𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐔𝐄 - see you tomorrow.

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𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐘𝐒𝐓, episode zero

(to be read in dark mode)

TW -- this prologue has a description of somebody's body after death, mentions bullet wounds and there is one mention of suicide. if you feel uncomfortable with any of these things, please feel free to not read this prologue. it is NOT needed for the story, so don't force yourself to read it. otherwise, enjoy! <3

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I see dead bodies, all the fucking time. No matter where I am, no matter where I go, death follows me. I guess it's my fault for joining my field of work but when I'm not cutting bodies open to study them, the concept of the dead still follows me.

My mother was against me going into forensics but I thought that it was the only way I could contribute to society. Dreams of becoming a surgeon had long since faded away and so at least I could help those who had already passed, compared to trying to prevent it from happening. I was never built for that type of stuff. No one should ever willingly put their life in my hands.

Regardless. I enjoyed my job, as much as a person could enjoy working for hours on end, and so I never really had any interest in changing it. And despite the constant gloominess that it pulled me into, it never became so much of a problem that I had to stop ignoring it's negative effects on me.

But everything sort of... crumbled when I got assigned to test some DNA from this one case. A family of 3, all found with bullet wounds in each of their heads in the middle of their living room. The mother, father and their daughter all dead, leaving the son behind - he wasn't at the house at the time, or something like that.

Detectives had no clue when it came to what happened. Some speculated it was a familial suicide, but that wouldn't explain their son being left behind, considering he testified to not knowing of anything like that being planned. Others thought it had been a robber breaking in and deciding to kill the family on their way out.

The thing is with murder is that it's relatively simple, unless there's a lack of evidence. Which there certainly was.

I remember arriving at the scene not long after the discovery and looking around thinking that whatever happened that night, the culprit took care to make sure they weren't caught. Nothing that would help the investigation had been left behind. Our team literally spent hours searching, but there was nothing to analyse but the bodies. 

I'm not sure what compelled me to, but I offered to perform the autopsy on the daughter. She was 12 at the time, but in videos and according to multiple accounts from family friends, she acted much younger. Of course, you couldn't blame a kid like that. Being young is the only time when you can truly get away with being a kid.

Plus, it was good practice. I'd never performed an autopsy on a body before so it was best I start small right?

The cause of death was a single bullet through the head. The shot was fired from a close distance, shown by the markings around the wound. It went straight through her head and hit the wall behind her. The time of death, seemed to be from around 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM, noon being the last time the family had been seen, entering their house after shopping, and 2 hours later being when their bodies were discovered. Ballistic markings on the gun were traced back to being from a pistol but the model had yet to be determined, the last time I bothered checking.

But it wasn't any of that freaked me out. It was her mouth. Not in whatever way you're thinking of right now, it's not that.

Underneath her tongue, was a piece of paper. It wasn't like I expected anything to be in there, so I was confused when I first saw it. But if I'm being honest, each time I looked over it, trying to find out what it could mean, I was confused. 

It was a little crumpled and messed up, having been in her mouth for so long but I just managed to read what had been written on it.

"Will anyone ever help me?" It read, in dark blue ink.

After doing a handwriting analysis, it ended up matching to the young girl. A few days later, it was found that it was most likely ripped out of her diary, that had been discovered in her closet.

How it got there, I don't know. After a year of pondering and questioning what in the world could have happened for it to end up in her mouth with her dead shortly after, I still couldn't come to a conclusion.

Reading that, I figured that my work wasn't helping any body. All it was doing was attempting at uncovering the truth. And sometimes the truth was sad and depressing, and usually it would never even end up being discovered.

That girl needed help. But I only found that cry for help after she'd been killed. And that thought makes me sick to my stomach every single day.

It's hard living in a world where justice isn't always served. 



a/n : lmao i forgot to write this TT, episode one chapter one is halfway done, i need to do introductions though waaaaahhh /j

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a/n : lmao i forgot to write this TT, episode one chapter one is halfway done, i need to do introductions though waaaaahhh /j

𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐘𝐒𝐓 ' , 𝒂 𝒎𝒚𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒂𝒇Where stories live. Discover now