Part 11

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It had taken Lily a long time to deal with the revelation that Amalies and Lanijata were actually aliens.

In fact, she had gone into her room and shut the door and stared at the window for an hour. She cried a little bit. She paced up and down the floor until a track was worn into her carpet. And now, even after all that, her hands were still shaking.

It was a terrifying thing. The existence of aliens, of life outside this galaxy, suddenly confirmed in the least ceremonial way possible. Just...dropped in her lap, in an online chat group. She didn't blame herself for freaking out. Would anyone be okay with that?

It went against everything she knew. It toppled her whole system of belief. It wasn't as if there was some god she worshipped that this suddenly disproved, but she had never believed in aliens or any kind of life on other planets. It made her sick and dizzy with fear, just to think about. How many other strange, terrible, bloodthirsty, powerful things were out there? Amalies and Lanijata seemed okay, but what if there were other alien races that wanted to hurt people?

But Lily knew she couldn't hide in her room forever. The news didn't really affect the way she lived. Which seemed impossible to her. How could something that big not have irrevocable consequences for her life? Not change everything entirely? And yet, there was no reason for her to stop living and eating and breathing and going to school. There was nothing she could do to single-handedly protect the galaxy. And as for her daily life on Earth, she had lived fine without aliens for 16 years, and that's what she would probably continue to do.

So, despite how horrifically it felt like her whole world was ending, she still had to go on with her life, which meant she had to attend to the elephant in the room: her alien guests.

Slowly and cautiously, she crept out from her room. Amalies and Lanijata were sitting together, talking in their strange language. The sound of it made Lily shudder, just by alien associations. She wished she had never met these girls, then she wouldn't have to know about any of this.

But it wasn't their fault.

"Um..." Lily spoke up as she reached the living room. Her voice was timid and soft. She kept her hands clutched tightly in front of her.

Lanijata and Amalies both turned to look at her. They both had no small amount of concern on their faces. Lanijata felt sorry for their hostess, seeing how the revelation had affected her. Amalies was worried Lily would turn them out now, and they'd have nowhere to stay.

"Um..." Lily repeated, with a mechanical numbness. "What was it they said you were supposed to do? Stay put and wait to be rescued?"

Amalies pursed her lips together. She looked over to Lanijata uncertainly. This is the part where she puts us out on the street. "Yes, I believe that's what they said. Rescue would come soon and they would pick us up." Nobody had said that rescue would come soon, but Amalies was hoping Lily didn't remember that part.

"Okay." It was more of an exhale than a word. Lily nodded, so dizzy and lightheaded that she had to lean back against the wall in order to stay standing.

"So, does that—Would it be too much trouble if—?" Lanijata started, stopped, then doubled back. "Could we stay here until then? We would be so grateful to you if you let us."

Amalies shot a silent glare in Lanijata's direction. How could she ask so abruptly?! That wasn't the way to do it at all! Amalies had planned to slowly convince Lily over the course of the next couple days, but now Lanijata had come right out and said it. Surely Lily would say no. She was already upset by the whole situation, and now she'd have to keep them for who knows how long?

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