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"Won't you live for me? Or I could I live for you? There's nothing I won't carry, so you don't have to."

- Live For Me by Omar Apollo


"Welcome back, everyone!" Taylor beams into the camera, her bright eyes reflecting the soft glow of the studio lights. "Today, I have a very special guest with me—my sweet boy! We're going to be making some delicious vanilla cupcakes that I'm forcing him to take to work later."

Spencer, standing beside her, adjusts his snapback slightly. His voice is soft as he adds, "Hello, everyone. It's nice to...be here."

He was wearing a hat to help keep his anonymity, along with Taylor blurring his face throughout the video. She also tried to keep the camera angles titled to where the image on the screen stopped at Spencer's chin, which wasn't hard due to his height and Taylor's 5'5 frame.

Taylor giggles, her hand lightly touching his arm. "Isn't he just the sweetest? Now, let's get started. First up, we need to gather our ingredients."

As they move towards the kitchen counter, Spencer meticulously lists out the items they need: flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, butter, eggs, milk, and vanilla extract. Taylor nods along, her focus shifting between the camera and the ingredients.

"We've got some great questions from you guys," Taylor says, picking up her phone to read from the comments she received prior on Twitter. "Let's start with this one: 'What's your favorite part about cooking together?'"

Spencer smiles, his eyes crinkling off-screen. "This is actually our first time cooking together, but I think it's the shared experience. Cooking together creates memories, and it's fun to experiment and see what works best."

Taylor agrees, "Absolutely. Plus, I love seeing how attentive he is. He always makes sure I have everything I need before I start on a typical day."

They begin measuring out the ingredients, their movements synchronized. Spencer carefully weighs the flour while Taylor melts the butter in a microwave-safe bowl.

"Next question," Taylor continues, "asks how did we meet?"

Spencer chuckles, "I was walking home when I saw the most breathtakingly beautiful woman I had ever seen... bossing a bunch of grown men around. It was love at first sight."

Taylor nods, "Yep! That sounds about right."

As they mix the batter, Spencer's gentle hands guide the mixer, ensuring the ingredients are well combined. Taylor watches him, her admiration clear.

"Okay, now we need to pour this batter into the cupcake liners," Taylor instructs, handing Spencer the mixing bowl. He does so carefully, making sure not to spill a drop.

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