "Alright, I understand. Just promise me you'll stay in touch, okay?"

"I will," I said, my tone softening. "I promise."

Nathan walked across the living room and strolled through the apartment, glancing the boxes, making a mental note of everything. He settled down on a rocking chair which he knew I was going to sell after moving out and need not be packed. He leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful look crossing his face. He glanced at me as I packed the last of my belongings.

"Do you remember that evening with Mr. Hughes, your creepy neighbor in Manhattan?" Nathan began, a wry smile tugging at his lips.

I paused, a slight frown crossing my face. "Yeah, I remember. Why?"

Nathan chuckled softly, shaking his head. "I don't think I've ever told you just how proud I was of you that day."

I raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Really? It was just Mr. Hughes being his usual creepy self."

"It was more than that," Nathan continued. "I was in the kitchen making coffee when I heard voices in the hallway. At first, I thought nothing of it, but then I heard your voice, firm and unwavering. You called for me to open the door, and I knew something was off."

I nodded, the memory coming back to me. "Yeah, he was getting a bit too close for comfort."

"When I opened the door and saw you standing there, facing him down, I was struck by your courage," Nathan said, his voice filled with admiration. "Mr. Hughes was leaning in, smiling in that unsettling way of his, but you stood your ground. You didn't let him intimidate you, not for a second."

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