Chapter 4: Halftime Talks

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Sweat gleamed on Yuki's face as she crushed the water bottle while drinking. They all had a sheen of sweat they could hardly hide, but Yuki had earned hers the most. Jenna leaned against the wall that separated the field from the stands and closed her eyes.
"How did we not score a single goal?" she asked desperately, looking at Yuki. But Yuki didn't respond. The dark-haired girl was searching for the team's unsuccessful striker. Where was Chloe?
The number nine of the girls' team had retreated to the corridor leading to the locker rooms. It was situated between the two stands. Once out of sight, she let a few tears fall. As she heard them drop to the floor, a pathetic sob escaped her. She struck one of the steel pillars hard. A vibrating pain shot through her wrist like an electric shock.
"That's not how you'll score any goals."
Chloe turned towards the voice. Finn was watching her with a wide grin.
"Leave me alone. I'm not in the mood for your harassment right now," Chloe said, venom in her voice.
"Is it really getting to you?" Finn raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, it is. Your goalkeeper, the one you brought in, was clearly well-prepared for me. Maybe by you?" Chloe walked quickly up to her cousin and jabbed her finger into his chest.
"You think I needed to do that? Taiyo wasn't named the best junior goalkeeper last year for nothing." Finn grabbed Chloe's wrist and pushed her hand away. "If something like this is enough to stop you, then you should seriously consider if soccer is still right for you."
What had he said? Chloe's eyebrows furrowed.
"You're such an asshole," she muttered angrily.
"Your team needs you and you're hiding here because you can't score. Pathetic." Finn started to turn away, but Chloe grabbed him by his jersey.
"If I don't score, then I'm worthless as a striker!" Chloe's tears began to stream down her face.
"If you really think that's the most important thing as a striker, then go and change. I expected more from you, cousin." Finn pulled free from Chloe's weak grip and left her standing there, crying.
How could he? Her own cousin was starting to sound just like her parents. Suddenly, she heard her mother's voice, telling her she wasn't good enough to continue her childish hobby. She should focus on school. Chloe's shoulders shook, and she sat down on the floor, leaning against the pillar she had struck earlier. Maybe she should give it up. Maybe soccer wasn't what she needed.
"Chloe..." Yuki's voice was soft, but Chloe heard it. She snapped her head up and looked toward her best friend.
"Yuki! I—uh, I'm sorry. If it's time to go back, I'll—"
"No, don't worry, we still have a few minutes," Yuki said. Her voice was soothing. No matter what she said, it always helped Chloe relax. It helped her let go of the stress.
Chloe sighed and let her head fall again.
"I'm sorry, Yuki."
"For what?" Yuki sat down next to her.
"My performance. It was miserable."
"I don't think so."
Chloe looked up again, her eyes studying Yuki in confusion.
"Yes, our score is zero goals. But against any other team, against any other goalkeeper, it would be much higher. You played amazingly. We just need to... play a bit more unconventionally against Taiyo. That's why I took the ball from you at the end. And for that, I should be sorry."
"You did the right thing. He would have just saved my shot again."
"How about we go back to the others and win this game?"
Chloe nodded and took Yuki's hand. As Yuki led the way and Chloe looked at her back, the white number 13 on blue fabric, she thought of one thing: Are you saying this because you're my best friend or my teammate? Would one answer have been worse than the other? Couldn't both be true? Chloe rubbed her forearm but immediately stopped and put on a smile as they rejoined the team.
"There you are, Bradley," Coach Menden smiled. "Let's start with our strategy discussion. That was an excellent performance from you all. The score doesn't reflect what you did this half. Offensively, only one thing needs to change. Yuki's closing move was good. Play more impulsively. Taiyo anticipates the best responses, so give him the unexpected. Penelope, the duels are much harder against the boys. Try to pressure them from the side and avoid standing too far forward. This way, you can disrupt them at critical moments. Chloe, you've shown excellent finishing. Since Taiyo is focusing heavily on you, try to act as a decoy from now on. Let the others take the chances, but always play as if you'll be the one to receive the ball."
Chloe wanted to protest. She wanted to score the goals. But she nodded. "Understood, Coach."

Taiyo leaned against the goalpost and stared at the girls' team. More specifically, he stared at one girl: Yuki. She was impressive. When he had first seen her on Saturday, he hadn't thought much of her. To be honest, he found her unremarkable. She didn't behave like the star players he usually encountered. Chloe was noticeable. She was the center of attention, drawing all eyes to her the moment she touched the ball. But this time, she wasn't delivering. The usually glorious moments had turned into an uncomfortable shower of disappointed looks.
"She's good, isn't she?" Anthony said as he approached Taiyo.
"Hm?" Taiyo looked up at the left-back.
"Yuki. I see how you stare at her," Anthony said with a laugh.
"She's their best player," Taiyo's statement was dry, but it was the truth.
"If you're planning to ask her out after the game, don't bother. She's turned everyone down so far."
"I-I'm not! She's interesting in the game. Outside of it, I don't care!" Taiyo blushed and quickly drank from his bottle. Anthony just laughed.
"Sure, Taiyo."
"What are you two discussing that's more important than our team talk?" Finn asked as he approached them.
"Taiyo's got a crush on Yuki," Anthony said, laughing.
"I do not!" Taiyo protested, waving his arms.
"Hahaha. Looks like Anthony's got some competition," Finn said.
Anthony's laughter stopped abruptly, and Taiyo looked at him silently.
"Aha," the goalkeeper said, standing up. He was about half a head taller than Anthony and now looked down at the defender with a huge grin. Finn had never seen him like this before.
"That's new," said the captain of the boys' team.
"Anthony, can we talk?" Finn asked.
Both boys now looked at their captain.
"What's up?" Anthony asked.
"Yuki got past you too often in the last half," The blonde playmaker said.
"I know. Once she gets going, there's no way I can keep up."
"She's not a strong dribbler. Try to be more of a block."
"Do you think I haven't tried that? Every time I do, she slips past me like it's nothing. She and Jenna have great chemistry. As soon as Jenna has the ball, Yuki starts running. A through pass, and Yuki is faster than I am."
"Then you need to stand deeper from now on. We're ahead. We don't need fast counterattacks anymore," Finn said, gripping Anthony's shoulder.
"And even if she gets through, they won't get past me. Their last attempt was their most dangerous. From now on, they'll only try to play like that. Playing unconventionally might be to their advantage now, but it helps you in defense because the girls have to adjust to it first," Taiyo said.
"Alright, let's get back to the game!" Coach Da Costa called out to all the players.
The teams switched sides and took their positions on the field. As they did, the players exchanged glances.
Bale and Penelope shot venomous looks at each other, as if they could kill with a stare. Jenna and Finn shared affectionate glances, with Finn giving Jenna a quick kiss on the cheek, making her blush. Chloe avoided most of her opponents and took her position quietly.
But when Taiyo's and Yuki's eyes met, something ignited in Yuki. A dangerous gleam appeared in her eyes. Like a hunter locking onto her prey, she was determined to break the goalkeeper of the boys' team. They would overcome the insurmountable obstacle and leave it in ruins. Taiyo's heart started to beat faster as he felt that spark. Finally, he had a worthy opponent. This was what he had hoped for from every striker in the Golden Star League. He had expected this from the girl with the Midas touch, but she now walked with her head bowed. Everything he wanted from an attacker was now concentrated in Yuki at that moment.
Yet, something more was stirring within him, something he didn't yet understand.

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