The Wonderful Book of Colours

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On a normal Thursday, the Jones family decide to go shopping, Brooklyn and her 3-year-old brother Atlas put on their outside clothing and exit out of the house door, walking to the nearby mall that they go often.

As they enter one of the shops, Brooklyn sees a colouring book that catches her attention, Brooklyn picks up the book from the white shelf, the price reading $5.99, she then asks her mother to buy and and then her mother agrees, going to pay for the colourful colouring book.

After they pay for the book, the family exits the shop and goes home after buying all their things and back home, Brooklyn then slowly opens the colouring book, colouring and drawing a few  things inside of the rainbow colouring book that she bought before going to her bed and rolling around on her purple blanket until she suddenly gets wrapped up like some burrito. Her brother Atlas then comes in and starts laughing

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