Sera had to get used to not having carmila around (flashback)

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Trigger warning: bad language/anger/guilt/and other problems

Sera started to feel guilty and started to feel really sad about her sister not being in heaven, but she finally got over it and someone decided to come over and tease sera because she just lost her sister and it was not other than drumroll Adam

Adam: looks like your sister took the extermination of the wrong way

Sera: what the fuck do you want, Adam?

Adam: just proving that my point was correct again

Sera: yes I get you your point, but you should've never told my sister about theextermination.

Adam: she was going to find out sooner rather than later so I decided to tell her the truth. Don't you feel finally free that you won't actually finally not be overshadowed by your younger sister

Sera: she was the only family I had left after Lucifer and now I've lost the only other person who actually understood me

Adam: what about your other sister Emily?

Sera: yes, I know I love her as well, but no one will ever replace carmila I'm actually starting to feel really guilty of sending her down there. I wonder if she's actually okay.

Adam: oh come on now you're just sounding like an absolute fantasy dreamer. She'll be fine.

Sera: wow you're really? Are that gullible? You are so stupid. I wish I never ever agreed to your stupid idea.

Adam: oh come on, you're the one who approved the extermination

Sera: honestly Adam, I'm not in the mood for you your stupid attitude right now

Adam was generally thrilled with himself. He was wondering if he could actually annoy her even more but at the same time he didn't want to mess around with. Sera anger side so he decides to stay calm and try to appeal with her on her good side, but that was never going to last long.

Sera: but maybe you are correct, Adam. Maybe I should stay strong for Emily shake and it is her fault for rising against heaven

Adam: no that's the attitude. I like. You shouldn't blame yourself just because she found out about the extermination. She was going to risk her own life by taking her own daughters to hell what type of person would do that?

Sera: definitely her she didn't want me to look after her daughters she said ""I couldn't be trusted with a statistic psychopathic you but I am not a psychopath. I just want to protect heaven at all cost and it was my job. I couldn't just keep her up and heaven after her rising against and siding with demons

Adam: okay I get it. I don't need an entire backstory of her she fell down to hell.

Sera: but there's definitely one thing I can do. I will try to call her and rub in her face how wrong she was.

Adam: that's the type of conversation that I like. Can I stay for the call

Sera: absolutely not this is a private call between sisters. I don't want you to get into more trouble for fuck sake give her enough trouble for what you've caused. I'm still angry at you for telling her about the extermination but I can't hold on a grudge forever.

Adam was absolutely shocked. He was wondering why all people keeping her angry for too long but he left aside. He was actually quite glad she wasn't angry with him for so long.

Adam: so what are you going to do now? Since one of the highest Serafin have left heaven?

Sera: I will just have to take over. I just have to do all of the responsibilities until Emily comes of age.

Adam: when is the next extermination? I'm excited.

Sera: typical you always want to know when the next extermination is for your information. The next extermination is in two weeks time but promise me you will not hurt. Carmila or if you hurt her, I don't really care.

Adam: you really want your sister to be gone what about her daughters?

Sera: I don't want my nieces to be dead, but if my sister is dead, I couldn't care less

Sera: I just don't want her to meet Lucifer

Adam.; and why do you not want her to meet Lucifer?

Sera: because I'm pretty sure that she does she'll tell everything about what happened and Lucifer will probably come up to heaven and see why they decided to cast their own other serafin out of heaven

Adam: it doesn't really matter anyway you've got more of the power since you're in heaven

Sera: I'm not in charge of heaven. The archangels have more power than me. I'm I'm just the person who keeps having and it's stable place I guess and Emily is the angel of joy who keeps the angels happy and distract them from knowing the extermination and carmila job used to be doing all the paperwork and helping me welcome to new souls into heaven, but now I have to do that on my own

Adam: don't get me wrong she was not the worst person that I had to deal with, but she was so annoying when I tried to hurt her daughters one time

Sera: why would you do such a thing?

Adam: I just wanted to see how angry she should get

Sera: yes I really do like to annoy her as well, but anyway shouldn't you be going? Don't you have like another extermination to plan this in two weeks time?

Adam: yes I know thank you very much for proving the extermination. I'm really grateful.

Sera: just don't bring any of the exorcist into my office until two weeks or else I will cancel it

Adam: I got it motherfucker I will see you later'

Sera: see you later, Adam

Adam finally leaves and sera could finally cry because she was missing her sister so much but she didn't know what to do. She wanted to do one final thing to see if her sister would forgive her so she would decide to call her but it would take her four weeks to take her to phone because every time she tried to call she was too nervous to talk to her sister, but she finally had the courage and talk to her own sister if it was going to end with her not on good terms with her younger sister

End of chapter 8

Note: since I will be busy this week a lot with school I just wanted to make chapter 7 and eight so that I don't have to worry about making other chapters this week just in case I don't and by the way I deleted my other stories because I started to hate them and I will try to make better stories in the future but if that doesn't work, I'll just stick to this one just now the other ones were just stressing me out so badly and chapter 7 was really cool to write and chapter 8 was kind of a rush, but I don't really care

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