Chapter 8: Won't let go

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*Next Morning*


I woke up, pain down at my legs I turn my head and I see Andreas's handsome face. His rugged jawline with his perfect lips. I was tempted to kiss them. They were just beautiful. He opened his eyes and they met mine. My face fell into a blush. He smiled so sweetly I thought I was watching a happy baby.

We stayed like that for a while, facing each other, staring into each other's souls. Nothing felt real, I felt him pull me towards him slowly. My heart rate increased as I reached his chest. His toned, muscular body with his gentle caressing my body. One of hands grabbed my ass. We were about to share a kiss. A kiss with no alcohol intoxicating us.

*Ring, ring*

His phone rang. The look in his eyes changed to one so serious you'd think he never smiled a day in his life. He let go of me, sitting up straight. He answered his phone. "Franky, everything alright?"

His voice was so cold. Colder than its ever been. Seconds later his expression was neutral. "I'll be there soon" he said as he got out of bed.
He got in the shower. Completely ignoring my presence. No , good morning or hey. I crossed my arms. His t-shirt covering me. I pouted. What was said on that call.

I began going through my phone. No messages or calls. Was my life really that controlled. He stepped out the shower. "I'm going back home, you'll stay here with your grandfather and Mr Sanchez." He was dressed in an all black semi-casual suit. He began packing his clothes.

"What do you mean. I'm not staying with men I just met" I protested. I hoped out of bed and grabbed some pants
"You're staying here" his voice cold and commanding. But I've never let fear dictate my life. "I'm coming with you, whether you like it or not." I was starting to get pissed until I felt his hands wrap around my waist. I turned red and looked at him. He kissed me. His tongue exploring mine.

We parted to take a breather. The both of us panting. He spoke." You can't come with me. Not this time anyway."
He let go of me and grabbed a small vile. He drank it. I felt myself becoming dizzy. I stumbled my way to him. He caught me before I fell.

"I'm sorry Ava, you can't come with me. Where I'm going...............
I can't guarantee your safety............
He killed Tim
I I ca................"

I barely heard what he said. My vision blurred. I blacked out.

I came to. I was tucked in bed. A black rose sitting on the drawer with a letter next to it. The black rose symbolises death, revenge. I had a sick feeling in my stomach. I ran to the bathroom and vomited. When I came there was my breakfast on the bed with a fresh bag of clothes.
I sat down on the bed and opened the letter while a slice of bread in my mouth.


If you're ready this, then I'm already gone. I'm going back to finish what I started. He killed Tim.

My heart dropped as I read this line. Tim was gone. He was an amazing person. Flirty nerd often made jokes around Andreas. Now he was gone. Franky was all Andreas had left now.

I know you want to come to his funeral service but I can't guarantee your safety. As much as I don't trust the Bamboka, my father trusted them. So I'm going to place my faith in his faith.

I'm not sorry I drugged you. You wouldn't have listened to me had I told you.  So I'll make it up to to you.

I got up and ran out my room. Tears on the verge. Franky grabbed me. He held me and wouldn't let go as I tried pushing his hands of me.

"LET GO OF ME. YOU SHOULD BE THERE WITH ANDREAS." I was fighting and kicking. Trying to get him to let go.

"Mr Sanchez ordered me to protect you. Even if he doesn't make it back." He said this with all seriousness and no emotion. Sobbing, my  heart hurt from his words. Tears running down.

" How could you accept such an order, how could you just not care for him......" I was beating on his chest. "What if he dies, what if he gets hurt............"

"Then it is what it is" my eyes widened at his response. How heartless can these men be. I ran up to my room. I grabbed the letter and read it again. My eyes watery I saw a small piece of detail I had missed.

Ava, Franky is going to watch over you while I'm gone. I'm going to be awhile. That snake LaRosa has to die. He tried to hurt you and kill my right hand man. He has to pay.

"Ava, Andreas has business to finish off before he can sign the Judas Contract. I know you don't want to hear this right now..........." I cut my grandfather off.


"it's not my place or my war. You'll understand when you're calm.
I almost threw something at him. I dried my tears and went back into my room.

Franky knocked on my door. "Ava, can I come in" I didn't answer. I walked over to lock the door. He obeyed an order than could spell Andreas' death.

I went to the shower. The warm water moving all over me.  It reminded me of the way he touched me all over my body. The marks of love he left on me sting like a needle is poking into me. As the water touches my clit, it made me moan. His touch, the way he kissed me down there. The way his tongue explored my insides was like a beast looking for food.
He ate me like he was waiting for me his entire life.

I stepped out the shower, and I noticed something in the black rose. A little paper.

I opened it and it said

Ava, I won't let go.

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