My Quirk?

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"You want to know more about my quirk? I'm not really sure what to call it but it's a quirk that counters others. This basically means that when I touch another person, I gain a quirk which is the opposite of theirs. An example would be if I was sparring or fighting with Todoroki, and I made physical contact with his skin then I would get a fire quirk, opposite to his ice. Unfortunately, within 24 hours the most recent quirk leaves my body which causes me to be practically quirkless." I cast a glance over to him as he writes and mutters to himself, engrossed deeply in his (very well used) notepad which may be turning yellow with age. I kind feel sorry for it.

He doesn't look up from his notepad and continues to ask me another question. "Do you have any drawbacks? Because I know Aoyama and Ururaka get stomach pain and nausea." Wow, I haven't even known these people for more than a week and he already knows the ins and outs of a few of our classmates' quirks. Kinda creepy...

"I do have one major set back of my quirk, it's that my body goes into overdrive, my nerves and cells become extremely sensitive which causes immense pain and sensitivity. However, the severity differs when it comes to how many quirks I have 'sucked' in and out of me. That's why I wear these gloves most of the time as well. But I think that's about it. Sorry for talking your ear off so much. When it comes to my quirk, I sort of like to ramble." I laugh awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck feeling uneasy and embarrassed.

"H-huh? No, no. You gave me everything I wanted to know and more Y/n, thank you! You have such an amazing quirk which can be used in so many different ways. it's so fascinating..." there he goes again, scribbling and muttering away until it's like I'm not even there.

Over the last couple days, I have gotten to know quite a few of my fellow classmates' quirks and personalities. Such as Bakugou being a flaming ball of smoking hot fire, personality and quirk. Todoroki is cool and collected, so is Momo. And Aoyama is hella flamboyant. And I guess Midoriya is kind of awkward and nerdy. Anyway, you get the gist of it.

Recently I have found myself hanging out with the coolest girl ever, Mina Aishido, she has this stunning quirk where she can produce acid OUT OF HER BODY!! like omg! I just think she's amazing, we went out together after school a few days ago and it was the best evening I have ever experienced. she's just a ball of energy which is practically exploding all of the time (or waiting to).

We also talk to Kirishima and Denki every now and then during our classes which is nice, apart from the fact that Denki is one of the biggest flirts I have met. Second only to the creep, Mineta.

After class is finally done, Mina and I head down to the cafeteria which was completely packed with all these other students from different alphabetical classes, like 1-A and 1-B and so on. I think...

I take a quick scan of our surroundings and find an empty table so with my tray in hand I usher mina to the clear spot. Once we get to our spot, I take my gloves off and set them down beside me on the table.

"So, what do you think about Momo and Midoriya being class reps? I personally don't really think he should be the rep, no hate to him, it's just that he didn't seem that confidant and prepared to 'lead'. You get what I'm saying?"

"Omg girl, I was about to say the same thing. Like he seems so sweet but..." Mina trails off at the end of her sentence, leaving me on a cliff hanger. "But?" I push on, internally begging her to carry on. "He did look like he was about to piss himself standing up in front of the class." I burst out laughing and Mina quickly follows suit.

"You girls have such mesmerizingly beautiful laughs, it's what I imagine an angel sounding like, tell me did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" Our laughter dies out as we look up at the culprit who interrupted us. Staring back at us is a boy with blonde hair and a black thunder streak in his side bang. Oh, I know who this is, it's Denki. I sigh and glare at mina for a hot second before laying my eyes on the, still smirking, boy. "That wasn't very manly, bro. sorry guys we were just wondering if we could sit with you since there was no more free space." The red head, Kirishima, informs us.

Mina answers for the two of us. "Yeah of course!" Denki sits down beside me, and Kirishima alongside Mina. I'm about to start a conversation but I'm abruptly interrupted by a screeching alarm which echoes off the walls, overwhelming the students within UA.

"Warning level three security breach! Students, please evacuate the building in an ordinally fashion." Is repeated back-to-back from the speakers dotted around the school.

Everybody immediately jumps out of their seats and rushes to the only available exit, taking our little group with them, we all get shoved and eventually get split apart.

I brush hands with someone and the hair on my neck suddenly starts to tingle and I can feel a new quirk imbedding itself within me. It's at that moment that I realise my gloves are still at the table. I try to keep my hands to myself but with my skirt exposing my bare legs, they inevitably keep brushing with other girls' legs. My cells start to become agitated and sensitive with the constant exposure to new quirks. My heart quickens as adrenaline pumps through my veins, preparing my body for pain.

Thank you so so much for reading my first chapter!!

Constructive criticism would be really helpful for me to improve my writing and is encouraged, but please don't just leave negative comments. Thank you.

updates may be slow or I might upload a few a day/week.
Also I have put a song at the beginning of each chapter, they are ones I feel fit the vibe. I would love some suggestions for moments in the anime which I will be inevitably writing about.

Word count: 1096

  Word count: 1096

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