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I snuck some bacon and eggs on a small plate before going back upstairs to my room. Joel stayed behind to clean up the mess from the tree. I don't know what Deon's doing but his door is closed and I could hear something falling over, like a lamp or something, him cursing underneath his breath because of it.

Eating quickly, I dove back into my work, wanting to make up for the distraction earlier, but the Internet connection was even more spotty than before. It was like trying to pull a car uphill with a torn piece of string. Agitation grows on my face as I pace around my room, looking for a better signal but nothing is working for me. My phone ringing distracts me from my frustration.

"Yeah, Kayla?" I answer, already knowing why she's called.

"Girl, what happened? I was waiting for you to sign off on those documents."

I sighed, throwing myself down against my pillows. I closed the laptop, and rolled over to my stomach. "Yeah, the storm out here is keeping me from getting anything done."

"Oh, so you weren't playing when you said it rains nonstop there."

"Yup. Been like this since I was a kid." I say, "It's even worse now, feels like a typhoon or something. I was just outside— er, we were outside... talking, smoking and then a tree crashed down in front of us. It's just... it's a mess here, Kayla."

"Oh, fuck! Are you okay?" She shrieked.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Deon managed to pull me away from it in time." I replied, rubbing my temples in frustration.

"Oh? Deon, huh? Kayla's teasing voice rang in my ear.

I groaned internally but managed to keep my tone steady because I didn't want to give her any more reasons to rub whatever this was in my face. "Yes, Kayla."

"I see. And how is that going? I remember the fight that you two had earlier." I couldn't fight against rolling my eyes, even though she couldn't see me. My door was wide open so I kept my next words low.

"It's complicated, okay? I don't even know anymore. And yes, he's infuriating and annoying, for the most part. But for a split second, when he pulled me out of the way earlier, I don't know it felt like he was actually looking out for my well-being."

"Okay so maybe he's not a complete asshole. Maybe he does care, Keyser. You wouldn't believe it but people do change. And you're not the same person you were back then either." She replied with a gentle tone.

"I know, I know," I grumbled, rubbing my forehead. "But it's just hard to trust... them, you know? After everything they've done to me, how can I forgive what I can't forget?" And when I finished my statement, I felt a presence nearby, from the hallway. Deon stood there, his face unreadable. Did he hear me? My heart raced as Kayla's rambles on. Deon was quiet but his eyes scan me from top to bottom. His gaze was heavy and for a second, I felt naked under his intense glare.

"Hey, I gotta go Kayla. Just approve and sign those documents for me. We'll talk later." I whispered, cutting her mid-sentence, and hung up. Then I sat up, turning to face him. "Yeah?"

He stared at me for a moment longer before his gaze fell to the floor. "Nothing," he murmurs as he looks down, then turns away to retreat to his room, leaving me alone with my intrusive thoughts.

The way Kayla was hinting at Deon and I was like she was suggesting that we could have... something. But that was ridiculous. This was Deon. Like, was she not listening to any of the fucked up memories I shared with her? And yet, as I sat there in my room, listening to the intense downpour outside, I found myself thinking more and more about him.

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