Chapter 2 the forest

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Disclaimer when it says their name like this
(Name) that means they are talking when it says their name with a pov that's them talking mentally example (name pov) anyway tho enjoy your read

(1 hour later)
"Man, how long is this forest we've have been traveling for over an hour now.
"We still have another hour to go Zack so just deal with it.
"But I'm hungry man don't you have sympathy for me?
"Didn't we just eat food when we left my pub there is no way you are hungry.
"Zack aren't you a skeleton I still question how you get hungry
"To be honest I don't myself man I just have the urge to eat something.
"Umm alright, anyway tho Immy don't you have food in the backpack that you brought
"Yeah I did but we are saving that for when we are all hungry, but for now I can give you guys some food if you want it that bad
"Thank goodness I can eat.
"Zack you really have to eat right now, welp can't do much about it now.
(Sylvester's pov)
"Was tagging along with this group really worth it, it seems like they will not survive out here without each other's help, I've been through this forest multiple times, yet they are taking the longest route to the end of this forest, well guess I gotta deal with them doing dumb stuff now.
"Thanks for the food Immy, I will save mine for later, I'll put it in my back pack.
"How long has it been since a group of people wandered into this forest, I need to eat they like look they have food I'm so hungry right now it's been days since the last group passed these parts.
"We watch as the person's eye color shifts from red to blue."
"Guys I think something is wrong.
Dude are you sure, I don't feel anything right now.
"I'm positive I can control nature and I feel everything around us someone is near us, we need to watch what we do next cause it could determine how this person acts.
(Immys pov)
"As we are walking I feel tense something is wrong in this forest but I can't put my finger on it than Luke said." "Guys get back. "I move to the back where to my left Zack is and he looks confused while on my right I see Carlos has his hand on his katana ready to unsheathe it at a moment's notice than from the forest emerges a man who was wearing armor and was wearing a hat he takes it off Than the man says."Can you please hand over that skeleton he has a bounty that I can make a lot of money from and I would rather not fight you guys over him I will be rewarded if I capture you, Zack, by the king of dusk-wood so all you need to know is I'm here to capture you and seems like you guys know Zack so I'm going to have to fight you guys, well good thing my magic is versatile. "He releases gas I move back cause it's deadly and if I try to absorb it I will get poisoned and if I do will die
everybody steps back as he goes back into the gas he released and now we have to deal with this then luke says. "guys we need to split up to surround him while Zack you make a break for it we will find you, we are just gonna have trouble fighting this guy if he stays on Zack, then we have to get him off him to stay on one of us, so for now, we all split up good luck everybody. "I continue running around till I'm in a random part of the forest I can't hear anybody which means I must've run off pretty far from everybody else than I hear the man say. "Wow so I got stuck with the Faun man let's hope you have some good magic abilities to go against me cause you will lose no matter how hard you try it doesn't matter how strong you are my gas will overpower you. "We'll see about that even tho I may seem weak it doesn't mean I can't still beat you.
(Zack pov)
"Phew I lost that guy he is gonna be a pain for whoever runs into him, good thing is that my satchel that has my food and money is still looking good.
(??? Pov)
"I see a skeleton with a satchel maybe he has food that I can eat and I can go searching for my big sister after I finish eating.
(Zack pov)
"Alright let's sit under this tree and relax since I need a break, then I hear a branch break. "I turned around and saw my satchel had disappeared how did I not notice that?
(??? pov)
"Finally I Can eat food after I finish eating a little bit of the burrito I had it felt nice to eat it, it felt nostalgic for some reason well now I can go looking for her.
(Zack pov)
"Ummm lady can you please give me back my satchel it has my money, "from what I see she is a Tiefling  she has blue horns, and she is wearing a scarf, but it looks dirty and bloody."
(??? POV)
"I hear the person say something, but I'm too busy eating the food, that the skeleton had for some reason.
"So are you gonna finish eating my food, and please just give me back my money, please?
"(Gulp) No I need this money to be able to buy food and find somewhere to sleep and find my big sister.
"I want to help you but I can't let you have the money I just got so I'm sorry but I need my money back.
"You asked for it.
(Zack pov)
"As I'm approaching her I see something in her hand it looks like a flail or something of the sort, I see her throw the chain at me, I dodge it with my speed but she is quick
"Why are you so fast
"For crying out loud I'm a skeleton I have no body weight to me.
