But it's so farrr

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I jumped off the propped ledge rushing myself backstage. This was only a practice for the play next week but I was shitting bricks, what if I fall over during my spins or- 

"Lia stay after I would like to have a chat with you"

James's words went in one ear and out the other. I couldn't face him after what he said to me when Leo came. "Your pretty in ballet very professional and elegant, but I need to see that hot side of you when you and" He looked back and Leo "Him kiss or have sex, you need to seduce the audience not kill them with kindness. If you need to learn how to be a bad girl my door is open." He whispered the last part in my ear making me jolt with disgust.I hated that moment, I hated how I rember ever single word he said.

James is almost twice my age, I hated him, this studio everything the people- except for Chris of course. I have to pretend like I'm not dying the second I walk in here, because ballerina's are delicate and sweet right?


Practice had just ended and I waited in the main studio for James making sure there were windows that people could see through. "Lia can you come into my office, please." "Why can't we stay here?" I questioned slipping on my leggings and hoodie. "Fine we can do this out here.". James tried to kiss me and I slapped him, hard making sure I used the back part of my hand.

"You little slut!" He screamed in his thick Slavic accent.

I ran out of the studios tears blocking my vision. I ran into a tall figure almost falling over. "Lia? What wrong!" I recognized that voice from anywhere. Leo held me tightly in a hugged while I sobbed into his black jacket. "J-" I took a deep breath my breathing was heavy and choppy. No matter how hard I tried the words didn't come out. "Lia breath it's me, I'm here." Leo's words calmed me down and I finally caught my breath.

"James." Leo immediately caught on to what I tried to say "Lia what did he do?". I hesitated to answer "He tried to hook up with me!" Leo's face turned from worried to instantly serious. "What if he takes my role away!".

"I'm going to handle it okay?" I nodded my head and buried my face back into Leo's chest. I was beyond lucky for Leo, he was always there even when we were talking I would go to his house and just vent to him. It felt so natural with Leo like no one. I had a soul tie to him "Lia, you won't be seeing James anymore okay?" "Okay." I took a deep breath "Lia I love you.". I froze at his words. Me and Leo said I love you alot but not when we were dating, now his words meant romantically not just like a sister.

I couldn't speak I just looked up at him cluelessly!

"Okay guess I'll have to make you love me, that won't take long though.". The car ride home was silent, I felt like Leo was scared to touch me he always rested one hand on my thigh. But he kept to himself all the way home?


 Leo made my favorite dinner obviously feeling bad for me. I turned on the music for the black swan and practiced in one of our many empty rooms. "Swan queen come eat!" Leo said peeking his head through the doorway. I rotated Renverśe toward Leo, he dipped me and planted a kiss on my lips before putting his hands on my shoulders and sitting me down at the table.  He put a plate of pasta garlic bread and a glass of sprite in-front of me. "Aweee Leo this is so sweet." "I was hoping you would say something I had to read  a whole book!".

"I love you too Leo..". Fuck, mouth vomit! Leo smiled and dropped his fork to lean over the table and plant a kiss on my forehead.

"Told you I'd make you love me."  "Don't make me take it back." I said stabbing the pasta with my fork. "How about we stick with white swan tonight the black swan is coming out in you." Leo chuckled. After our dinner I actually convinced Leo to practice with me. He was never done ballet but I didn't need him to do that just to hold me at the right times. "Ready swan queen?" I nodded my head and Leo unpaused the music. I did several pique turns before leaning back into Leo's arms.

Leo was taken off guard and dropped me following along with two loud thumps. "Oh my gosh Lia are you oka-" I started to laugh uncontrollably at Leo. He awkwardly giggled still looking concerned. "It's okay Leo, that was fun."

I looked down and realized his wrist was red and the redness traveled up to his arm. I lifted up his sleeve and wrapped my hand around his arm rubbing it up and down. "Memories." Leo whispered. I realized what he wa thinking about and playfully slapped his arm. 

I fell asleep on the couch while watching a movie with Leo.


It was 2 days till my big performance, James was permanently fired and never allowed to teach. Suprisingly I began to get closer with Leo's friends especially Brad, Brad was chill and welcoming. I also got along with Andrew really well, him and Chris though they were obviously crushing on eachother, no one talked about it though. Jules was apart of their group but only hung out when Chad told her too, it was obvious she hated my guts. "Mal come on we're going to be late."Brad yelled while jogging down the street

"But it's so farrr!"

"Mal it's quite literally right there." Brad pointed to the house right on the corner of the street. "Race you!" I pushed Brad to get a head start and ran across the street. A loud horn made me nearly have a heart attack "Malia?" I looked into the car to see.. Camryn. "Hey Cam!" "How are you I haven't seen you in weeks!" "I'm so sorry but I really have to go can we catch up later tonight?" I asked and without letting her answer I walked up next to Brad and BANGED on the door.

"Took you shits long enough!" Chris yelled. "Hey I should get going.." I went onto my yippie toes to see who it was to see Andrew. Me and Brad looked at each other with a smug smirk. "Oh hey guys!" Andrew said finally acknowledging me and Brad. "Okay there is definitely something going on between you too.." Brad said with his jaw still dropped. "Just friends" "with benifits!" I screamed. After a couple of minutes Leo got to Chris's house and we all worked on our project before my suprise.

Brad Chad Leo and Chris all planned some surprise for me. "No! Fuck fuck fuck!" Chad yelled. "What the fuck happened?!" I looked at chads blank computer screen. "I deleted, everything." Everyone's jaw dropped. This project was our final grade! "Chad we need to go to Miss Sinclair!" I screamed. We all arrived at the school and asked for Miss Sinclair at the front office. "You know I'm supposed to be leaving now so this better be important!" Miss Sinclair said inspecting the blank laptop. "Guys just press the back button!" She hit the back button and nothing changed. Seems like you guys erased the computers data." She cleared her throat "do you happen to know your social security and login info" Miss Sinclair words faded once I felt cold hands wrap around me.

I took a whiff of the air and smelt Leo's vanilla scented cologne. Leo pushed himself onto the backside of me. "Stop the freaky shit" Chris said pretending to throw up. "All done goodbye kids keep up the good work!" 


Leo picked out an all black and white outfit for my suprise. "You should style me more often." I looked at the tight black mini dress adjusting it to my figure. "Okay next outfit is.. and invisible bra and panties." Leo laughed at his own joke and kissed me before walking out of my room. Me and Leo walked into brads house his hand covering my eyes before walking in. "Ready?" "Mhm" Leo lifted his hand revealing a beautiful black and white with gold decorations place filled with people mostly friends. "And one more suprise." I looked at Leo signaling for the suprise to hurry.

"Hey pancakes."

I whipped my head around to see my auntie May! "I missed you so much." I said bringing her into a big hug. "How's the baby?" I asked pointing to her obvious bump. "She's doing great only about 4 weeks left till I pop her out out!" We both laughed. I excused myself and went to go see my friends, they all fretted me with hugs Brad greeted me by letting me lean into a hug then stepping back making me trip on air. "You asshole." I rolled my eyes.

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