٠ ࣪⭑ post juno incident. | fluff/angst | 2/2

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a few days have passed since the infamous 'the Juno incident.' the Heart has locked himself in his room, refusing to come out even when Soul orders him. regardless of Heart's stubborness, Soul takes care of him anyway. he approaches Heart's deep violet painted door, and knocks gently on it with one hand, the other carrying a small bowl of c̶h̶i̶c̶k̶e̶n̶ noodle soup.

"{hey, Moon. it's Soul. i brought you some food, just try to eat it, okay?}"

a few long seconds pass, and the door creaks open just slightly. the Host gently pushes it open and steps inside, then softly closing it behind him as to not make further noise and disrupt Heart.

Atlas holds the bowl of soup out to Artemis, and the emotional half reluctantly takes the bowl. Soul can't help but notice the state that Heart is in.

the Moon's hair is tangled, his nail polish is chipped and he hasn't changed out of the same oversized white hoodie in days. his blindfold is on the ground, revealing nothing but empty black eye sockets. Soul didn't mind, but he was concerned as Heart hardly took off his blindfold.

Heart nods a thank you, blowing on the spoon and taking small sips. he sits on the floor, pushing some laundry and fallen plushes out of the to make room for Soul.

"{you want me to sit down? ..alright.}"

the Hosts sits down in the small clearing. he's about to speak, but Moon interuppts him.

"(i'm sorry you're taking care of me. i can't even leave my room, i'm a mess. i'm so sorry Atlas.)"
Soul quickly reassures him by putting his hands on the others shoulders.
"{no, Heart, don't apologize. i want to take care of you. as Host, it's my job. now cmon, finish your soup up.}"
He can tell that Heart has been crying. his eyelids are red and his lips are dry, not to mention the shaky and weak voice. Soul missed how enthusiastic his younger brother once was.
Artemis sighs and continues taking small sips of the soup.

a couple hours pass, and Heart has managed to finish the whole bowl. Soul leans over and pats his head softly.

"{i'm proud of you, Ju... Heart.}"

Atlas wasn't quite sure how Heart would react to hearing that name.

Heart looked uncomfortable to say the least. knowing that name Juno was his brother's final words. the name apalled him. it sounded vile.

Soul decided to avoid referring to his youngest brother as Juno for now, and the Moon seemed content. Soul stands up and recieves the empty bowl, then walks towards the door. he took a quick glance at the clock, which hung crooked on the wall.

"{it's about.. 10 pm now, i want you to get some sleep. alright?}"
the clock was two hours behind.
"(...i'll try.)"
"{goodnight, Heart.}"

Soul leaves the room, again gently closing the door. once he reaches the kitchen to start on dishes, he hears a familiar mechanical whir behind him.

Atlas turns around, not expecting to see the Mind leave his workshop so soon. after the blast, Mind's hearing and voice box went out and he had to get several mechanical replacements. the automaton approaches Soul, his expression cold as usual, but with now a hint of annoyance.

"[why do you insist on taking care of that creature. you do realize he's simply wearing you and the vessel down from your full potentional?]"
"{i don't want to hear it right now, Mind. just—}"
Apollo grabs the Host's wrist, glaring down at his Host with a cold gaze.

"[can't you see?! you're blinder than Artemis sometimes. leave him to rot, leave him to wither away in that mess of a room.]"
"{Apollo let go of me. you're acting illogical. i only gave him some soup.}"
"[oh? so now i'm the one acting illogically?]"
the Mind whirs and clanks as he distances himself from Atlas to prevent things getting messy.

"[you did not check up on me when i was injured. why is that vile parasite so important when i'm clearly superior?]"

Soul stops, beginning to feel a bit guilty. as much as he hated to admit it, his logical third was right. he was more focused on Heart's health. he steps forward, putting a hand out for Mind's mechanical hand to hold if he pleased.

"{Mind, i apologize. i shouldn't have been prioritizing Heart over you. is there anything i can do?}"

Mind's gears subtly clank and turn as he ponders.

"[you can start by leaving that feeble degenerate to decompose in his sickly chamber.]"
"{Mind,}" Soul sighed. "{i can't do that.}"
"[why not? you would do anything for him.]"

Atlas was stuck, no matter what he replied with, Mind would always be right. Apollo leans in, grabbing Soul's hand and crunching it slightly in his cold hand.

"[you are going to leave that disgusting creature to wither in his room. that is all i wish.]"
"{...we'll see, Resident Mind.}"

the Host pulls his hand out of Mind's, and leaves the kitchen. Mind looks at the dirty dishes still in the sink, but leaves back to his workshop.

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