The Party Poppers

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I didn't want to help the bikers. I didn't want to help anyone of them. They may have shown me the rock but I didn't want to participate in taking over that restaurant. I just wanted to grab the crystal piece and get the hell out of here. Call me selfish but I just didn't want to do this even though I didn't have much of a choice. The rest of the night was peaceful, thankfully. I don't know if the bikers slept here even though they were like 16-17 or something but we all slept in the junkyard. It was kinda scary since in the middle of the night, some dogs came in and started to sniff and eat some of the garbage. I thought about taking the crystal then and there but unfortunately, Cy took it with him so I wasn't able to take it. Nevertheless, the bright, cheerful, and very happy sun came out soon enough, and before I knew it, we were riding on our bikes through the empty streets to the Disco Fever, ready to take it for ourselves. The plan from what I was told is that I was supposed to enter the restaurant saying that the bikers were surrendering and wanted to apologize. Another biker would come in to get everyone out and when everyone was out, the rest of the bikers would enter, shut the doors and the place would be ours. It's a pretty stupid plan but I'm guessing the bikers are not the sharpest tools in the shed by any means but if I wanted to get out of here, I had to go along with these bikers, yay. "Now remember the plan newbie. Cause that distraction as soon as you can!" Cy said as the rest of the bikers went to hide behind the building. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down as best as I could. I walked very slowly towards the doors, without looking back, I opened the doors....and headed inside. Compared to yesterday, the place looked the same as before. People were out dancing, the waitresses were busy with orders, you get the picture. I was looking around, about to make my move when I stopped. I then noticed something that I hadn't noticed before. On the dance floor, there weren't that many people out this time, at least not when I went out yesterday. There were also some empty seats at the bar area and that's when it clicked. "There's room for them. They don't need the entire place for themself's." "Hey, biker! What do you want?" A person asked when within a few seconds later, all eyes were on me, waiting to hear my response. "Uh...The...The bikers want to apologize." I blurted out, not knowing that things were now in motion and couldn't be stopped. "Well then, I was wondering when they would come around! Let's go show them who's boss!" The person said within a few minutes later, the restaurant was empty with the only person left was me. I stood there, regretting what I had just said. I was about to say something completely different and I didn't. Now I was more of a biker than I ever wanted to be. A few moments later, the rest of the bikers then came through the doors with some smiles on their faces. "Finally..." One of them said. "No more junkyards!" Another one said. "Gang, it's party time." Cy said as within a few moments, the entire dance floor was filled with bikers. "Oh NO! What have I done?" I said under my breath as Cy then approached me. "Well newbie, I am impressed with your accomplishment. Once the rest of those losers find another place to stay, the shiny rock is all yours." I was about to respond with probably a very poor sentence when a loud banging could be heard from the doors. "Not even a full minute..." Cy said as he then entrusted all of us to ignore the others and continue to party. I did the exact opposite as everyone else was partying, I made my way to the front doors with everyone outside. "Traitor!" I heard one of them say. "Just get inside!" I said as I opened the locked doors and everyone else came inside. "Newbie! What have you DONE?!" I heard Cy yell as I'm guessing he noticed me open the doors.Very quickly, war broke out as the bikers started to block the other...I don't have a name for them but the non-bikers from entering any further beyond the first few feet. "Look, everyone! This has to stop!" I started to say as everyone stopped fighting and looked towards me. "You both can share the place! There's room for each of you so if you stop this fighting, you can share this place." I said as everyone stopped to think about my words. "But they're annoying!" Someone said, "How about you two work out your differences? You may be different but you share the opinion of this restaurant, use that somehow!" I said. "I think the kid has a point." Someone in the crowd said. "I guess we do share that thought." One of the bikers said. Now just to make a long story short, the bikers and the non-bikers worked out a deal to share the place. Shortly afterward, we then hit up the dance floor as yours truly busted some moves. "I have to say newbie, you have a lot in ya." Cy said to me as he approached me while I was getting some water. "Thanks, man." I said. "Since I'm a man of my word, this rock is your's." Cy said as he pulled out the rock from his very worn-out bag. "Yes, finally." I said as I grabbed the crystal piece at last. Suddenly, the room started to shake. The lights went out and it was harder to keep my balance. "What's going on?" Cy asked as I felt uneasy when I didn't get sucked into the crystal this time. Instead, a portal opened up and I got sucked into it. "Newbie!" Cy said as he tried to help me but it was all for nothing. I got sucked into the portal with the crystal in my hand, leaving everyone there yet again. 

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