Chapter 1

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I would just like to say this is my first book, so sorry if it's not great, but if you have any suggestions to make it better, please feel free to leave a comment. Anne Hathaway plays as Sophie. Hope you enjoy!
My brain hurts. I have tried so hard to figure out this answer and all I do is continue to get it wrong. Well I guess I'll be done for the day. Perfect timing, the bell rang and study period is over and finally, time for lunch.

Well you might be wondering who I am, it's not that important but my name is Sophie Maxwell and I'm 15 years old and a sophomore in high school. Let me tell you, high school sucks, no cute guys, just hard work. Everyone says it's the best four years of your life, well news flash, they're wrong. I'm on my way to my favorite time of day, lunch. I get to see my four best friends in the whole world, Mia, Luke, Ashton, and Mike. They are amazing.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I say walking up to our table with a huge smile on my face.

"The sky." Luke replies back with a smart tone in his voice.

"Haha, very funny. No, but seriously, what's been going on today?" I say.

Mia has a very big grin on her face. "Now that you mention it, I might have a date for homecoming!" Oh my gosh, I'm so excited for her, but the only thing is, we were supposed to be going together, and I guess she knew what I was thinking because of what she said next.

"I know we were supposed to be going as a big group with just us five, that's why I wanted to ask you first. What do you guys think?" She sounded so nervous, but I felt so happy for her, she finally had a guy crushing on her, I wouldn't want to be the reason she got upset, and besides, everyone was already congratulating her, so I might as well join in.

"Oh my gosh, you don't need to ask me twice, I'm so excited for you. So, who's the lucky guy?" As soon as I asked that her face flashed a nervous type of look and her eyes looked sad. "Why do you look like that?" I asked a little confused as everyone else around the table seemed to know what was going on, except for me.

Luke and Mia both started speaking at the same time but quickly cut each other off, "Well I didn't know how to-". Then Mia started talking, sounding a little nervous as she did so. "Today during study period, Luke came to talk to me and asked me to homecoming. He said he's liked me for 2 years as more than a friend, so I said yes."

I tensed a little at the last statement. Let me fill you in, Luke has had the biggest crush on me for as long as I can remember, he even asked me out last year. I kind of liked him back, guess I don't anymore. I felt a little part of me break inside, but I didn't show it, I was pretty good at hiding my emotions.

I guess the rest of the group noticed my silence because they were all staring at me, and all I could say was, "Oh, well that's great, at least we don't have to try and get along with new people." Wow, that made me sound stupid. I actually couldn't wait for lunch to be over.

~*Mia's POV*~

As soon as Sophie asked who the guy was I knew I couldn't lie to her, she could read me so well, and I'm sure right now my face said it all. So I decided to just tell her.

"Today during study period, Luke came to talk to me and asked me to homecoming. He said he's like me for two years as more than a friend, so I said yes."

As soon as I said that I saw her tense up and everyone stared at her. She was good at hiding her emotions, ever since last year, but I could tell she was hurt. All she could say was "Oh, well that's great, at least we don't have to try and get along with new people."

I didn't know that's what she would say, but that's better than what I thought. I'll call her later when we're alone and she if she's really ok. I was finally relived when I heard the lunch bell ring saying lunch was over, it felt tense.

~*Sophie's POV*~

I was in chemistry right now and couldn't focus on anything. How could two of my best friends do that to me, especially Mia, she knew how I felt about him, oh well, doesn't matter anymore. The bell finally rang for the end of the day and I rush to my locker so I didn't have to deal with any of my friends, unfortunately we all had lockers right next to each other , so they were already there chatting away until I walked up.

"What? You guys act like when I walk up you've never seen me before." I lean over to Luke, "Its not like I'm mad, you don't need to not talk to me." As soon as I said that to him it's like I saw him loosen up a bit, then he sent me a small smile which I returned. I already had my stuff so I was leaving right when Mia walked up. She tensed up, "Leaving already?" She asked kind of sounding sad.

"Yeah I have to catch the bus and I have homework to do. I'll talk to you later." Then I just walked off.

Once I got to bus holding, my bus got called, man I can never just take a break. So I went to the bus, but when I got there, there was someone sitting in my seat I've never seen before, so I told him "You're in my seat," it came out a little bit rude, but I didn't care, it's been a long day. Either way, he didn't looked fazed. In fact he just sat there, so I sat beside him.

"What are you doing?" He asked as I put my bag on the floor, his eyebrows creased in confusion and annoyance.

"Sitting in my seat," I said once again sounding bitter. But I didn't care. He just looked at me hard for a moment, then looked out the window.

Now that the bus was moving, I took a good look at him, he was definitely a bad boy. He had the stereo typical leather jacket on with a nice white v- neck shirt and black skinny jeans. But he was cute, I must say. He had dark brown hair that reaches his eyebrows but flips across his forehead, and has dark blue eyes. Once we finally reached my stop I stood up, but so did he.

"What are you doing?" We both asked at the same time, and we both said in a smart ass type tone "Getting off the bus." And that's when I remembered, a house was just sold. Great, now I had to put up with this hot douchebag living three houses away. So not my day.

"So what's your name anyway." he surprisingly asks but with a tone that says he really doesn't care.

"Why do you care?" I ask sounding like a complete bitch.

"Well we are pretty much neighbors after all." He said with a slight annoyance in his voice.

"Good point, Sophie Maxwell. What's yours?"

"Max Loree."

Wow. A Max, just like in my dreams. No, your not getting involved with this guy. "Well, see you later I guess." I said turning to my driveway.

"Yeah, only if I have to." he said to me. What a jerk. I just scoffed and walked inside. I'm not in the mood.

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