"True but you are quicker than you should be, you were definitely an assassin or something of that sort aren't you
"I guess you could say that.
But if I had to guess you had people that helped you in your job, if so I give you condolences cause they have definitely passed after some time.
"I struck a nerve, didn't I?
"Oh no you did but I appreciate your condolences.
(??? POV)
"I watch as he appears in front of me at speeds I can't track with my eye I watch as a bunch of rocks are being thrown at me, I proceed to dodge them but they are gonna be deadly if I get hit with one so for now I just dodged them, I watch as a tree comes out of nowhere seems like this he can pick up items and can also throw them not much to go off of but I can use this against him well let's hope this state I go into doesn't lose to this skeleton.
"We watch as the person's eye color shifts from blue to red.
(Zack pov)
"Where did she go, after I threw the tree she disappeared this can be trouble if I can't find her
Well at least I can fly to get a better view of the area
As I'm about to fly I see the tiefling appear as her chain wraps around my bones and it get my fingers stuck as she gets my stuck to a tree with her weapon, I'm able to use my 2 fingers to throw her weapon back at her and I break out but she is definitely not going easy anymore from the looks of it, I use my telekinesis to grab a few trees and throw them at her but she dodged them and she cuts the last one in half so what else can I do, wait what if I alright let's test this I use my telekinesis to fly myself in the air but this time I look for small rocks to throw along with the trees I'm constantly throwing them at her, but she keeps dodging them than I had an idea I condensed the wood in the tree and turned it into spikes I threw them at her she took a few hits but I was gonna need a weapon at least a makeshift one so I need some stone, I pull some of the stone from the ground and turn it into a sword while I grab my dagger I charge at her while holding the sword one handed while the other hand was controlling the dagger I parry some of her attacks I see her chain coming from a Different angle I add 3 more fingers to my telekinesis to move some stone and turn it into a shield as it tanks most of the damage I still feel some of it, hit me but I can take less overall damage I use my other hand to grab my dagger again as I'm fighting her I realize that she is attacking kinda mindlessly she doesn't have a rhythm when attacking that's gonna be a issue, I watch as she throws her weapon at me I dodged it but as I look at her she disappeared where did she go I heard something than I turn around and than the chain of the weapon hits me and pins me to the tree but my hands are currently locked so I can't move them I really just got locked in place.
"We Watch and this person's eye shifts from red to blue.
(??? POV)
(Breath) "damn It my body hurts I won but I can barely move this sucks.
"Yo anybody here I heard some noise I came to see who it is .
"It's me man, can you help me so we can beat that Tiefling she was tough, she took almost all of my magic to beat.
"Yeah sure but she looks pretty tired as well so I don't know man we might not need to fight her.
(??? POV)
"I need to get out of here as soon as possible, but I can't move.
"Where do you think you're going, you could get some rest you look tired as hell.
"Carlos what are you doing man she almost beat me man she is dangerous you are making a bad choice here man.
"Zack I can't stand to see people who look like they have been through a lot of problems, and she doesn't give off the same vibe as the guy we ran into so we can trust my gut, also look at her man she looks like she has been struggling to survive out here, but aside from that hey what's your name?
"Yes you
"The name is Paula.
"Well Paula here take my food, I don't need it you look like you need it more than me.
(Paula pov)
"Maybe I can get help from this guy and the skeleton, they could help me find my big sister, but for now I should probably fix myself up first, since for one I'm still very hungry, after I finish eating the burrito it was so good I feel so refreshed when it come to eating but I still feel very tired.
"Alright cool, you got to know her, now can you help me get these chains off of me?
"Oh yeah sorry about that.
"Alright cool I still don't understand why you helped her but after your reasons, I will trust your gut on this one but if it messes up that's your problem.
"We watch as Zack leaves the area, we watch as Carlos and Paula have a conversation.
"So why did you help me, Carlos.
"Cause I can see the suffering you went through you in this forest and you looked like you needed help.
"yea it's been a struggle but I have one thing that's keeping me going and that's finding my big sister.
"Sorry for what you been through, but we can help you find your sister if you need us to help you.
"Thanks, Carlos.
"No problem I like to help people out.
