1.4 - The girl in black

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- Friday 00:00 (00:00 am.) -

After searching for some time and realizing that Amira is nowhere to be found - so she must have gone home - Cris notices that Viri is chatting with some boy while Eva is passionately making out with Jorge. Feeling aimless and not particularly in the mood for Nora's probing comments, Cris decides it's best to head home. She glances at her phone and sees that it's already midnight. 

She knows she needs to get home soon, or else her mom will be very upset with her in the morning. Right now, the thought of facing her mom's wrath is the last thing Cris wants to deal with.

Not in the mood to wander around searching for the other girls again, Cris decides to text their group chat to let them know she's heading home.

To: the girl group

Cris: Hey girls. I'm heading home now. My mom's going to kill me if I don't get back before 00:30. I can't find anyone, so I'm just texting instead of running around trying to find you all. See you at school tomorrow🥱

As she walks home, Cris reflects on what happened just 30 minutes earlier - the encounter with Joana in the bathroom and their subsequent interaction outside it.

The entire experience left her felling a way she had only heard others talk about, a feeling she had never truly understood until now. It's a sensation she's not sure she likes. In fact, it frightens her quite a bit.

She has always been the girl who drink to excess, who disregards school responsibilities, and who can attract any guy's attention and kiss them without considering the emotional consequences. 

But now...

She can't drink as mush as she wants because her mom is always keeping tabs on her.

She can't afford to miss any more classes og she'll end up failing them.

Despite these being far more significant issues, right now, her thoughts are consumed by the girl she met earlier.

The girl she will likely see almost every day from now on, now that she knows they attend the same school.

The girls with black shoes...

The girl in black clothes...

And most importantly

The Girl With Black And Purple Hair...

A Cris walks through the dimly lit streets, the night air cool against her flushed skin, she finds herself lost in thought. The sensation of Joana's soft hand holding hers lingers, and she can't help but wonder what it all means. For someone who had always been so sure of her place in the world, these new feelings are disconcerting.

She pauses for a moment, looking up at the clear night sky. Stars twinkle above her, indifferent to her internal turmoil. She sighs deeply and continues walking, her steps echoing in the quiet streets.

Her phone buzzes with a reply from the group chat, breaking the silence.

Viri: Got it, Cris. See you tomorrow! Be safe!

Eva: You better get home before your mom freaks out. And text us when you get there!

Cris smiling at her friends' concern. Despite the night's confusion, she's grateful for their support.

As she nears her house, Cris's thought return to Joana. The way Joana had looked at her, the soft smile, the genuine concern - it was different from the attention she usually received from the boys. It felt... deeper, more meaningful.

When she finally arrives home, she quietly slips inside, careful not to wake her parents. In the safety of her room, she collapses onto her bed, staring at the ceiling.

The Girl With Black And Purple Hair...


Cris's mind races with questions she doesn't yet have answers to. But one thing is clear: her encounter with Joana has sparked something new within her,  something that won't be easily ignored.

As she drifts off to sleep, she knows that tomorrow will be different. Tomorrow, she'll have to face Joana again. And maybe, just maybe, she'll begin to understand these new feelings...



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