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People die everyday, every minute and every second. It could be some random stranger in the street or someone you met a week ago, but it won't effect your life. You could still live on and do everything you do on the day to day basis. It will only effect you if it's someone you love.

Everyone loses someone they love once in their life time, either when your ready or totally and utterly unprepared.
You feel as if you're all alone, lost in a world that seems to have come crashing down. Confusion swirls around you -- as does terror and horror, anger, sadness, loss, uselessness. You wonder if you can make it through life with the person you knew being gone. Thoughts swirl around your mind like: I talked to them just yesterday.
I was never got to tell them I loved them.
That could have been anybody, but why them?
Why did they have to go?

Amelia Shay thinks these thing everyday, ever since she lost her parents in a car accident. She was at school with her best friend, Peter Quill, talking about her new telescope she had gotten for her birthday. She had been so excited to look at the stars, to imagine what it would be like to fly among them. Learning each and every constellation and its name, drawing them to show her family. Peter was asking whether he could come over and look at them with her, when she saw her teacher Mrs Frank's beaconing her over. She furrowed her brow confused, but still walked over to the distraught teacher. Leaving Peter talking to himself.

Amelia looked up at the older woman, as Mrs Frank pulled off her large framed glasses and wiped away a stray tear. The words that came out of her mouth were a blur, ones that Amelia never wishes to hear again. The ones that destroyed her world, made it come tumbling down. And destroyed the little happiness she had left in her life. Suddenly she couldn't breathe, the air had escaped her lungs as she stared blankly at the woman who stood in front of her. Explaining what happened, and how sorry she was for her loss. The next moment she felt arms worm themselves around her waist and pull her face into their chest. She didn't react or pull herself away, she just stayed there; motionless. Peter rubbed her back, and whispered soothing words into her hair -- he didn't even know what happened. Yet he knew his best friend needed help, and some one to lean on.

Now it was Amelia's turn to swap rolls, her uncle, her legal guardian, had gotten a call when Amelia was doing her homework. Saying that Peter's mother had been rushed into hospital, with only a few days -- possibly hours to live. As soon as she heard, the brunette shot up and pulled on her tattered shoes. Ready to go and she if her friend wanted help, even though she knew he did. It took under five minutes for them to get to the local hospital, which brought back a lot of bad memories for her. But she brushed them aside and walked through the doors. The cold air brush against her face, only the sound of her feet plodding against the floor could be heard. Amelia's uncle walked over to the front desk, asking where the Quill family is. But Amelia had already spotted a small, skinny boy sitting on one of the small plastic chairs.

She lowered herself down onto the chair beside him, and placed her hands in her lap. Twiddling her thumbs, not wanting to interrupt Peter from listening to his music. This may be the last time her could listen to the song, and not think about his mother. Amelia felt someone's hand intwining their fingers with hers, looking up she saw Peter looking at the wall with a small smile on his face. She felt a smile keep onto her own, and lent her head on his shoulder. This is where they both felt comfortable, with each other. They didn't judge what the other did or acted, they just accepted that's how they were.

Peter's grandfather walked out of the door and smiled at Amelia, which she did back. He slowly walked over to Peter and bent down to his level, pulling his head phones off.

"Peter, your mother wants to see you." He softly said to the young boy, who nodded and lifted his head phones from his neck. Placing them in his rucksack, and standing up wiping his hands on his jeans. Peter slowly walked to the door, where his mother was, and turned to look at Amelia. She understood what he was doing, he was asking whether she would be there when he returned; so she put her thumbs up and smiled. Telling him it was fine to go, he turned and entered the room. Leaving the young girl alone in the hospital hall way, looking around the plain walls. She took a deep breath and leant back, closing her eyes.

A couple of minutes later, the door opened and out came Peter. Who took a couple of steps backwards and picked up his back slowly, swinging it over his shoulder. Amelia stood up cautiously and placed a hand on his shoulder, inching closer to him. Peter shot of down the hallway -- straight to the exit doors. With a short brunette following soon behind him, attempting to catch up to him. He may have never been good at sports, but her was always the fastest runner. Who no one could catch. Amelia pushed her arms forward, swinging the doors open with so much force. Still following Peter, she ended up running into a open part of land. Amelia stopped running and doubled over, resting her hands on her knees. Panting she looked up and saw Peter on the floor, silently sobbing.

Amelia walked over to her best friend, understanding what he was going through.
"Peter, are you okay?" She asked soothingly, sitting down beside him. As he rocked back and forth, sobbing to himself. She wrapped her small arms around him, squeezing him with all of her might. Letting him know he's not alone. Suddenly a blinding light came down from the night sky, making Amelia raise her hand up to block out the light. The air around them started to swirl, enclosing them within. A scream came from the pairs mouth, as they held onto each other; clinging for life. Amelia's vision started to get hazy, and she collapsed into Peter's arms as they started lift from the ground.

Slowly fluttering open her eyes, she saw a crowd of people surrounding her. Talking to each other, but they all came out as murmurs to Amelia. She held her head as she slowly pushed herself off of the cold metal ground. When her vision became clear again, she wished she had never opened her eyes. People with spikes poking out of his head, blue skin and scales all stared at the young girl. Her breath hitched and she pushed herself away, a fast as she could. Until she hit a metal wall, Amelia heard the chuckles of the 'aliens' as they watched her try to escape and fail.

"Every one, back off! This ones mine!" She heard a mans voice shout, the crowd made an opening where a man walked through it. He was tall, with blue skin and a metal bar over his head.
"We wasn't supposed to pick up a girl, what shall we do with her boys?" The crowd erupted in cheers and yells, which frightened the small girl. Tears welled in her blues eyes, as her eyes scanned over the crowd.

"Calm down! Calm down! Ya know what? We could use her in the future, she's small could easily escape. Throw her in with the boy. Go!" The blue man shouted, as two of the aliens grabbed both of her arms. Pulling her from the ground, with ease. As much as Amelia wanted to fight, she couldn't. Her body was too tired and worn out from the day, she was mentally and physically exhausted. She started to wonder what was happening back at home; would her uncle be looking for her? How would he react? Her body was thrown into a small dark room, her arm bracing most of the impact. She sat up and took a deep breathe.

"Peter? Is that you?" She asked, standing up. Brushing her hands onto her trousers, she looked around the room. And saw her friend emerge from the shadows, smiling lightly.
"Yeah it's me. Where are we?"
"I don't know, but we'll get through it together. Anyway -- you always want an adventure."


Unedited -- 25.01.16

Sorry but I have to put this

I do not own the plot or characters, they belong to Marvel. I only own Amelia Shay and her story line.

Are you all excited for the book? Cause I am!!

- Laura

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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