In the magical underwater city of Mu, a blonde green-tailed mermaid girl named Maya lived happily with her mom, Marni. Maya had a special doll named Polly, who looked just like her with blonde hair and a green tail. Polly went everywhere with Maya, sharing in all her adventures.
One sunny morning, Marni had a special plan. "Maya," she said, "we're going to visit the Blue Holes today!"
The Blue Holes were a group of beautiful sinkholes near the ocean's surface, far from the trench where Mu was located. Excited but a bit nervous, Maya grabbed Polly and held her tight. They boarded the undersea bus, an amazing organic craft shaped like a giant manta ray. Its semi-transparent body glowed softly, allowing passengers to see the underwater world around them as they traveled.
Maya didn't like traveling on the undersea bus. It made her feel travel sick. "Don't look out the window, sweetie," Marni advised, but Maya couldn't help it. She peeked at the strange fish swimming by and felt her tummy churn.
Finally, they reached the Blue Holes. The water sparkled in shades of deep blue, and Maya forgot all about her travel sickness. They found a nice spot for a picnic, and Marni unpacked delicious oysters and lobster, which they both loved.
After eating, Maya took Polly and went to play near the Blue Holes. "Don't get too close," Marni warned, "those holes are said to be bottomless."
Maya promised to be careful, but curiosity got the best of her. She inched closer to the edge, fascinated by the mysterious depths. Suddenly, a superfast jellyfish zoomed by, startling Maya. She screamed and dropped Polly, who tumbled into the Blue Hole.
Panicking, Maya swam away from the jellyfish and back to her mom. "Mommy, Polly fell into the hole!" she cried.
Marni's face filled with concern. "We can't go down there, Maya. It's too dangerous." Maya's tears flowed as she imagined Polly alone in the dark.
They headed back to the underwater bus stop, Maya still sobbing. A kind mermaid named Salacia noticed Maya's distress. "What's wrong?" she asked gently.
"She lost her doll down the nearest Blue Hole," Marni explained.
Salacia's eyes sparkled with determination. "I used to be in the city guard. I can help. I'll rescue Polly."
Maya's heart filled with hope as Salacia dove into the Blue Hole. The minutes stretched into what felt like hours. Just when they thought they'd have to leave without Polly, Salacia emerged, holding Polly safe and sound.
"I almost couldn't find her," Salacia said, smiling. "But there she was, on a ledge far down."
Marni hugged Salacia tightly. "Thank you so much for saving Polly."
Back home in Mu, Maya drew a special thank-you card for Salacia. She decorated it with seashells and pearls, and it made Salacia smile every time she looked at it.
The Mermaid who lost her Doll
FantasyIn a hidden underwater city, a young blonde green-tailed mermaid named Maya embarks on an adventure with her beloved doll, Polly. During a visit to the mysterious Blue Holes with her mom, Marni, Maya accidentally drops Polly into one of the bottomle...