A Tale of Two Tough Guys (and One Very Unimpressed Woman)

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"I'm just introducing our new friend to some manors," I said, releasing Silas. Mary hates fighting but knows that it is essential. Olivia, the sanitation lead, was staring at me in distaste. We never really got along.

"Would you men like to join me and the work leads in my office to discuss your futures here or, if you prefer, elsewhere" Mary's soft voice carried, but she didn't wait for a response; instead, she turned for her office. Mary lived in the vice principal's office, and she worked out of the principal's office. That is where she brought us all in for a meeting. Bonnie was already waiting for us, along with someone the cook must have sent. Mary sat behind her desk as we filed in, including the two boys, Olivia, Brian, Owen, and myself. "Let's try to start again, I'm President Mary, and this is the school. Who might you two be?"

"Command Sergeant Silas Arthur, and this is Private First Class James Corin."

"On behalf of the school, I invite you to join our community. We are one of the largest in the area and always need people to work and live here," Mary explained.

"Our mission was to find people and lead them until the next order comes through," Silas said

"I appreciate your concern, but as you can see, we are self-sufficient. We will understand if you want to move on and find those in need of your help, or you can stay here, and when the time comes for new orders to come down, you can communicate those to us. You wouldn't be leading, but that intervention may save many lives". Mary gave them an out so they didn't have to admit that the US government fell from the sickness and invasion.

"That seems like it would help the most people," Silas carefully explained

"We will accept your hospitality," the other boy, James, said. It was only the second sentence he said.

"I am happy to hear that. Now, onto more exciting business. Every person here is part of a workgroup. These people behind you are the workgroup leads. Why don't you all explain what your workgroup does? Then, these men can pick one."

"My group is in science and medicine," Bonnie said. "Depending on your background, we would put you on research improvement or train you in medical aid."

"And who are you?" Mary, patient as ever, asked

"I'm Bonnie, co-leader with Clyde, and yes, those are nicknames."

"Right, I'm Owen. I run agriculture and livestock here. We don't need specific training, so everyone does whatever needs to be done. One day, you would be plowing; the next, you could clean out a chicken coup."

"I'm Sara," said the random girl. "My lead cook sent me because you arrived while we were cooking lunch. The cook oversees the kitchen. He has us cook and clean the kitchen, or he may send us out to work with collecting and cleaning crops."

"I'm Olivia. I run sanitation and care. We are mostly women. We keep the place clean and care for any little kids here so that the parents can continue contributing to the collective good." "Brian, I lead construction and repair. Most of our work is finishing the wall, but we also construct or renovate utility buildings."

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