"We cut back to immy fighting the villain she was engaging in
"Dammit he is annoying, anytime I get near him he goes back into his gas I need to do something to get into the gas without breathing it in, wait what if that could work I grab something from my backpack, it's a mask I put it on, I can only see from the holes that the mask has, I'm gonna use the smallest parts of magic in the gas that isn't deadly and turn that into the air then I can get passed it, the mask is so I have an easier time breathing in the normal air since the mask covers my nose from most of the gas, I charge into the gas it's a lot darker in here I can breathe but it still difficult to do so.
"Well welcome to my territory let's see how long you last.
"I can hear you.
(Immy pov)
"I watch as he runs but I can barely see him I feel something punch me in the back, I immediately turn around but nothing is there and then he does it again it's difficult to see I hear something I turn around I block the attack he is aiming for the mask I'm wearing, this could be bad I need something I pull out some scrolls I release some of Luke's magic and I watch some of the trees try to tangle him but he avoids it so I make a shield out of my magic as it blocks his attack but then he appears behind me so I dodged to the best of my ability than I look around while still containing my magic as I turn the gas into the air for me to continue breathing but he was gonna be annoying till I thought of something I pulled out a scroll while I made a run for the literally of the gas circle and pulled it out I found it was scroll I got from Zack but he didn't put much magic into it so, for now, I hope this works
"Zack, can you do something before we leave?
"Huh oh yeah what you need?
"I like putting other people's magic in scrolls so I can use them in battle you think you could lend me some of your telekinesis for if I get into a battle?
"Sure but I will only put a little bit since currently I'm low on energy right now.
"Ok, cool thanks, Zack.
(Flashback over)
"Wait where's this isn't Zack's this is just some a random scroll
"Oh, you mean this one.
(Immy pov)
"Crap he got it he must've gotten it from my poach when I was blocking his attacks, and he also must've put the fake one in their so i wouldn't notice that's the only way I can beat him and I just used Luke's scroll which was already almost out of magic, to begin with, I need to get it back but how, wait what if I make an attack out of pure magic and throw it, as I was making one it took a lot of energy but it did as I hoped it made a space without the gas and can't be affected by it, I run back inside the gas cloud and run into the magic bubble and catch some more air which was reliving since now I can better formulate a plan so if I use pure a magic ball again I can have an easier time figuring out where he is in the gas, but he could create more so I gotta go fight him to get that scroll alright I get ready to charge in as I'm about to I noticed something inside this pure magic circle he can't see me but I see him I now have the advantage over him this could be good I get ready to charge at him.
"Where are you, you little pest once I kill you I'll get that money from that skeleton friend of yours.
"No one my watch.
"I got you.
(Immy pov)
"Right as I'm about to hit him he appears in front of me and immediately punched me I took The scroll before he noticed it was gone, but there was an issue he broke the mask and I felt some of the gas getting into my air stream so I gotta finish this so I open the scroll and now I gotta figure out how Zack uses this
"Wait how did you get the scroll without me knowing, well now it looks like I gotta deal with another magic ability now.
(Immy pov)
"I watch as he moves around really quickly I look around for him but I get punched in the back I keep looking around but then I see him I use the telekinesis to throw trees at him one of them hits him but he looks a little bit injured is all it did I need something heavier, he is still moving so I turn the wood into spikes and throw them at him, but he dodged them I pull out a chunk of rock in the floor and throw it at him he dodged it but he looks like he is struggling to dodge it so I throw a few more he gets hit with one he looks pretty injured but than it happened.
(Coughing) (bloods comes out)
"Finally my poisonous gas is taking effect on you well I already won this battle, I knew you would lose but hey at least you put up a decent fight.
(Immy pov)
"Damn it the gas got in my system, I need to get up but my body won't move, I'm still coughing out blood I'm started feeling dizzy cause of the amount of blood I lost, I can't move my hands this is bad I need to think of something wait what if, if I can move my hand even for a second I can throw the boulder at myself to push me back into the magic circle but I gotta hurry since I'm starting to black out.
(Villain pov)
"Phew she is gonna pass out soon that's good, it's over for her, for now, I can relax since I need to have the energy to fight the skeleton but that will still be annoying still since I need to wait for my energy to recharge, wait a second why do I hear something being picked up I see a boulder behind me I dodged it, it's a good thing I dodged that she used her remaining energy to hit me but it failed,I watch as the boulder hits her that's gonna leave a mark I see her go flying till I realized she pushed herself back into the magic circle crap if she can heal herself I'm done for since I can't see her in the circle but I have to get inside it, well looks like I will have to brute force my way inside.
