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Hair was one of Mia's insecurities..she never knew how to style it or brush it though as she got older she learnt how to brush her hair she looked in the mirror to herself ..''this hair colour is not right '' as she looks at her hair in the mirror ''I think I should change the colour '' as she finishes brushing her hair she runs downstairs to her mother ''mum ..can I uhm..'' her mum says ''spit it out ''well ehm can I die my hair ?'' Her mum stares at her '' why do u want to ruin that brown hair of urs ''please mum ''Mia says ..her mum looks at her and grabs her keys and goes out to the car Mia ran and got straight into the car her mum followed and got her mum started the car they set off to the hair dressers.(about 20 mins later they arrive at the hair dressers and they both walk in and the lady walked up to them )''hello ! How can I help u!''

Mia stares and struggles with her words ''I'd like to get my hair died cherry red !''the hair dresser brought her over to a chair and Mia sat down the lady covered her up and started brushing her hair the lady says''if it hurts u just tell me Lovley''Mia looks at her in the mirror ''okay!''the woman starts to put die in her hair she makes sure she dosent get it on her face (30mins later Mia's hair was done and styled)the lady looks at Mia 'absolutely beautiful!''mia looks at the lady ''thank u !!''her mum pays  and they head straight home but Mia goes out and at the time Mia is fifteen and dating Reece at the time he never really had time for her ..she dint want to be with him as she is a lesbian but ..Roger prosmied if she did she'd get info about her dad ..

By the time she was 20 she left Reece and got into a relationship with a woman called Charlotte Mia had enough of waiting round all those years of waiting for info about her dad she new by the time she was 18 he lied ..

As mia got up out of bed Charlotte was just finishing styling her hair ''morning sweetheart''Mia says Charlotte gets up and smiles at her ''morning so am I styling ur hair as ussal !''mia looks at her''yes !!''mia sits down and Charlotte grabs the brush and starts gently brushing her hair Mia had a big smile on her face she closed her eyes as Charlotte stopped every minute or so kissing her in different places on her head she tried a new style for Mia and as she got to pieces of her hair she got two booby pins and she placed the bobby pins in her hair and char says ''tada open ur eyes !'' Mia looks''ah omg thank u! '' Charlotte kisses her and looks at Mia in the mirror ''you look gorgeous Mia'' Mia had a massive smile on her face she gets up and runs downstairs and Charlotte follows her smiling Mia starts getting started on breakfast and they hear a knock at the door Charlotte walks up to the door and man is stood their the man says ''I'm looking for Amelia Roberts '' char shouts ''Mia !! Theirs a man here looking for u''as Mia walked to the door she dropped her spoon on the floor ..''no no no'' the man stared '' get away ! Go shew no !! ''Charlotte looks confused and says ''my love what is wrong '' Mia looks at her with tears rolling down her face ''get him away ...'' char look at the man ''sorry but u going to have to go''she shuts the door and sits next to Mia on the floor
'who is that guy ''Mia looks at her ''my da-

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