The Inside Man Chapter #3(what comes after)

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Hey Bryan. I was just going to ask about where you've been. I couldn't get your phone number or in touch with any of your family so I gave this letter to your friend Marcus. I mean it looked like you guys were friends when you were at BGW with him. I hope you got this letter alright. Please come back to school soon, it may not seem like it but class is pretty boring without a guy like you
-yours truly, Maya Jacobs

Something's wrong. I feel different. I remember trying to kill myself, but I've tried it like 5 times. I remember it so vividly though. Was it a dream? No. There's no way in hell that was a dream. I felt every little piece hit my skull. I felt my body hit the floor. I felt death.

I'm calling Marcus right away and I'm leaving this fucking cabin as soon as possible. I'm taking the shotgun too.

An hour away.
Marcus is an hour away.

That shouldn't be too bad. I made more instant noodles and got ready.

Ten minutes. Ten minutes have gone by so far and I haven't felt any more impatient. Get me out of this fucking cabin.
The doors are shaking. There's nothing outside but the doors are shaking like someone's trying to get in. I want to barricade the door but I still need to get out in 40 minutes
It's getting worse, Way worse.
I grabbed the shotgun and aimed once more just hoping,begging that the shaking and screaming would stop. I thought about it for a bit, If I pulled the trigger would it stop or would I wake up from another little nightmare? Was I stuck in some lucid dream? No, I wasn't. I made sure the shells were ready and I pulled the trigger firing the first shot at one of the doors. I pulled the trigger thinking I'd scare it away. But it didn't. That man, for the first time in a year I've finally seen him face to face. He charged at me like he charged at my father. It was like he said,it's destiny. I tried moving out the way, I really did. I just couldn't though, I was struck with fear, frozen at 70 degrees.

He's nowhere near the same as he was when I first met him. He's faster,stronger,skinnier, just overall more terrifying. He got to me in an instant and basically just backhanded me, sending me straight through the window.

Was this how I was gonna go? Was I gonna be just thrown away like I was nothing? No, this isn't my time. Not now, not anytime soon.
Marcus was outside,thank god. He saw me get thrown out and he saw that man. I know he did based on the face of absolute horror, kind of like he saw a ghost. Anyways he just screamed my name over and over again and told me to get into the car. I got in and he just screamed at me and drove away,going 50 in a 20 zone. Then I just blank out into my own world, he's still yelling at me but some buzzing just flooded my ears. I think I broke a rib or two.

"You're bleeding a lot."

"I'm bleeding?"

"I'm taking you to the hospital right now Bryan, you're losing too much."

"No hospital,too expensive"

"Then i'm taking you to my parent's, we still owe you anyways"

And just like that it faded to black, I was bleeding out all over Marcus's car. Covering the wrappers and all the papers. He's gonna take me to his parents so they can fix me up. His dad served with mine and his mom's a surgeon so hopefully it'll be fine. I do not need him talking about that man though, they'll think we're crazy or on drugs. At this point i wish it was just some sort of madness,but madness alone doesn't break your ribs

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