(Immy pov)
(Sigh) "I feel better now I can breathe normally but there is still a lot of poison gas in my system but I won't be able to heal if this guy is still up and fighting I need to knock him out, I see him charging at me so I get up. Use some of Zack's magic as I pull a boulder and it hits him directly with it he is on the floor ok now I can relax.
"Haha, I finally got inside your magic bubble well now I can kill you.
(Immy pov)
"Crap he got inside my magic bubble but how, wait he must've done what I did to get inside he let me hit him so when my magic circle felt my power I was using it let him inside, well now this is another issue I gotta deal it, I guess I gotta fight him now without magic since used it all a few minutes ago, I still have some but it needs time to used.
"Finally I can kill you and get this over with hahaha.
(Immy pov)
"I punch him in the face and he says "Nice hit but let me show you how you hit". I got punched right in the face and I felt the pain spread to the rest of my body I needed to do something, then it came to me but for now, I needed to keep him busy I kept attacking and blocking attacks till I used Zack's remaining magic to throw a boulder right at him he gets crushed but he throws it to the side and was walking towards me till he passed out, finally my battle is over.
(Luke pov)
"As I'm searching around I see the gas the villain had, started to disappear but that meant 2 things either he got knocked out or was defeated there is option 3 which I would rather not think about but I hope whoever fought him won cause he looked very dangerous as I go searching I can't seem to find anything.
Back with Paula Zack and Carlos.
"Alright Carlos imma go see if I find anyone else stick with Paula, cause she is probably tired from our battle.
"Yeah got it let's get moving Paula since we need to find the rest of the group to help us out.
"Yeah thanks for helping me again, but we should get moving since it's winter time and the wendigos are very active during this time, and trust me you don't want to fight one they are strong.
"Okay noted when I wanna fight a Wendigo.
We watch as the 2 groups part ways.
"So Paula question what magic do you use?
"I don't really have magic it's hard to explain so I won't go too in-depth.
"Let me guess you got a really complicated magic ability like I did.
"Go on??
"I have a magic ability where whenever I get a weapon and use it, I learn how to use it really easily and fight like I have been training for months with the weapon even though I just got the weapon and never used it in my life.
"I have Something similar but I have it with these one of the weapons I have on me currently I'm too tired to pull them out but I can show them to you later.
(30 minutes later)
"Huh you see that circle as well or am I going crazy?
"You are not going crazy I also see that.
"Should we walk inside?
"I don't know do you think we should.
"Welp won't hurt to see what's inside.
"As we enter inside it looks pretty normal, There is a dude knocked out but nothing else.
"Wait a second that's the guy that attacked us, who beat him, oh that's who looks like Immy beat him but looks tired tho.
(Paula pov)
"Did I hear him correctly did I hear Immy there is no way I must be imagining things I looked to where he was but what I saw filled me with tears it was my big sister she was alive she looked exhausted but she was okay.
"I watch as Paula runs towards Immy and starts crying tears not of sadness but of relief wonder if they knew each other well we will only know once Immy wakes up.
"You didn't tell me you guys knew my big sister.
"Well none of us knew, wait did you say, big sister!!
"Yes she is my big sister, I call her big sister cause I saw her as one when we were younger she would always be nice to me and help me out when I needed it.
"Huh, the more you know I guess well glad you found your big sister so does that mean you are still gonna stay on the journey with us since Immy is tagging along with the rest of us?
"Yeah, I will probably stay with you guys if immy is but from what I've seen you guys aren't that bad, or are there other members I haven't met yet?
"Aside from me immy and Zack you will probably get along with Luke, Sylvester depends but for now I don't really know he is still kinda a mystery to us.
"Huh ok then I guess I will continue the journey with you guys.
"As they continue talking we switch the scene to Zack walking through a dark part of the forest.
"Man, why is this part of the forest so freaking dark.
(Zack pov)
As I continue walking, I'm pretty sure this part of the forest is where most of the animals are at but I still haven't seen any of them
"we hear the sound of a deadly creature and Zack is currently also hearing the sound.
(Zack pov)
"Ummm what was that, that sounded like something I would not like to fight.
We watch as a wendigo walks out of the forest
"Uhh, your one tall fella hope you don't mind me I don't have flesh so there's no need for fighting me.
We watch as the wendigo attacks Zack.
