candelit dinner

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It was a Tuesday evening and Charlotte had just finished work for the day. Herself and Carly were in charge of locking up the nursery.

It had been a long day and Charlotte couldn't wait to go home. Just as Carly and herself were leaving for the night, Charlottes phone pinged. It was a text from Mia.

Hey sweetheart. Was wondering if you'd like to come over tonight? xx

Charlottes face instantly lit up, of course making Carly smirk before giggling to herself. She loved seeing Char so happy, she was her best friend after all. Even though Mia hadn't been the nicest to Carly in the beginning, she had since learnt about why Mia acted the way she did, and seeing how comfortable she made Char, she quickly warmed to the redhead. Charlotte quickly replies;

Of course! I'd love to come over, I'm just locking up now, I'll be there shortly xx

As Charlotte locked the doors, now in quite the rush to get out of the place, she made sure Carly had safely gotten her ride home, before making her way to her own car. She was unable to wipe the smile off of her face.

The 15 minute drive to Mia's house went by in a flash and soon she was pulling into the driveway. As she parked her car she quickly fixed her hair and touched up her makeup, before making her way up the stairs to the door. As Charlotte went to knock, the door flew open as Mia stood there with a smile on her face. "Hey sweetheart, how are you?", Char stood there admiring her beautiful girlfriend, totally unaware that she'd been asked a question, "Char, you okay?" The brunette was quickly snapped from her daze, as Mia placed her hand on her cheek softly. "Oh yes, sorry, I just forgot how much i missed you." Charlottes cheeks burning red. "Oh baby, I missed you too! Come in, it's freezing outside." As Char stepped in, the familiar scent of Mia's house made her feel warm. She had never felt so safe until she met the redhead. She always had a special place for her in her heart, even when Mia was working at the nursery causing everyone grief. She was so happy she could now call Mia her girlfriend. To Charlotte, she was perfect.

Mia was quick to open up her arms for a hug, with Charlotte quickly wrapping her hands around her, holding her tight. She was home. As the two pulled away from their embrace, Mia grabbed Charlottes hand in her own before pulling her into the kitchen. Chars jaw dropped as she saw what Mia had done. "A candlelit dinner?" Char looked at Mia with her eyes glistening. Mia always made her feel so special. "Yeah, I felt like treating my sweetheart. I know you've had a long day, so I thought I'd make us dinner." Charlotte quickly pulled Mia into a tight hug before giving her a kiss. "What did I do to deserve you Mia?" The redhead pulled her arms from around Charlottes waist before holding her face in her hands, "The real question is what did I do to deserve you?" Charlottes cheeks burning as she realised just how lucky she was.

As Charlotte moved closer, she admired the setting Mia had created. A white cloth had been placed over the table with 2 tall candles at either end. There was a vase with 3 black roses, and the two plates of food on either side. Charlotte could feel tears stinging her eyes. She looked up at Mia and saw nothing but love radiating from the redhead. She would never understand how on earth she got so lucky, but for now she'd just live in the moment and enjoy it.

"Come on sweetheart let's dig in I'm starving and I'm sure you are too." Almost on cue Charlottes stomach starting rumbling, making the two giggle. As Mia walked around to Chars side of the table, she pulled out her chair before pushing it in as the brunette sat down. "Thank you Mia," the smile on Charlottes face growing bigger by the second. Mia walked around and sat down opposite Char before taking her sweetheart's hands in hers, "I hope you know just how much I love you baby." Charlottes cheeks flushing red again, the warmth in her stomach spreading throughout her entire body as she looks down, attempting to cover the redness in her face. "I hope you like it sweetheart, I made your favourite pasta. I know I'm not much of a chef, but-" She was swiftly cut off my Char, "Mia, the fact you went to all this effort for me, I'd be happy with a sandwich. If I get to spend time with you, then I'm the happiest woman on the planet." Mia couldn't help but smile as she looked deep into her sweetheart's eyes. She quickly picks up the brunettes hand before kissing the back of it.

As the two enjoyed their meals, they talked about their day. Charlotte was telling Mia all about the activities she did with the kids, and how paint ended up all over one of the walls. Mia absolutely loved hearing Char talk. She could listen to her waffle about anything and everything for hours. She was so special; and Mia absolutely adored her.

As the conversation died down, Mia stood up before placing the plates in the sink. "How about we watch a movie Char?" "I would love to Mia!" The two made their way over to the sofa before flopping down on it, they were absolutely stuffed after the wonderful meal Mia had prepared. "Any recommendations sweetheart?" "Not really, I'm happy for you to choose." Char snuggled her head into Mia's chest. She could feel herself getting sleepy, but wanted to cherish the feeling of being held by her love. "How about this one?" "Sure! Let's do it." As Mia pressed play she put her hand around Charlottes body, pulling her closer. She placed a kiss on her forehead before snuggling into Char and pulling a blanket over them.

The movie had barely started as she felt Charlotte relax into her body. She looked down to see that her eyes were shut, and a small smile was plastered across her face. Mia started stroking Chars hair before giving her another quick kiss on her forehead, she quietly whispered, "sweet dreams baby, I love you", before she too relaxed into Chars embrace, closing her eyes. Both of them drifting off for the night, destined to meet again in their dreams.

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