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It was Felix who convinced him to attend the club fair happening on the first day of ninth grade.

Jisung was adamant that it was a waste of time, yet here he was, standing in front of various booths, amidst a sea of sweaty high schoolers, and avoiding eye contact with the upperclassmen.

He regretted listening to Felix immediately. The field was nearly bursting at the seams with students crowding the grassy lawn. Club representatives shouted over one another to promote their respective clubs, attempting to gain the attention of passing peers. Jisung scanned the fairgrounds, watching as students hurried past the booths to sign up for their respective clubs.

It was loud, overwhelming, and Jisung desperately wanted to go home.

A sudden tug on his arm startled him from his thoughts. Jisung whipped around to find Felix grinning widely, eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Jisung, look!" Felix exclaimed, pointing to a booth decorated with colorful streamers and balloons. "They have a music club! Let's check it out!"

Jisung followed Felix's line of sight to discover a booth at the far end of the field. A banner hung above the table, proudly displaying 'SILVERSTONE HIGH MUSIC CLUB', stretched across the fabric in vibrant colors.

Felix dragged him over to the booth, weaving through the maze of students with ease. Jisung stumbled behind him, mentally reminding himself that people were an irrational fear, and to 'fucking breathe.'

The boy manning the booth perked up as soon as they approached. He flashed them a wide, dimpled grin as he handed them print-out flyers for the club. His bleached, blond hair seemed to bounce with his every move.

"Hey there!" the boy greeted cheerfully, shaking the stack of flyers in his hand for emphasis. "I'm Chris, and, as you can tell, this is the music club!"

Felix beamed excitedly, accepting the flyer from Chris without hesitation. Jisung awkwardly accepted the piece of paper as well, folding it up with shaky hands and stuffing it into the back pocket of his jeans.

"So, my friend here, Jisung, is like, crazy good at singing," Felix began, motioning dramatically in Jisung's direction. Jisung wanted to die. "Do you guys sing as well, or is it mainly for instruments 'n stuff?"

"Well," Jisung laughed nervously. "I wouldn't say—"

"We cover basically everything 'music'," Chris explains, flashing another blinding smile. He seemed to exclusively focus on Felix as he spoke. "A–And you don't have to know music to join. Like, we'll teach you, it's chill."

Felix gasped, stars twinkling in his eyes. "Really? 'Cause I'm really shit at singing, and the only instrument I've played is a triangle."

Chris laughed. "We can work with a triangle."

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