"Oh come on man I really got into another fight the last one was already difficult enough!!!
(Zack pov)
"This wendigo is annoying I see it charge at me I get ready to throw a few trees but it disappears and I get punched in the head.
"Ahhh that hurt man you pack a punch.
(Zack pov)
"Damn this wendigo is strong and it towers over me so I need to be as agile as I was against Paula if not more which will take a lot of energy out of me, as I get ready to fight again the wendigo charges at me this time a lot quicker I easily avoid it when being more aware of how it attacks but the wendigo does a 180 and turns around and tries to swipe me but I dodged it in the nick of time, I pull my dagger out of the pocket and blocked the punches the wendigo threw at me but I saw it use its other hand and it punched me straight in the head.
"Damn, that hurt.
(Zack pov)
"As I keep fighting him I saw a opening the type I would see when I fought knights back than, but this was way more difficult than it should have been as I stabbed the wendigo and pull the dagger back out, it screams a deafening sound that means I must've hit something vital but that it would still difficult to do get another hit on the wendigo but it started charging at me and caught me off guard as I get punched into a tree, man fighting this thing sucks cause I can't die so I have to somehow beat it with my one dagger I hate that I forgot to get my satchel back from Paula, alright calm down Zack let's use our speed to have an upper hand against this thing, as I charge at it, it losses track of me I look for an opening I see one on it's back i immediately stab the back of the wendigo it turned around but I was already gone so I used it being distracted to stab one of its eyes it screams, it grabs me and proceeds to continuously punch me in the stomach and face so I had no time to move away from it, after some Time it thought I was dead, It started to walk away from me I got up and got ready to attack it but it jumped back at me at the same time I stabbed in its chest it screamed but it sounded more like it was in pain so that means I have to continue I pull the dagger out of its chest, I moved away from it. I sped around the wendigo it couldn't keep up with me as I kept stabbing parts of its body eventually I heard it scream and I saw it fall to the floor, man I'm tired I could use a good nap right about now.
We cut back to Carlos and Paula.
"Paula you doing good since I'm carrying Immy on my back and can't help you out.
"I Can move I'm just tired is all.
"Paula I see someone let me go ahead so I can see if it's someone that's part of our group.
"Oh hey Carlos seems like you found Immy so I guess she got into a fight also who is that?
"Oh yeah, her name is Paula she is Immys younger sister.
"Oh okay so is she joining our group?
"Yeah, she is joining our group since Immy is still tagging along with us.
"Oh Sylvester you are here than Zack is the only person we're missing, Carlos you can put Immy on the floor since we are just gonna sit around here till Zack finds us.
"Oh okay got it.
"Wait Carlos I just remembered I had Zack's satchel should I give it back to him when he gets back?
"Yeah, you probably should, but wait till he gets back.
Oh alright, I will leave his bag here while I get some rest.
"All alright have a good rest.
We cut back to Zack winning against the Wendigo
(Zack pov)
"Finally I can rest I only need to find the group now, then I hear the deafening scream again I see 2 wendigos walk out of the forest.
"Oh come on man I just barely beat one of you, how many more of you are there?
We watch as the wendigos charge at Zack in 2 different directions and synchronize their punches they hit Zack in the front and side of his body as Zack goes flying through some trees.
(Zack pov)
"Man!!! they pack a punch my body hurts but if I lose I'm just gonna keep getting beat which is something I don't want to experience again, I charge at one of the wendigos with my dagger as I'm about to hit Wendigo the other one appears and punches me but I it block with my dagger I could really use my sword but currently It's at my old came site so, for now, I gotta use my telekinesis to get my other dagger over here, I pull out my hand and start using whatever magic I have left to bring my other dagger to me.
We cut back to Carlos Luke and Sylvester.
"So did you guys into fights?
"Didn't run into anything on my end ...
"I didn't find anything on my end as well.
"Hmmm I didn't get in a fight but I did meet Paula tho after she and Zack fought.
"That's interesting I never knew Immy had a younger sibling guess she never wanted to speak about it.
"Yeah probably but Sylvester why are you so quiet?
"Oh, I'm just lost in my thoughts.
"Alright, wait I feel something.
"What is it??
"Zack's satchel is moving around let me open it.
As Carlos opens the satchel we see another dagger that looks similar to Zack's It flys out the bag and it immediately starts flying towards Zack.
"Hmmm seems like Zack called his weapon with his magic, more shocked his magic can reach this far.
