"𝑵𝑶!" 𝑺𝑰𝑴𝑶𝑵𝑬 jumped awake she had a nightmare about.. him again, she looked over at miles who had his arm around her and looked cute when he slept she smiled and got up to get water just to shake the feeling off.
the kitchen was darker then she remembered but just filled a glass of water and started to drink but when she turned around.. he was there "thought you could.. leave me?" Miles 42 stared at her he still was wearing the prowler suit.. "miles.." she said shaking the glass slipped out of her hand and shattered on the floor.
the room went silent as he stood there with bloody claws "I'm coming for you.. Simone" he said getting closer to her she froze up as tears ran down her face "you belong to me." he said in a stern tone as he digged his sharp fingers in against her heart she winced in pain as the fear she felt came over her.. Simone was no longer in control when it came to him she was still heartbroken "I'm going to make your life miserable.. one by one until your mine" he said with a predatory look as he stared down at her fear filled her eyes then she blacked out again.
"Simone! Simone wake up!!" miles shook her over and over until she opened her eyes and regained consciousness of her surroundings "h-he was there" she pointed at the floor infront of her shaking with fear and frustration she cried and cried repeating the words "he was just here" or "you have to believe me" miles felt worried and hugged her then came her tears wetting up his shirt.
after hours of crying the sun shined and she was laying next to miles again he seemed happy while he was sleeping "don't you have school?" Simone whispered in his ear and miles woke up yelling he was late which made her laugh.
"you have school with me too!!" he said crossing his arms in a very sassy way like he was bossing her around "first of all no because this isn't my world!" she said acting like him causing him to smile "oh girl please- you finna go to school today!" he said in a sassy tone as he got closer to her making her giggle but then she caught something while she was giggling he was looking at her with a smile.. it was like he loved seeing her laugh causing her to blush. "Simone.. are you?" miles said pointing at her red ears "NO!" she yelled at him covering her face.
he picked her up like she was nothing and saw how flustered she was "did I make you.. blush?" he asked sarcastically knowing he did she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms waiting for him to put her down but instead he did something he never thought he would build up the courage to do.. he kissed her but on the forehead causing her to smile more showing her pretty blue braces. "PUT ME DOWN" she yelled covering her face he smiled and put her down she rolled her eyes and sat at the table where his mom was just getting ready to leave "breakfast in the microwave hun" she said waving bye to Simone and miles.
"let's see what this day brings"