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The moment she was gone forever

The moment I knew I never had to look at her again

Was a moment so profound that I had to stand still

Just a moment

And breath in-

And scream

I exhaled in colors

Rainbow flames that ignited the night

I was alive

And alive

And alive

Joy wrapped around my shoulders

Squeezing tight and holding me secure

They were a giggle in my ear

They took some of that burden off my shoulder

And tied it to a gaggle of balloons

We watched it float away

And I turned and said:

'If I could kiss You, I would.'

And They just grinned 

And grinned 

And grinned

'I love you too,' They said

And I whooped and yelled and skipped down the street

My arms stretched up

And up 

And up

And I screamed:

'Fuck yeah!'

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