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HII, with 4 hours of sleep I think i'll be able to write more now. ENJOY!

Once the car has stopped felix had woken up expecting a mansion, only to see it was what he had expected just much bigger and better than he had originally expected.

"We're here." The driver has spoken making felix be a bit startled as he did not expect the man to talk.

he looked over at the little girl, she was asleep as well. Felix smiled and soon picked her up. There were many bodyguards, one of them opened up the door for felix. Felix softly mumbled a "thank you" as he did not want to interfere with these scary men.

They led him inside the mansion, it was all so elegant, gorgeous, Hyunjin truly had a luxurious future waiting for him. Well, he believes it had already happened.

He was led by a bodyguard which was leading him up the 5th floor, goddamn was he getting his steps in today. he grabbed the little girl a tint more tightly as he did not wanna drop her at all. The last thing he needed was to get fired after working for a singular day and Hyunjin getting mad at him, god.

Without him realizing, he was already at the little girls bedroom. the bodyguard stood by the door frame, allowing felix to enter now. Felix had entered the room with the little girl in his arms, he walked over to her bed and soon laid her down gently. He took off her shoes and soon put the bed covers over her with her plushies surrounding the little girl. He smiled and gracefully touched the little girls cheek, she was adorable.

he exited the room only to see the bodyguards weren't there. he shrugged it off, he closed the door behind him. Felix needed to go back to the office, but a little peak wouldn't hurt anyone. Now would it?

He had walked down the hall, carefully examining all the paintings details, soaking it all up. He wouldn't know if these paintings had a strong meaning behind them, he just simply enjoyed the colors of the paintings. He had came across another room, which was open. he stepped inside the room, and in that room was a painting studio? It reeked the smell of paint but that didn't seem to bug Felix.

Felix was examining all the undone paintings in his room, the paint splatters on the floor, wall, even on the roof they managed to get to. Felix soon noticed there was a singular window in that room, it was in first wall you see of the room, how did he not see it?

He walked over to the window and opened it, he peaked his head out and carefully looked at the view. it was noon, it was basically already nighttime though.. the view still looked breathtaking, he would see why Hyunjin would paint in this room.. it was Hyunjin? right? Felix didn't know himself.

he kept staring at the outside, he couldn't get enough of it. His thoughts got interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Felix turned around only to see Hyunjin.

"Making yourself right at home?" Hyunjin asked as he got closer to the blonde male, felix was awfully embarrassed and scared..

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hwang. I only simply wanted to enjoy these paintings by looking at them carefully and they look splendid, I'm so sorry please don't fire me-" Felix was caught off with a laugh, from Hyunjin. Oh god, QUICKLY, flee the country!!

Felix looked a bit more embarrassed.. Hyunjin was simply enjoying this too much.

"Can't take a single joke can you? I was only teasing." And with that Hyunjin walked closer to the male, he stood beside him really. Hyunjin was looking at the window and Felix was looking at the door. he didn't wanna move at all, he felt like he needed permission to even breathe. Felix decided to break the tension that only he himself felt.

Boss's assistant. (Hyunlix)Where stories live. Discover now