Chapter 1: The beginning

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My life was average and boring. I woke up, sat in traffic, and then sat at a desk. It was the same boring thing every day. I worked at a large cooperate building in the city and basically just filed paperwork everyday. It's totally what I looked forward to when I graduated college (note my sarcasm). I didn't really talk to anyone at work, besides the useless chit-chat and small talk. I had an office mate, but he never said a word. It was usually just "Hey Key how's work going? Did you get that assignment done? Did you hear about so and so?" I usually tried to reply in quick short answers so they would get the hint, but some people just loved to talk.

Sometimes I wake up and get the big idea that maybe I should change my life. Y'know do something with it. Something that has meaning too it, but it never really happens. I mean I'm still young I could do it. You can still change your life around at 25 right?
I sigh loudly. My alarm goes off and I am welcomed to the dank darkness of my bedroom. I look at the time, 5:30 am. I sigh even louder.
I pull myself out of my slumber and get out of bed, turning my light on as I make my way to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had messed up bed hair, that was sticking up in every possible direction, and groggy eyes. I looked like shit. I shrugged my shoulders. Who cares?

I ran a hand through my hair and proceeded to do my usual morning routine. Once finished I decided on something to wear. If it were up to me I'd just wear sweatpants and a t-shirt to work, but it was a "professional place" and I didn't want to lose my source of income.

I opened my closet and chose a simple long sleeved light blue button down, a darker blue tie and some khaki pants. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked decent.

I grabbed my tan cross-body bag and slung it on my shoulder as I pulled on my shoes. Making sure to get my keys (I literally forgot them the other day).

"Goodbye my humble abode. See you in a few." I sounded to the empty apartment. I locked my door and headed to the parking garage. Luckily my place wasn't far from the elevator so it wasn't a long walk down the hallway. I pressed the down button and waited for the elevator silently. I heard the familiar ding that signaled its arrival and stepped inside. Just as the doors started closing I heard a voice.
"Hold the door!!! Hold the door please!!"
I reached my arm out just before the doors were about to close. A girl rounded the corner with a large bag slung on her shoulder. She had her hair loose in natural curls that reached her shoulders and her chocolate skin complexion showed a sheen of sweat.

"Thank you *breath* so *breath* much. " she said trying her best to smile at me as she bent over trying to catch her breath.
"No problem." I said eying her. She had on a black halter top and some jean shorts that hugged her hips and thighs. Her hair was a dark brown, almost black, and had grey/silver highlights to it. She clutched her large bag in her left hand that hung over her shoulder and smiled at me as she noticed my staring.

"Where are you going this early in the morning?" She asked with wide eyes. They were a dark brown, but were big and held an almost childish aura.
"I could ask you the same thing," I said. She pouted.
"Fair enough," she then crossed her arms and kept the pouty face.
"How old are you?" I asked her. Confused at her behavior.
"Veinte tres,"
"I'm sorry, what?"
"¿No comprendes español señor?"
"What are you saying? I don't speak Spanish."
She giggled at my slight frustration. I was so absorbed in our conversation that I didn't realize the doors had opened. She stepped out of the elevator and waved at me. "23, dude. I'm 23."
I crossed my eyebrows at her and shook my head as the elevator doors closed. What a weird girl. I looked at the monitor that signified what floor you were on. I gasped. "Floor B1?!" That was the parking garage for the stupid rich people. All that was there were luxury cars, security cameras and guards everywhere. She was stinkin' rich.
I pinched the bridge of my nose as the elevator descended to the "commoners" garage level. She didn't even look rich. More like an immature little kid. Maybe that was the secret to success or she just had all of daddy's money.
"Good morning Key." Susan, the old lady who worked the front desk, sounded.
I smiled and waved at her just out of being polite. She smiled back warmly, satisfied with my greeting. I passed by the large front desk and headed to the elevators a few feet back from it. I hopped on the elevator filed with a couple people and stared out the clear back that gave a clear view of the large buildings entrance.

