Angels from heaven 💖

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Neil was completely focused on Aarohi, massaging her legs to ease her discomfort. Suddenly, Aarohi felt a sharp pain in her womb and screamed, "Neil!" Neil's heart raced with panic. He called for everyone and quickly assessed the situation. "Akshu, I need to take Aarohi to the hospital right away. Can you please grab her hospital bag and follow us?" he requested urgently. Akshu nodded, rushing to get the bag.

Neil helped Aarohi into the car, his worry evident on his face. They drove swiftly to Birla Hospital, with Neil trying to keep Aarohi calm during the ride. Once they arrived, Aarohi was immediately taken to the labor room, and Neil was left in the waiting area, pacing back and forth, his nerves on edge.

Time seemed to stretch endlessly. Neil's mind raced with thoughts of Aarohi and their baby. Every moment felt like an eternity until finally, the sound of a baby's cry pierced through the air. Neil's heart leapt with joy and relief. Moments later, another cry echoed through the corridor. Neil's eyes widened in surprise and happiness. "Two babies?" he thought, astonished and delighted.

A doctor soon emerged, approaching the anxious family with a warm smile. "Congratulations, you have two beautiful girls!" he announced. Neil felt a surge of happiness wash over him. His eyes filled with tears of joy as he processed the news. "How is Aarohi?" he asked, his voice trembling with concern.

The doctor reassured him, "Aarohi is fine. She's resting now. You can meet her and the babies in a little while." Neil nodded, feeling a wave of relief. He turned to the rest of the family, who were all beaming with happiness. Akshu arrived shortly after, her face lighting up when she heard the news. "Two girls! Oh, Neil, that's wonderful!" she exclaimed, hugging him tightly.

The wait felt long, but finally, they were allowed to see Aarohi and the newborns. Neil walked into the room, his heart full of love and gratitude. Aarohi was resting, looking tired but content. Beside her were two tiny bundles, their little faces peeking out from their swaddling blankets. Neil approached them gently, his eyes moist with emotion. He leaned down and kissed Aarohi's forehead, whispering, "You did amazing."

Aarohi smiled weakly, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "We have two beautiful girls, Neil," she said softly. Neil nodded, unable to find the words to express his overwhelming joy. He carefully picked up one of the babies, cradling her in his arms, while Aarohi held the other.

Akshu entered the room, her eyes wide with wonder. "They're so tiny and perfect," she whispered, reaching out to gently touch one of the babies' hands. "Welcome to the world, little ones."

Just then, Abhir and Shivu came bounding into the room, their faces alight with excitement. "Our sisters are here!" Abhir exclaimed, his eyes shining with joy. Shivu nodded eagerly, standing on tiptoes to get a better look at the babies.

Neil and Aarohi exchanged a loving glance, their hearts full. "Yes, your sisters are here," Neil said softly, beckoning the boys closer. Abhir and Shivu approached cautiously, their excitement mingled with awe.

"Can we hold them?" Shivu asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

"Of course," Aarohi replied, smiling warmly. "But be very gentle."

Neil carefully handed one of the babies to Abhir, showing him how to support her head. Abhir's eyes widened as he cradled his sister, a big smile spreading across his face. "She's so small," he marveled.

Shivu gently touched the other baby's cheek, his expression filled with wonder. "Hi, baby sister," he whispered.

Abhir, still holding his sister, looked up at Neil with wide eyes. "Can I tell her stories?" he asked.

"Of course," Neil replied, smiling. "She'll love that."

Shivu, watching his brother, felt brave enough to ask, "Can I sing to her?"

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