Chapter 6 : Caught in Desire

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"I want you" Jeakyung said bluntly. Dan felt his heart racing again, and he was sure it showed on his face.


Dan couldn't believe what he was hearing, and he wasn't sure how he should respond.

Jeakyung then sat up, and looked down at Dan, his eyes intense and hungry.

"I want you," Jeakyung repeated, and the way he said it made Dan shiver.

Jeakyung then placed his hand on Dan's hip, sliding his fingers under the hem of Dan's shirt, and pushed it up slowly, revealing more of Dan's skin.

"I've thought about this for a while now,"

Jeakyung murmured, his fingers tracing over Dan's stomach.

Dan let out a small gasp, and couldn't help but squirm a little, his breath coming in shaky puffs.

Jeakyung smirked at Dan's reaction, and continued to move his hand up Dan's body, tracing his fingertips lightly over his collarbone.

"Don't you realize how badly I've wanted this?"

Dan couldn't manage to get any words out, as his mind was reeling and his body was trembling with anticipation.

Jeakyung leaned over Dan, his breath hot against Dan's ear, and whispered, "I can see how much you want it too."

Then, Jeakyung placed a soft kiss on Dan's ear, and Dan inhaled sharply, his heart pounding in his chest.

"But sir how can we do this I- I mean I'm y- your physical therapist"

Jeakyung chuckled softly, and leaned in closer, his lips hovering just inches from Dan's.

"Is that really a problem?" he asked, his voice low and sultry.

Dan swallowed hard, his mind going a million miles a minute.

"Of course it is," he choked out. "I'm your physical therapist. This is completely inappropriate."

Jeakyung gently moved his fingertips down Dan's chest, tracing a path over his skin.

"You say it's inappropriate, but you don't seem to be telling me to stop,"

Jeakyung said, his mouth only millimeters from Dan's ear.

Dan shivered at the feeling of Jeakyung's breath on his skin, and he couldn't deny it.

His body was screaming at him to give in, to let Jeakyung have what he wanted.

But his head was reeling from the wrongness of it all.

"This just doesn't feel right," Dan whispered, his voice shaking.

Jeakyung just smiled, and continued to trace his fingertips over Dan's skin, moving them slowly down his stomach now.

"You can try and fight it all you want," Jeakyung said, his voice like honey in Dan's ear.

"But your body is telling you exactly what it wants.

Dan tried, he really did, to resist the urge to give in. But his body was betraying him, every inch of his skin feeling like it was on fire.

It was as if Jeakyung had some sort of magnetic force over him, pulling him in closer.

"Now listen here, sweetheart," Jeakyung purred, and his lips brushed against Dan's ear once again.

"Your job is to make love to me."

Dan opened his mouth to protest, but before he could utter a word, Jeakyung quickly interrupted him by placing a gentle kiss on Dan's lips, silencing him instantly.

"Let' me finish my explanation," Jeakyung said softly, his lips brushing lightly against Dan's.

He moved back slightly and continued staring into Dan's eyes.

His expression turned serious and determined as he said,

"I have decided that you must come with me every night. To fulfill every desire I have ."

Jeakyung then placed his lips gently on Dan's forehead.

"As my physical therapist, it would be your responsibility to ensure that my health, happiness and well being are maintained, no matter what happens. isn't it? "

Dan stared blankly at the floor, trying his best not to let those words sink into his brain, and focus on staying rational.
"and you'll paid double ," Jeakyung reassured him.

"I promise "

Jeakyung then looked into Dan's eyes again.
"Do you understand?"
He added.

The two stayed quiet for a few moments, neither one saying anything. The silence was suffocating. Finally, Dan spoke.

"I understand."
He answered quietly. Jeakyung smirked.

He reached out to caress Dan's cheek gently with his thumb.

"You won't regret this darling.
You'll find what you're looking for."

His lips curved upwards again as he gazed into Dan's eyes.

As spent the whole night doing what jaekyung desired.

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