just a very normal, regular day at work

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Life was uneventful...

That is what Sung [Name], a 19 year old young dumbass who was working as a part-timer at a store, would say. You would think, [Name] would say "interesting" as he is still young and working in a convenience store that was settled in a fairly bustling area- he would surely meet all kinds of people! Some must be interesting, right?

Well, yes... but unfortunately, [Name] is a sleep deprived part-timer whose awakening conscience is holding on for dear life with the coffee and energy drink he drank a few hours ago.

Yes, it was a bad idea to drink both two cans of off brand coffee he got as a deal in the said store he works at and also one large can of Manster™ (the energy drink)- but hey! Who's to say this idiotic [Hair color] haired dumbass wanted to live this long? Honestly, he would rather die young because god knows the expenses were going to be when he starts college.

Bachelor Science of Psychology for the win... woohoo... fun...

Don't get him wrong, [Name] had the support of his family. But with the fact his little sister, Sung Min-jee (or little demon), was starting her middle school soon and their mother, Sung Jin-ah (the only good thing in this family), is the only one who helps paying the bills due to her husband... well, ex-husband, was (and always will be) a worthless dead-beat pile of shit? [Name] mustered up the little will to live he has left and went out and got a job to help support his mother and little sister... so, wallah! Here he was.

[Name] looks like he is almost at the brink of collapse as he fought back the aching headache that is creeping in at the back of his head and the feeling of his stomach hurting from hunger as he did skip eating. He is used to his stomach eating itself though but the headache? It's annoying as always. God, he wonders what was the reason he was getting a headache this time. It was definitely not the fault of his consumption of two caffeinated drinks (that tasted very funny... hopefully it wasn't expired or else a headache isn't the only thing of his worries other than his none existent will to live now) and an energy drink when he had like, an hour of sleep the night before.

Damn Min-jee for asking for help on her science project- that science fair be damned!

If the pay wasn't this good and if he wasn't actually fond of the owner of this establishment, [Name] would love to drop dead oh so dramatically behind the counter he is stationed at for all the horrid and grumbling customers to see and just say he is abused by his boss or something. Honestly, bless Go Chiyul, the owner of this store (and an old angel in [Name]'s opinion), for giving him a stall to sit at times. You won't see an owner a mile away who would give a shit about their workers like this!

Bless that sweet, sweet old man!!!

This was why [Name] bothered to keep working here... especially since he is the only worker Chiyul (or Mr. Go) has. He doesn't understand why there aren't any lines of desperate people coming here to ask for a job when Go Chiyul was this nice because Mr. Go absolutely takes desperate fuck ups- like him!

A decent pay check, a chair to sit behind the counter when tired or just not having to do anything, and the best of all? You get to carry some expired food back home! It may be expired but it's still food! And in this economy? [Name] is going to take all the food he could get to survive. Hooray for capitalism for overpricing shit! (He says like he isn't working in said capitalistic society.)


Mr. Go actually gives food that is about to expire a day or two later to him to bring home because: "It'll be better for someone to eat it than it go to waste," as that old man would say with a chuckle and then push several stuff of what was about to expire on his hands and won't have none of his refusal, especially the first few times this happened... again, bless that old man's heart.

가게 소년, 연인 소년 ✦ store boy, lover boyWhere stories live. Discover now