Chapter two: A strong heart

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Neteyam's pov:

I couldnt sleep so i decided to take a walk on the beach. Even though i missed the forest, the reef was beautiful. The islands, the people. It was quite amazing. As i was gazing at the stars, i heard a voice. A beautiful singing voice actually.

Not knowing what else to do, i walked towards it, until i made my way to the end of the beach, where there were alot of rocks. Moving my eyes, i finally noticed a girl, sitting on one of the ricks, assumingly singing her songcord.

But the voice was familiar...

I walked even closer behind her until my eyes met the now familiar white hair. It was her.

Alayan's pov:

I noticed neteyam wandering around the beach but pretended that i didnt see him so i could finish. But after he came behind me, i stopped. "Curious are we?"

I turned around smirking at his obviously scared face. "Oh i-im sorry i didnt mean to-" he stuttered. "Its okay neteyam i saw you roaming around like ten minutes ago. Come here" i patted the empty place beside me, signaling him to sit down.

He slowly made his way next to me and sat down. "How are you? I know this must not be easy for you" i started.

He sighed slowly. " i- its... i dont know. It killed me to leave our home. I've left behind all i've ever known just like that." He said sadly. "I am so sorry... i cant imagine leaving home.. i cant do much neteyam but i will try my best to make you and your family as comfortable as possible here" i reassured him.

"Thank you alayan..." he smiked thankfully. "Come, i want to show you something" i smiled playfully, standing up and signaling him to follow me.

We ran up to the other side of the beach and i stood, looking up in the air, making a calling noise. Neteyam looked at me confused, knowing he recognized this sound all too well.

Not even a second later, a beautiful ikran came flying and landed next to me. "There you are Sai" i smiled, running my hand over the creature.

"Y-you have an ikran...?" Neteyam looked at me shocked, knowing that sea people didnt ride ikrans. "Yes. My dad was metkayina but my mom was omaticaya. Before they dissapeared, her ikran had a baby, but they left it here. I took care of it until it was old enough for the bond. And i've been with him ever since" i smile softly.

"Thats...really cool" neteyam chuckles, amazed at the story. "Alright, get yours, we're going somewhere.

Neteyam called his ikran and we both jumped up on them, flying up as i lead the way.

We were flying over the riffs and islands, admiring the bioluminescence of the water. At some point i lowered my flight position down, so i could touch the water with my hand. Neteyam did the same as we watched the water glow between our fingers. It was beautiful... i liked his company. More than i thought i would.

Soon enough, we made it to a beach, a bit further from our island. I landed with my ikran, jumping off onto the sand. Neteyam followed. "What did you want to show me?" He asked curiously. "Come" i anwsered, grabbing his arm and walking fast towards a big rock.

I stopped infront of it, pulling away the vines hanging down, which revealed an opening, big enought to walk through. I let us to the other side, where laid, a smaller but so much more beautiful beach. There was glowing algae all over the sand along with shells and small rocks on the sand, some of them glowing, some not.

You could see the glowing corals in the water, and animals swimming by. I watched in awe, before i turned back to look at neteyam. "So? What do you think?" I said excitedly.

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