Vali: On Silver Wings

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The clanging and crashing of metal is heard, sparks fly in the air as the image of a spear can be seen, almost as if it were blurring in and out of reality. Suddenly, a loud boom is heard, causing the ground to violently shake as something akin to a fireball leaps into the night sky.

"Alright then," a young voice booms, "how about you take this!" The ball of flames begins zipping around the air, circling its mysterious opponent at the speed of sound.

"Come love, show me how much you've improved." A mature and feminine voice challenges.

In a colorful dance of lights the boy engulfed in flames speeds up, pushing his arts to their full capabilities as he crashes down into the dead of night. seconds pass before a shockwave blows everything within a hundred feet into the air, kicking up dirt and grass and all sorts of leaves. Just as the ball of flames hits the earth, another clang is heard, followed by a loud grunt of pain.

"Argh!" The boy cries as he's thrown over a tall Vouivre woman's shoulder and receives an elbow between the shoulder blades. "You've gotten faster, Vali, but I can still see where you intend to hit me." The woman straddles the young teen's back, applying more pressure on it while pulling on his arm.

"Ow ow ow! It's because I don't wanna hurt you, squad leader." The Draco struggles to speak his reasoning as the woman keeps him in place.

"Vali dear, it's Karma, we're not on duty tonight." Karma sighs, letting go of the teen's arm and standing up. She's dressed in a black long black coat that is unzipped, revealing her toned and scarred body with a black T-shirt that's cut just above her stomach, her black pants are tucked into her boots and the gloves she wears fit snugly on her hands.

The young teen snickers, not at all surprised that he lost. "I'll get you next time, just you see." Standing up, Vali is dressed in a gray jacket with a red shirt underneath and black jeans and sneakers. His spear is thrown to the wayside, all but forgotten as his amber eyes peer into Karma's steel gray ones, a smirk forming on his face. "How'd you like my new signature techniques it took a while to actually achieve flight, but now I'm a pro at it.'' He proudly puffs his chest out, crossing his arms and nodding his head.

Karma lightly chuckles, patting the young fireball on the head. "Yes, I'm aware of how much effort you put in, Nemo's been keeping me informed about your progress.'' Her words cause Vali to deflate a little as he huffs and turns away slightly.

"Why'd Nemo go and ruin my surprise? She's always watching me like a hawk and can never keep secrets." The silver haired teen sulks, causing his squad leader to chuckle again.

"Stop being such a baby Vali. Nemo really cares for your safety, that's why she tells me near everything that happens to you." She can tell how clueless the young boy is about their relationship just by looking at his face, such are the joys of youth.

"Again." He demands, walking over to his spear and picking it up

"I hope you still have more tricks up your sleeve." Karma smirks, lowering her stance slightly and raising her fists.

In a burst of flames Vali launches forward with his spear aimed at Karma's head, but before it can reach her it's knocked away by the back of her hand. Sparks fly as Karma throws a powerful right hook his way, being barely able to avoid it with another burst of his arts and rushes back in, throwing numerous stabs which are all deflected.

Deciding to rethink his plan, Vali dashes back, only to be chased by Karma as she instantly closes the gap. Now she's on the offensive, throwing punch after punch while the young teen does his best to avoid as many blows as he can. In the end, he decides to try his signature technique one more time, blasting off into the air. Vali begins to circle Karma, steadily picking up speed until a sonic boom occurs and with a knowing smirk, he dashes straight at her, already knowing the outcome of what is to happen next.

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