'Decision' 𝓖𝓱𝓸𝓼𝓽𝓯𝓪𝓬𝓮

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I was sitting in class listening to the teacher, just waiting for the bell to ring.
When it rang I hurried packing my bag and then rushed out of the classroom so I can be home fast since I still gotta do some homework and later I have a date with a guy who asked me out.
I'm not sure if he's my type yet but maybe I find out at the date.
I hurried walking the way to my house and it only took around ten minutes, usually it takes around twenty.
I rushed into my room and started doing my homework.
After half n hour I was already finished with it and sat down on my bed.
I grabbed a book which I started reading a few days ago, but as I grabbed it the telephone rang.
I decided to let it ring since my parents and my brother are at a football game from some friends and the telephone is downstairs so when I reach it the person is probably already talking to the voicemail.
I read a few words when I heard the telephone ring.
Maybe it's something important if someones calling so often?
I rushed downstairs and at the last ring I managed to grab the phone and put it to my ear.
No answer.
I said and was about to put it back i to the station when I heard someone say.
"Hello Y/N"
"Who is it?"
I asked not knowing that voice.
"What's your favourite scary movie?"
"Who the fuck are you?"
I asked kind of confused on who he is.
"You don't need to know my name, just tell me, what's your favourite scary movie?"
"If you don't tell me your name I'm gonna-"
"Don't hang up bitch"
He said in an angry voice.
"What if I do?"
I said in a funny voice.
"You really wanna know what happens then slut?"
"I'm not a slut fucking shithead!"
"Then why are u wearing such a slutty red top?"
He said and I looked out of the glass door to the garden but no one was there.
"How the fuck do you know what I'm wearing?"
"Are you getting scared honey?"
"N-No, where the fuck are you?"
I said getting kind of scared.
"Let's play a little game, if you win I'll go, but if you don't, well, you're gonna find out what happens then"
"A game?"
"Yes, I'm gonna ask you some questions and you need to answer them right"
"I have a date later, I don't-"
"Well, maybe you don't"
"Don't you check your emails?"
walked to the pc in the living room and checked my emails and an email had sent me a picture.
On the picture was the guy I was about to go on a date with sliced up and bleeding.
I said in a scared voice.
"He's alive, somehow, if u win the game u both can go to the date but if not, then the fun starts~"
"F-Fuck you"
He chuckled and then said.
"First question, where am I?"
"Where am I? The options to choose from are ur fromt door, the door to the garden or somewhere else in the house"
"I-I uh in the house?"
"Well, that's correct."
He's inside the house?
What the fuck should I do now?
"Next question, what color is Michel Myers mask?"
"Yes, correct, that was very easy but now the last question, who do you think I killed before I came here, Tatum, Sydney or Randy?"
"Y-You killed one of my friends?"
He chuckled.
"Answer the question"
"I-I Randy?"
I said scared that he killed him.
"Well, no, it was Tatum"
"Y-You killed my friend?"
Suddenly I heard something behind me and when I turned around a person with black clothes and a mask stood there, in his one hand a knife.
"Hello Y/N"
I ran away upstairs and Ghostface ran after me.
Upstairs was a lamp which I throwed at him but it only slightly hit him.
I ran to my room and locked the door, then pushed my desk in front of it.
He tried to open it but it didn't worked.
I grabbed the telephone and quickly called the police.
I hurried telling them what's happening but suddenly I heard wood breaking.
I looked at my door and he kicked through my door.
He kicks more till the door breaks and then jumps over my desk.
I hurried to my window and tried to climb onto the roof but he grabbed my shirt and pulled me back, his knife slightly cutting my arm.
"Well, you're pretty fast"
He said holding the knife infront of my face.
"That pretty face of yours, what a waste it would be if I kill u now"
He said and I got even more scared.
"W-What do u want"
"Well, I wanted to kill u, but actually, I have a better idea now"
He said and pushed me onto my bed.
"Since u already called the police I'm gonna go now, but I'll be back soon~"
He said as he slightly cut into my side.
He jumped out of the window and I just sat on my bed.
A few minutes later the police came and I told them what had happened.
"Are u alright?"
Dewey asked me.
"I-I guess so, what about T-Tatum?"
"Tatum? She's at the hospital, several stab wounds but she hopefully recovers soon"
"H-He told me he killed her"
"He probably thought he did"

Timeskip next day at Sidneys

After what had happened Sidney asked me if I wanted to stay at hers since her father is on a business trip.
Earlier we visited Tatum and now we were sitting on her bed watching a movie when suddenly someone jumped in through the window.
Sidney said slightly scared.
"Sorry Sid, Hi Y/N, didn't knew ur here"
He said.
"Sidney, can we talk?"
Sidney thought for a few seconds and then said.
"Well sure, uh"
"I'm gonna go downstairs"
I said as I walked out of her room so they can talk alone.
I walked down the stairs when suddenly the doorbell rang.
I walked to the front door but no one was there.
I then walked into the kitchen when I heard something which sounded like footsteps.
I said and suddenly someone grabbed me and pulled me into a room.
I tried to scream but I didn't since I felt a knife at my throat.
The person locked the door and then threw me onto the bed in the room.
It was the guest room.
I looked at the person and it was Ghostface.
"F-Fuck what do u want?"
He slowly walked closer to me and then cut my arm.
It was bleeding now and I tried to stand up but he pushed me back down onto the bed.
"Well, now I'm gonna fuck you and after-"
"No please don't-"
"Shut up little bitch!"
He said as he grabbed bleeding arm so it hurt even more.
"I'm gonna-"
He was about to say something when suddenly someone in a Ghostface costume jumped through the window.
"Get away from her"
"Why should I?"
"Because I am Ghostface"
The guy who jumped inside said.
"Alright u got me, I'm not the real ghostface, I just wanted to rape that little Slut-"
Suddenly the Gjostface who had jumped inside stabbed the other Ghostface.
"Don't speak about her like that"
He said as he stabbed in his body.
After he had stabbed him many times he pulled his knife out and cleaned it with his glove.
"W-Who are you?"
I said scared.
"I'm the Ghostface from yesterday and that was just a faker"
He said as he removed the mask from the other Ghostface and underneath was a random guy from school.
"W-What are u gonna do now?"
"Oh honey, I don't want to hurt you, atleast not much"
"I'm sorry that I was so rough yesterday, it's just I really like you"
"Y-You like me?"
"B-But who even are you?"
I said and he slowly pulled his mask off.
It was the guy I had a crush on for a few years but when he started dating a girl I kind of lost interest.
"I-I like u too"
I said and slightly smiled.
"So we are like together now?"
"I-I guess?"
I said but then kind of realized that he literally tired to kill Tatum and even killed other people.
"B-But why did u tried to kill Tatum?"
"I don't know she was in the way I'm sorry"
"Tatum is one of my best friends"
"I'm sorry Y/N"
He said.
He then say next to me on the bed and softly hugged me.
Should I just be his girlfriend now after the stuff he did?
"I-I don't know if we should be together"
He said which made me slightly scared.
"I mean you tried to kill my friend-"
"I said I'm sorry"
"B-But u tried to!"
"I'm sorry, what if we get together and just try how it is? You can just break up with me if you don't think it works"
"I-I don't know"
I said.
"Maybe we should do it like that?"
I said and he smiled.
"Thank u"


Idrk if this OS is that good anyways hope u liked it?
U can write in the comments if u want to:)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01 ⏰

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