✦ { Nir } Broken Promises

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Reviewer: @nkvenus7878

Client: @wordenchanter

💖 Cover Page: 3/5

The cover page for the book “Broken Promises” does incredibly feature the central character of the story, Priya, alongwith the shattered glass representing the meaning of the title, however, the cover could certainly be made better.

Reason being, this particular cover gives more of either action or fantasy vibes, neither of which are a major part of the story. Something like a scenic but dark view of school or something similar to friendship would truly suit as a cover! Also, the name or the pen name of the author is more of a prerequisite on any cover page which hasn't been mentioned for this book.

💖 Title: 5/5

The title “Broken Promises” perfectly matches with the theme and events of the story, considering how Prithvi’s words were fake towards Priya. The title has been wonderfully chosen!

💖 Blurb: 4.5/5

The blurb immediately gives complete idea of what the story is going to be about, helping the readers to connect and get hooked immediately.

However, as we say, nothing is perfect hence although the blurb is well written there's still room for betterment!

💖 Characters: 8/10

The emotions of characters, their internal emotions, their relationships with one another as well as their struggles have been well addressed. These indeed help the readers to connect with the characters at another level!

But, several characters lack a good personality description. Moreover, their appearance and way of dressing has rarely been addressed either. A bit more focus in that area would certainly be worthwhile.

💖 Vocabulary: 3.4/5

Unfortunately the vocabulary of the story is not satisfactory. It may appear on the surface that not much thinking or research has been done before incorporating the words.

In several places, there may be incorrect usage of words or a much better word could be used. In several other areas, a better sentence formation is required. Several spelling errors have also been noticed. Focusing on these areas with proper editing would surely help the readers to stay entertained!

💖 Grammar: 3.8/5

Alike the vocabulary, the grammar too requires some extent of attention. In most places it's well enough and satisfactory but sometimes, here and there, there seem to be several grammatical errors. Moreover proper division of paragraphs is another concern which needs to be addressed.

💖 Enjoyment: 5/5

Ultimately, the sole reason as to why any reader reads a book is for their entertainment and their enjoyment.

“Broken Promises” has indeed taken care of that part. The emotional scenes, the sarcastic ones, the heartbreaking scenes as well as the bullying ones, all of them hook the readers intensely for what's going to happen next, making the book worth a read!

💖 Plot: 8/10

The plotting for the story “Broken Promises” has been done really well with an amazing flow of the storyline and a good description about the occurence of each event. The emotions of the characters add a tinge of excitement to it making the plotting next to perfect.

Nevertheless, there still are several places that do require improvement. Not a proper division of paragraphs, little description of the world, errors in italics are the probable mistakes that need to be resolved, hence making the story more appealing!

🎉 Total: 40.7/50

🎉 Percent: 81.4 %

🎉 Overall Review:

Ultimately it can be said that the story indeed has the potential to reach another level of beauty. The most attractive feature of the book is the manner in which everything has been set, with the flashbacks and the occurrence of events, it truly hooks the readers intensely with the book.

However, as mentioned, there are several places that can be improved. Especially the beginning chapters since always the first impression is the last. The cover page can also be improved for more attraction!

Nevertheless, every book requires some sort of improvement. No book is ever perfect. But if you keep grinding and putting in the efforts, the book “Broken Promises” may certainly outshine the others!

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