Hogwarts Arrival

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Mitchell's POV
With all my force and a steady mind, I ran head-first at the brick wall ahead of me, pushing my trolley in front of me. I closed my eyes just as I was about to make impact, and opened my eyes again once I was through. I felt no pain, and glanced at my surroundings. A scarlet train stood on the rails beneath it, billowing steam out of its engine. There was a brisk feeling in the air, and families hugged goodbye to each other, and pecked one another's cheeks.
I unloaded my trolley, and set it on the stone ground beside me. I couldn't believe I was going to a magical castle so far from home to learn wizardry. I hopped aboard the train alone, and strode down the narrow hallway, looking for an empty compartment. Soon enough, I found one and slid the door to it open. I stowed my trunk and owl cage on the rack above the seats and plopped down. I shut the door, and gazed out the window at the families. I smiled to myself, and then suddenly there was a crack on the door.
I turned around and saw a small girl standing behind it. She had a friendly face, and long ombré hair. She wore a maroon jumper and some jeans, and held her trunk in her hands. I stood up and slid the door open, allowing her inside.
"Thanks," she said in a bubbly voice as I helped her put her things up on the rack and slid the door shut. We both sat down in unison and she introduced herself. "I'm Bee, nice to meet you!" I noticed she had an Australian accent just like me. "I'm Mitchell, I'm starting my first year at Hogwarts." I said.
Bee nodded kindly and I could feel the train start to move and when I looked out the window I saw the train station vanishing before my eyes. As we turned the corner, all we could see was hills and land for miles.
"Are you from Australia as well?" Bee asked to break the silence. "Yeah, I live in Melbourne," I said, "How about you?"
"I'm from Melbourne as well! Although, I'm originally from New South Wales." she exclaimed.
We chatted for a while longer until the food trolley came. We bought a stack of cauldron cakes for the rest of the journey, and we really got to know each other. Eventually it was getting dark out and the train would be stopping soon. Bee left the compartment to get changed into her black robes, and I stayed and got changed into mine. She came back soon, and we both gasped when the magnificent castle came into view.

Bee's POV
My face was pressed to the glass of the window as I gazed out of it into the darkness, trying to get a glimpse of Hogwarts. There were huge cliffs and mountains around so it was quite hard to get a good look. Then I saw a massive castle and I must have looked pretty stupid as my jaw fell.
Its gleaming windows shone with golden light, illuminating the already moon-lit lake. Thick towering trees surrounded the grounds and a large whooping tree with crazy branches swinging madly stood alone on a patch of land.
The train came to a stop and the sounds of shuffling feet could be heard from each compartment. Doors slid open and people came out and walked from the train.
I hopped off and onto the stone platform cautiously, when I heard a croaked voice calling out. "First years this way!" He called, gesturing his hands towards him. A large crowd of small wizards and witches in long black robes, including myself, approached the man. I stayed close to Mitchell, who was a bit taller than the rest.
"I'm Professor Trelawney!" the man said. He wore a pointed emerald wizard's hat upon his head which was slightly askew from the strong winds. He had on long gray robes and an emerald cloak which billowed behind him. He was stout and had a small face. His blonde hair was graying beneath his hat."We'll be taking the boats to cross the lake! It's the traditional way for first years to make it to the castle! This way!"
I shivered as a cold breeze blew into my robes as I shuffled along with the rest of the crowd. Mitchell was still next to me, and noticed me looking up at him. He smiled down at me, and I returned with one of my own.
We reached the boats and each one fit three people. Mitchell and I slipped into one particularly looking old boat and were accompanied by a female who had chipmunk cheeks and wavy brown hair. Gasps filled the air as the boats suddenly moved enchantedly, and glided across the shimmering dark water.

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