Chapter Thirty-Seven

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She laughed in an evil and menacing voice and she laughed.

"You wouldn't dare"

I ran up to her car, wrapped my hands around the car door handle and pulled it open. I hopped in and it made a thud as I got inside of the car, I shut it behind me, it made a loud thud. Inside of the back stood Jing, she was looking at me with a smile.

"Your the other number"

I looked at her with a smile on my face, she nodded at me in response with her sweet Jing smile.

"Whos the other number"

"Oh it's Jazmine, don't ask how but apparently she found out about Nova"

Jing shrugged her shoulders at me and explained to me what happened. Of course Jazmine knows, why wouldn't she after the whole her boss dying thing, or the fact that they let Jing know.


I stood in front of the mirror in my party outfit, I looked good for my birthday party, no good doesn't even begin to describe how good I look. A light knock on the door caught my attention to it,

"Come in"
Dallas opened the door with a smile on her face. She walked in and shut it behind her,

"You look beautiful"

She smiled at me, I had to admit.. I can get used to having a sister, and the whole Richard thing, this whole new life isn't so bad.

"But i have something that could complete your outfit"

She pulled out a black velvet box with a bow on it and handed it to me. I looked down at it, and smiled at it for a few seconds before I finally opened it. They were really expensive diamonds.

"Dallas, are these real?"

"Dont worry about it, i have a lot of money in my savings"

I smiled back at her as I stared at her in the mirror as she watched me. I turned around to face her with the same smile,

"Dallas, do you wanna come with me tonight?"

"I couldn't possible intrude on your birthday"

I looked at her

"Please Dallas, i want you to be their"

Her smile grew even bigger than it was before.

"I'll be ready in twenty"

She said in a happy tone as she left. I laughed and smiled at her when she was already gone. I looked down at the box with the earrings in my hands, they were so beautiful. I grabbed the earrings with my free hands and I began to put it into my left ear in front of the body mirror. After I put the right earring into my ears, I looked at myself and admired how beautiful I looked with the earrings. I missed my mom, i really wish she was here with me right now, if she was she would probably say

Honey, go lose your virginity, and then proceed to laugh at me. I sat for a little longer until Dallas came back into my bedroom looking gorgeous. I smiled at her.


She laughed at me,

"Come on, you driving"

I joked to her

"You don't have a license"

Dallas responded to me joking the same way I did. We began to leave my room and walk downstairs with the sound of us heading down the stairs. The living room was empty thank god. Dallas opened the door for me, the second we walked outside it was cold, breezy even thank god that its a house party. Dallas unlocked her white Porsche, god I loved this family. I walked to her car and wrapped my fingers around the car door and pulled it open the second it was unlocked. We both got into her car and hopped in.

"What's the location"

"7342 w nather st"

She started her car and began to drive after she put it into the navigation system. As she turned her car on the engine made a beautiful muscle car sound. I grabbed my buckle thing and clicked it into the buckle as she drove to the party. After a few more minutes we finally arrived. There were so many people this place was crowded, drunk people were singing and groping each other out here, loud music was playing, it was the definition of a fire party. Dallas turned into the parking lot and we both got out of the car, she looked at me and smiled

"My first highschool party at a different high school, nice"
She smiled as we began to walk to the front door that was already open. There were drunk people making out with tongues on the counter. We were at Abby's house so it was huge, I grabbed onto Dallas hands so i dont lose her and we slowly made our way through the sweaty hormonal and drunk teenagers until we finally found the kitchen. Dilllan and Ben were making out in the corner of the kitchen in between a fridge and the counter, Dillan was in his football jersey. I let go of Dallas' hand once we finally hit the kitchen of the house. There were so many silicone cups everywhere, some with stuff in it, others empty.

"Dont suck his face off"

I laughed messing with Ben, he turned around with a huge smile on his face after he saw me

"Ahh.. Aurora"

He pulled me in for a big welcoming and warm hug,

"Hi Olora"

Dillan said as I pulled him for a hug.

"Whos the hit girl"

Dillan picked up his silicone cup with alcohol i'm assuming and he took another sip parching his thirst,

"That's my babysitter Dallas, also shes a minor"

I patted his shoulder, he made a face and looked at me

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