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Writing is rough y'all. Sorry.

Poor bro couldn't even eat. As soon as he started walking he heard a noise from the portal— barely turned in time. Actually, he didn't turn in time, as The Dark Lord had full-on launched at him and was now aggressively choking him.

The Color Gang was immediately startled but got into action.

"You thought this was fucking OVER!?" The Dark Lord asked. His tone genuinely scared The Chosen One. He sounded much more... unhinged. What had Victim done to him at Rocket? The Chosen One struggled for air, kicking The Dark Lord off of him as he gasped. The Color Gang had pulled out their weapons. "The hell is that?" The Dark Lord stared at The Second Coming's diamond sword. No matter, that'd be easy to deflect.

Without The Second Coming's abilities, they were doomed. The Dark Lord will just have to tread carefully, make sure not to piss him off so bad that Dark gets dunked on. He turned back to The Chosen One, aiming to hit him again— the other dodged out of the way as well as he could, landing a few feet back. "You're still mad, huh?" The Chosen One brushed himself off before springing back into  action, wrestling The Dark Lord.

"Damn right I am!" The Dark Lord responded, grabbing The Chosen One's wrist and neck before sweeping him to the ground, where the other quickly hopped to his feet, only to get punched in the face. Damn. He'd gotten faster. "Why the hell are you mad at me, huh!? We're both in the same boat now, victims to... well, Victim." The Chosen One shrugged.

The Dark Lord glared at The Chosen One, tilting his head to his words. "You think it's just the incident..?" he asked, then laughed. "No, damn well it ISN'T." He ran for The Chosen One again, who burned his arm, and sent him stumbling back. "Then what the hell is it!?" The Chosen One yelled, panting slightly.

The Dark Lord gave him a death glare. "You took my damn Wii with you when you left."


Disappointment from The Chosen One. "I'll give it ba- AH!" He was quickly assaulted again, barely side stepping in time. Until someone jumped in front of him. It was Yellow, holding a staff of some kind. The Dark Lord tilted his head, then ran towards it, only to run into a wall of Bedrock. He glared at the wall. "Okay." He tapped some electronic bracelet, which formed into the familiar black bracelets. The Chosen One knew them all too well.

"There we go. Now let's make this fair." The Dark Lord cracked his knuckles before the familiar Vira-Blades appeared from the bracelets, slicing through the Bedrock. Yellow was certainly caught off guard. The Dark Lord immediately grabbed him, slammed him against the wall. He didn't stab him. That was smart, to Chosen anyway. It was clear The Dark Lord didn't plan on killing them, not with Second around... but that just meant they'd be captured again.

The Chosen One looked over at Yellow. "You all get somewhere safe, if you can." He then picked up the staff. Maybe he could get this to work...

He held it out in front of him, shooting a row of blocks at The Dark Lord. The Dark Lord fell back with an 'oof,' but quickly got up again, and the two went back to fighting.

Meanwhile, Yellow looked at the group. "He's right. We need to get to safety and try and help him from afar. We could-" A pair of hands quickly ceased Yellow. Rocket. "Hey- wait-!" They were all quickly handcuffed and shoved into the back of some sort of jet-like vehicle. The Second Coming cast a worried glance to The Chosen One, who was near tired out trying to figure out the staff.

The Second Coming then shook the guards off, ran towards The Dark Lord and rammed into him. "Run- hey!" The Second Coming was quickly ceased again. The Chosen One's flight response was activated. He had to go back and save the Color Gang, but first he needed to run, and fast. So he did just that, pushing his arms down and emitting flames, bringing the Command Block Staff with him. He had to go back and save them. And he would. But for now, he needed a plan.


Hello everyone! I'm sorry for not posting often. Writing isn't exactly my mood at the moment, but this chapter was certainly fun to write! Hope you enjoy, and see you next chapter!

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