There was a nice marble floor,women and men in their best business attire, couches and chairs off to the side, and some useless decorations placed about the room. Don't get me wrong it was a huge room and it could probably house hundreds, but it all didn't seem exciting to me or interesting.

I got off on my floor and made my way to the break room for some coffee. There were a few people in here just talking to each other. They didn't even acknowledge me when I walked in. Well it's not like I was going to talk to them either.

I proceeded to make my coffee and head out of the room. I walked down the hallway and into the large workroom that housed the many cubicles on this floor. It was a fairly large room and I'd say there's about 50 or more cubicles here. I walked to mine and placed my things down. 

I took a seat in the large rolling chair and turned on my computer. "Morning," My office -or should I say cubicle- mate mumbled. "Morning," I said back. This was usually the only thing he said to me. He was a tall pale man with dark brown short hair and dull brown eyes that held dark circles underneath them. He always looked so tired and defeated. He took his seat and sighed loudly while doing so. It was like the movements pained him. He was a bit older, maybe he was running into health problems. I wouldn't press the issue. 

I logged into my computer and checked my emails. There was one from my boss that said there would be people here today testing for fire hazards. Weird, they already came once this year, why are they coming again? Maybe the rules had changed. I shrugged it off, it really didn't effect me either way.


12:30, it was time for lunch. The building had a little store where you could buy snacks and food for lunch or whatever. I would head there after using the bathroom. I got up from my desk and started for the door that was a semi-lengthy walk. As I neared the door I passed a woman in an unfamiliar uniform. I guess she was one of the fire inspectors. She politely smiled at me and her wide eyes looked somewhat familiar to me, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I smiled back and kept going.

After my break I walked back to the cubicle with my lunch in hand. I had just sat down at my desk when the lights shut off. "What the-" BANG BANG BANG

I ducked and covered my head at the sound of the gun shots. I had almost hit my head on the desk. What the hell was going on? The emergency back-up lights flashed on and the room had become dimly lit. I removed my hands from my head and looked up slightly, not sure what to do. I heard crying coming from behind me and I turned around to see my office mate with tears down his face. "Hey man don't worry, it'll be ok. We don't even know what's going on yet. Try to calm down." I whispered. Trying to sound a sincere as possible. He shook his head and cried some more. "They- they're coming to get me."

"Who is they? What do you mean?" I said harshly. He covered his face in his hands and sobbed some more. He looked even worse than this morning. I got down from my chair and crouched on the floor, looking for anyone who was maybe walking through the isles. I heard a scream from behind me. 

I turned around to see the fire inspector from earlier hovering over his body. "Hey," I shouted, lunging at her. She elbowed me in the gut and I bent over in pain. She grabbed him and started to drag his body. I got up and lunged at her again. She tried to elbow me again, but instead I grabbed her arm, held it against her back and then wrapped my arm around her neck, turning it into an awkward headlock. She struggled against me and next thing I knew she had flipped me over herself and I was lying flat on my back. I saw my office mate try to crawl away. She reached into her pants waistband and pulled out a gun. My eyes widened at the sight of it and I rushed at her. She grabbed me by my head, kicked her leg out and used my momentum to roll us over. I landed on my back again and she was straddling me. She had the fiercest look in her eyes and her curly hair was wildly splayed across her head. She turned her attention from me to him. She aimed her gun at him and fired. It was a straight head shot. She smiled and pumped her fist. I was horrified. 

She looked back at me and realization hit me. The wide childlike eyes, the curly hair and distinct highlights. "Y-you're the girl from the elevator." I said pointing at her. She crossed her eyebrows at me and then her eyes widened in shock. Next thing I knew I had a fist to the head and the room went dark.



This was an idea I had in my head for a while and I just needed to write it down. I see this story having some potential and I can't wait to see what I'm going to do with it. Besides that make sure to vote and comment. 

(Picture of Key ^^^)

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