3. Milky Way

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3. Milky Way

I woke up again.

I kept my eyes closed, hoping I could just go back to sleep.

The taste of barf still filled my mouth. My throat burned, and I puked again. I wished I knew where I was.

I opened my eyes slowly.

I was staring at a lage grey expanse of dust. It was flat, punctuated only by a few boulders and craters.

I wondered where the spotlight place was. Did I dream that? Or hallucinate that?

I rolled over, and came face to face with a pair of feet. A pair of grey, barf covered feet.

I looked up, frightened.

Above me towered what looked kind of like a man. He had plain grey skin, that was smooth and blemishless, and had thin, wiry muscles. He was wearing what looked like black smoke pants and nothing else except a cord neclace on his neck that a black crystal hung off of. His hair was the same foggy material, and beneath it, his face wore a disgusted, mad expression. He even had the mad black eyes.

I quickly scrambled up, my head spinning and fireworks exploding from my back. This was painful. But I think I would be in more pain if I just lay there. I stood up in front of him, my head held high. "I'm sorry." I told him. He ignored me, appraizing me like a lump of meat.

"Jack. Should we save this one, or send her to the kitchen?" Out of nowhere, another guy appeared, in light blue pants and eyes and blue hair to match. But all of him started to darken to black when he saw me.

Okay, maybe I did look a little nasty, but still, your clothes and eyes don't usually change colors.

"What's she doing here?" he spat.

The first guy gave me a repulsive look. "I don't know. Is she worth sending to the nursary?"

Aliens. Talking about nursaries. Totally not good.

I crumpled onto the ground.

Tears stung my eyes and dribbled into the dust. I was in pain, and here were two aliens appraising me like I was a brand of cereal. I prayed they would have a bit of mercy and let me live.

"Bring her to the council." one of them said. Then I blacked out.

* * *

I woke up in a white room. White walls, white linolium floors, white ceiling with recessed white lights. I rolled over and threw up on my white sheets. If they were letting me live, they'd better feed me soon. I was to the point of throwing up liquid.

My singed hair lay in front of my eyes. If I did do anything while I was here, it would be to fix my hair. It fell in black clumps around my face.

I gave out a low moan.

I heard feet shuffling towards me. My heart soared. Maybe I was in the hospitol. Recovering from being struck by lightning. That was plausible.

But a girl in light pink smoke walked up to me. She had long blond hair and pale skin.

And she didn't look like the normal nurse. Not at all.

A tumble of emotions flared through me. Fear that melted through every layer of me like honey, hapiness flooding my senses for a second, comfort as my mind comes up with a dream being my only explanation.

"Are you my nurse? I'm seeing things. You're dressed in pink smoke. Where are my parents? Can you send them in?"

She looked at me as though I was crazy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2012 ⏰

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