"You say something, Sylvester.
"No just muttering to myself.
"Alright well looks like Zack is using his telekinesis to bring his weapon to him, he must've gotten into another fight so who's gonna get him to find for the rest of us?
"I will watch Immy and Paula while you guys go find them and I will set up camp site for the night since it's getting starting to get dark
"I don't feel like going to that section of the forest
"Ok then it looks like I'm the only one going to find him out here.
We switch back to Zack vs the Wendigos
"Damn, they are not letting me get a hit on them after I  a while I finally got a hit, I need something to get them distracted enough for another hit And my other dagger will take a minute or 2 to reach me, so what I need to do, is just avoid their attacks and I should be good, as I'm about to get dodging they both appear and punch me in the stomach,Damn they are not letting me get up but I need to keep dodging as I keep dodging I felt something I dodged the Wendigo that was sneaking up on me while the other one was trying to punch me I moved under and they both hit each other I was able to avoid them but they are definitely starting to keep up with my speed I need to do something but what.
We watch as Zack is struggling to fight against the wendigos we watch as his dagger is still another minute away from getting to him.
(Zack pov)
(1 minute) "it's close but I need to do something but what is there to do than It clicked what if I'm given at least a few seconds I could make fire I would need a second to do this, I watch as both of the wendigos charge at me I avoid them again so close it's almost here.
(30 seconds)
Alright I was able to hide from them let me make the fire, I got the stick and a little bit of flint let's see if I can still do this maybe it will work, let's go it worked let me look for a tree there it is, I grab a leaf and put the sap on my dagger and I put my dagger near the tree that is in flames and my dagger is steaming hot I keep the leaf for now, but I got time to get some hits in I charge at one of the wendigos it dodged instead of just taking the hit that means they are scared of the flames, I charge and hit one of them it gets engulfed in flames as I'm attacking the other one hits me dead on in the head, but it's here I smile cause this means this battle has become a little bit more in favor.
We watch as the dagger flys on to Zack's hand and he caught it.
(0 seconds left)
As I pick it up I grab the leaf and get some sap on the dagger and put it in the fire it's time to get ready for round 2, as I charge at them the other one tires to hit my but I easily dodge it's hit, the other one was behind me trying to punch me I dodged and it hits his teammate as I'm dodging I throw my dagger at the one that was originally trying to sneak up on me and it hits it in the eye it screams in pain and I charge at the other one and stab it but it punches me I move back after he hit me a few more times, than the one I hit in the eye charges at me again I move out the way and stab it in the back I move away after that and call my other dagger back to me both of the wendigos are in front of me and I smile I charge at them and stab the other one in it's eye as I move away the other one punches me as I'm getting up the other one kicks me straight into a tree, as I'm trying to get up again they both punch me, as I finally get up i immediately dodge them they thought they could keep me locked in place I charge at one of the wendigos and I stab it's other eye and I stab it across the chest it screams as i finish it falls to the ground the other one charges at me I move to the side I turn around a look at it with pity as I stab it in the heart I felt it scream than it fell to the ground that was a hard battle.
After his hard fought battle Zack sat near a tree and relaxed while he was relaxing, Carlos found him
"Zack??, Zack there you are, you good man
"Does it look like actually don't answer that question I'm tired not physically but definitely magic and metal wise also what happed to Paula??
"Oh I found the rest of the group Luke and Sylvester found us and I introduced them to Paula.
"Oh that's cool but we should probably go not to keep them waiting.
"You're right we should get going.
We cut back to where Immy had her battle against the villain.
"Damn it she played me their at least I can tell the leader about this let me grab my bag.
He pulls something from his bag it looks like a small pocket watch.
"Alright now work will you.
We watch him go through a portal.
"Hello Hemlock you have returned, what news do you bring to the king?
"We'll tell the king we found another one of them
"Really well that should excited him.
"That's all the news I have currently.
"You will stay and become stronger, we will send another spy since you have a lot of potential hemlock.
"I understand.
We cut back to Carlos bringing Zack back to the rest of the group.
"Looks like The whole gang is here that's cool.
"Oh you found Zack, cool than we can finish setting ul the rest of the camp cause I'm sure half of the group is exhausted.
"Yeah we should since Immy and paula are still exhausted and Zack looks like he could knock out at any moment.
"You think, I wanna set up my tent then hit the hay.
