chapter 5 , two moths latter

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it was fairly dark most of the residents where asleep, or winding down for the night

Charlie: wow finally this day is over, 

Vaggie: yeah you said it

Angel Dust came into the hotel

Angel Dust: fucken finally,  I wish I could tell him off

Husk : need a drink ?

Angel Dust: yes please

The door slightly open up

Charlie: odd everyone who is here is here

Vaggie and Alastor where at there fighting stance

Door opend the rest of the way

Charlie: Sky ? !

She was covered in dirt and other things her clothes looked staned though she went to the arena where she fights to get clean up it only worked a little

Charlie wanted to rush to hug her ,but Sky steep back

Sky: I would do anything to get a Charlie hug ,but if you don't mind if my old room is still available I would like to get up , get something to eat tell you everything that happend to me

Charlie: of course , you look tired too

Sky : tired yes ,but I can hold off the rest for a little while

Sky went to her room took a shower then a bath to relieve some of the aches and pains in her body and took an other shower because she still didn't feel clean . After words put of some comforable clothes she could fine went down stairs got something to eat the enjoyed the company of the others she learned to call family .

Sky: so I find the guy who put me though the pain and misery . He told me I could kill  ,but he wanted me to do some things first.  He wanted me to play hit man ,and not the vedio kind . Arackness and Cherri helped the best they could . Timothy was his name a old Wrangler from the west . He had powers he Split in two he told me I have part of it since he cut me with the blade and there was another.  Once both died I have full strength of the power .
I wished I could have told all of you sooner wished that I didn't try to hurt anyone

Charlie steeped up to Sky

Charlie: it's not your fult , can't blame yourself for it

Charlie and Sky hugged

Sky : can we stay like this forwhile I mess this

Charlie Squeezed Sky a little tighter

Charlie: of couse we can

Soon they let go of eachother and Angel picked her up let her set upon his lap . Although two months went by it seemed that no time went by at all .

Charlie: since we got everyone here do you want to wait tell tommow ,or now to go over the schedule?

Lucifer: could we wait tell tommow? Most of us are tired

Charlie: okay tommow it is then .

The group went there sprate ways for the night

Alastor went to Lucifers chambers once everyone was asleep

Lucifer was still up he answered the door

Lucifer: oh well seems someone couldn't stay away after all... you look worse for worn that's saying somethin coming from me ..  what is it ?

Alastor: I don't know what to do ,or how to say it . I'm in rut

Lucifer: Rut ? What is that . He smells different say a Cologne ,but it's not .. 

Alastor came closer to Lucifer

Alastor: pleaser I was wounding if you could help me , I don't want to do this on my own .

Lucifer: wait , what are you talking about

Alastor leaned in kissed Lucifer

Lucifer: what the hell Al ?

Alastor: I helped you not to long ago with this , but I..  I need help

Lucifer: oh boy hehehe .

Alastor was making a strange face one that Lucifer never sceen before

Lucifer: very well , I'll help you with your problem. 

Lucifer went to his bed Alastor walked closer to it

Lucifer : mind if I help you with your bow tie and shirt ?

Alastor: if I can help you with yours

Both agreed

Alastor was trying to be gentle, but his animal instincts where kicking in . For him he wanted to tare the clothes off of Lucifer . His hands where shacking . Lucifer helped him . Alastor looked at Lucifer Lust was in his eyes perhaps to make his own

Lucifer: do what you wish I'll tell you when I have enough

Alastor layed on top of Lucifer.  They begain to kiss Alastor bit here and there even bitting into Lucifer kneck Lucifer let out a soft moan . Alastor made a low soft growl like a cat who was puring , yet diffent .

Alastor held Lucifers hands up above his head laying them on a pillow.  Alastor stoped sat up

Lucifers: done already? Haven't tare into me.

Alastor looked away

Lucifer realized it was the ring

Lucifer: im sorry Al

Lucifer took it off set in the night stand

Lucifer: im yours now devor me. Do what you wish

Alastor sat there for awhile  but begain once more . He placed a finger into Lucifer lower body

Lucifer moaned in delight in pleaser its been far to long since he as been touched

Alastor: mind if I go in ?

Lucifer: please Al..  take ... take me

Alastor slid in there bodies becoming one

Lucifer could tell Alastor to stop at anytime,  could hold him close ,but he was afread if he did Al would never allow himself to ner him ever again, or a long time .

Alastor: you want to carry my fawn ?

Lucifer: what did I hear that right he asked me to be his mate ? At less carry a child of his ?

Alastor waited for the answer

Lucifer: yes , I would

Alastor: very will

Well into night they made love . Alastor layed breathless ner Lucifer

Lucifer: wow you really where pened up ?

Alastor: thank you for helping  me

Lucifer: no thank you for helping me let go and be able to feel love once more ..

Lucifer was crying more so then Alastor ever sceen

Alastor held him close to him

Alastor: rest easy now , mon chéi knowing I will never leave you ever again

They shared one more kiss for the night layed down embracing eachother thought the night

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