02: they're just friends

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after that interaction Pond was furious! he stormed away while everyone in the halls looked opposite of his way, fear of getting punched for simply looking for a second too long. Pond finally made his way to him and his friends usual table, seeing everybody there including Book sitting beside Force clinging onto him. "i was walking in the hall way then this kid bumped into me! he didn't even know who i am so next time i see him we're going to show him what i can do." Pond let out in an angry voice going to sit down,

"hey, tell me what he looks like i might know who he is and find out his name." Book said moving towards Force more, basically sitting on his lap, so Pond could sit down. "yeah alright.. he has blackish hair in the same style as yours kinda, a bit short yet than me and he was wearing blue baggy jeans, black shoes, and a white button down shirt. he was with Aou too." he told the older all his information, "oh, i know him! i'm pretty sure you know my friend Satang, well Satang lives with him. it's Jumpols kid, his names Phuwin. i know him because of Satang and his parents," he gladly replied with a smile while getting up "well, i have to go now, have a good rest of your day guys!" he waved them off and everyone in their group just stared at him
"what's the deal with you two? you're always with eachother and none of us have ever seen you guys apart, like ever.." Winny asked the oldest male of the group, "we're just friends Winny! we met in our first year here, well i was in my second.." he laughed at the last part remarking that he failed a grade.

"Force, everybody knows you're not just 'friends'." Perth said in a soft whisper voice before standing up and walking away to the washroom.


Force is ridiculous if he thinks we're going to believe that they're just friends, they're practically sewn together and nobody is able to tear them apart. i'm surprised he didn't walk his princess to class today like he usually does.. i came back into reality because i finally reached the bathroom. after i did my business i went towards the sink to wash off my hands when i heard someone coming out of a stall with somebody behind him, so i turned around and the other guy quickly left but one was still standing there. "he's cute" is what i said in my mind before i snapped out of my thoughts and realized he was talking to me,

"hey, can i use your phone? mines dead and i need to call my friend quickly." he asked me in a soft tone, so i just nodded and brought it to the call app for him. when i was passing him my phone i felt his hand brush onto mine and it was so soft! he dialed his friends number and i guess they picked up, "Dunkkk, it's Chimon, my phone died but i need you to drive me home today!" and then he hung up. "thanks for letting me use your phone! what's your name?" he looked up at me with a smile spread across his face and i couldn't resist but smile back at him, though i wondered how he didn't know me. "my names Perth, and yours is?.." i said in a voice that was bellow a whisper. "my names Chimon, i put my number into your phone in case you wanna talk!" he said while walking out. i looked at my phone and smiled looking at his number put in named "Sunshine☀️", and with that i walked out of the washroom to my class with a bright smile on my face! everyone in the halls stared at me though giggling and whispering, so i then stopped smiling and went back to a straight face.

were they laughing because my smiles bad? panic was running through my body thinking they were judging me but then i remembered to keep my cool and calm down, because surely they know what i'll do to them if they say a thing about me. i reached class and i just copied down some notes.
"that's all for today!" my professor said as we all stood up. i rushed out the class and made my way back to the canteen to wait for all my friends to be dismissed from their classes but they were taking long so i went up to order food and a drink. "your usual iced coffee?" the person at the booth said as i shook my head. she knew i didn't speak that much so i didn't even have to say my order anymore cause she got used to it by now. i thanked her and gave her the money for it and went up to buy food, "can i
have rice please?" Perth asked the person at the booth in his regular strong voice so they were able to hear him clearly, he usually gets one of his friends to order for him because he doesn't like talking.

after that, he went back to the table to see people that weren't his friends sitting there! do they not know who's table it was? he was mad and went up to them and everyone in the canteen saw the people sitting there in shock, as nobody dared to have a seat there besides Ponds squad. "get the fuck out of my seat right now. who do you think you are being able to sit here?" Perth said in a strong voice as everyone gathered around, genuinely surprised for him to talk but also feared for the people sitting. most of the people at the table widened their eyes and got up but one black haired boy didn't bother to move a single inch, frustrating the angry boy even more than before. he turned around, "who do you think YOU are, the owner of the school? i don't think your name is written anywhere on this table, so i'm not moving. keep dreaming!" the black haired boy snapped back. "what's your name? and i'm shocked nobody told you who i am!" Perth roared out to the boy, picking him up by his collar. he suddenly punched the seemingly younger boy right in the face knocking him onto the ground. "it's a damn table, now you're angry and picking a fight? my names Phuwin, i'm surprised you don't know who's kid i am." the boy named Phuwin quickly got to his feet and deliberately raised a punch to his face. people were recording now getting ready for the fight about to happen. Perth was looking around trying to see if his friend are anywhere but he didn't see them,

the next thing happened in a flash and he kneed the youngest stomach, causing him to collapse and then proceeded to continually throw punches to his face. he then pushed him farther away from him and then saw everyone filming the incident. he looked right into the eyes of Chimon, the boy from earlier. he looked like he grew scared of him now. "don't fucking mess with my shit ever again little boy! come near this table and next time me and my friends will do double the damage." he walked away after spitting on him.

as he walked further and further from the scene he finally spotted his friends sitting out by their cars. "guys! where were you? some kids sat at our table and i beat the crap out of one of them for not moving! should've joined the fun, and Pond i think it's your boy that i beat." he screamed over to his friends from afar.

another chapter finished🙏🏾

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