"well while you guys were gone I set up the tents Immy and Paula are sharing theirs since we only brought 5 and they are sisters so we should be good, and I also set up me tent while Sylvester made his a while ago.
Alright let me set up my tent then.
(Time skip)
"Alright done now imma head to bed so night you guys.
"Yeah I'm probably also gonna head to bed now.
"Yeah Same I am tired after my fight.
(Time skip to the morning)
(Carlos pov)
(Yawn) "man that was a nice sleep well let's see if anyone else is awake right now, as I walk out of my tent I see Paula sitting on the floor.
"Morning how did you sleep?
"I slept well, thanks for asking anyway tho Immy isn't awake I guess
"Yeah she is a pretty heavy sleeper when she is exhausted probably from her battle.
"Yeah probably.
"You guys are up already.
"Yeah I woke up a little bit ago and Paula was awake before me so seems like everyone else is still tired.
well than Imma go find some fruit to eat, so I will be back in a little bit.
Alright see you in a little bit Luke.
"So you wanna see the weapon I was talking about yesterday.
"Oh yeah I wanna see what weapons you use.
Alright here is my weapon the Kusarigama.
"Oo that looks cool how do you use it.
Ok so to explain it you can hold the handle and use the chain to spin it around and throw it towards your enemy and you can use the chain to capture them, or you can throw the spear at your enemy and get a good hit on them, or you can spin the spear around to usually get a guaranteed hit unless they move away from its radius which is kinda rare but it has happened.
"That's cool what's your reason for choosing the weapon.
I got this cause it was the weapon that saved me from the people chased me i didn't know how to use it when I younger but I been training with it, still not the best but it kept me alive in this forest and it saved me from one of those wendigos that I was talking about yesterday.
"Well that's a good reason to be using it reminds me of when I first picked this thing up good times.
"Speaking of Carlos why do you wear those glasses.
"I wear these cause it makes the world more beautiful and I like seeing the world like that.
We watch as Zack is starting to wake up.
(Zack pov)
"Man that was a great sleep, if only I could've slept more welp time to get up then (yawns).
"Sounds like Zack is awake now well let's start seeing what food Immy left the group with.
"Oh hey guys, did you guys just wake up.
"No me and Paula woke up earlier.
"Oh well then is there anything to eat??
"Immy left a little bit of food but aside from that we are low on food there should be a town nearby if I'm looking at Sylvester's map correctly.
"You are looking at it correctly.
"Ok, wait a second when did you wake up!!!
"Oh I woke up a few minutes ago, I was just lost in my thoughts is all.
"Oh alright anyway tho we should get moving once Luke returns.
"Yeah first we should eat tho.
"Let's see ok I can make something to eat with this some start a camp fire.
"I got you guys covered hold on, there we go it's set up now.
"Alright let me grab some pans and make something to eat also Paula can you check Immy bag for any spices since we could use some.
"I got you, alright here you go.
"I'm back guys I brought some fruits, we could use since I smelled some good food.
"Thanks Luke put it on the picnic mat that I set up earlier.
"Alright got you.
"Now we wait for the food to be done.
(Time skip)
"Alright it's done everyone grab a plate and I will pass out food to everyone.
(Time skip)
"Man that was good, didn't know you could cook so well Carlos.
"Yeah you pick up a few things a few when traveling around the kingdoms.
"That was good almost as good as the food Immy made when we were younger.
"Thanks for the compliments also Immy is asleep so who votes to carry her.
"I vote not to.
"To tired too.
"I would but my body can barely hold itself so i can't carry her.
"Looks like I'm carrying her alright everybody pack up we are gonna leave soon so we can get to the town.
"Got it let me get everything out of my tent.
"It shouldn't take me that long to get everything packed up.
"I only need to pack a few items.
(Time skip)
"Well that's everything packed, so let me go get Immy now while you guys wait.
"yeah, we will wait.
"Welp let's get going, Immy.
"We watch as Carlos picks immy up and puts her on his back to carry her to the next town.
"Alright got immy let's go guys.
(Time skip)
(Immy pov)
"As I'm starting to awake I open my eyes and see I'm being carried my Carlos, now if I wanted to I could get off but I get a free ride so I'm continue acting like I'm sleeping.

Alright that's the end of the chapter this took a while this turned out better than I expected kinda proud of myself for making this chapter well that's everything to till next time

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