Morning, October 2nd

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Ughhh! 3am! Great, I got work today!
Just get up! Phew... Where are my slippers? Oh, under my bed.

"Papa! Papa!" My daughter stepped into my room "Auntie Beebee lost against me!"
"That's good Lili."

Lilith Slythers, my daughter & 12 years old, my only child. I really wish she didn't need to live with me to see me suffer. But the world has a new living system… The Element System.

There are 4 groups : Aero, Pyro, Hydro and Terra.

Aero : The Free and Wild Spirits
Pyro : The Fierce and Bold Souls
Hydro : The Emotional and Entertaining Beings
Terra : The Wise and Intelligent Individual

But then there are the "Freaks"
There are more of us then the ones in the Element System.

Electro : Zappy and Energetic
Cryo : Cold but Gentle
Invisa : The Mischievous and Bright ones
Umbra : The Shy and Senseless
Aqua : The Forever Tears

And because of this system, we are banned from the Element Countries.

But then... The Freaks met me... An Eternal. And they want me to help with their rebellion. They call themselves the "Stellar Constellations".

And today, I'm meeting up with some of the Constellations I'm helping with

Pearlance Astrid, a beautiful lady with Peacock Feathers : A Cryo
Vincent Pictur, a pcyopath with a yandere persona : An Invisa

Yep… Oh wait… It now 4am… Damn… I guess thinking does pass the time…

I got up, walked to my drawer. My extremely over sized grey jacket, my minty coloured, fuzzy head band, my green boots… I look very small for my age… 5"6 for a 19 year old, so small.

"Ace! Are you going today!?" it was Leviathan, Snake of Envy.
"Levi, we can't all go." Beelzebub, Snake of Gluttony.

They all do want to go with me, but I can't bring them unless... My demon pendent! They can stay inside until needed!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21 ⏰

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