An invitation

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(Adeline's P.O.V.)
I didn't get home to nearly 4 in the morning. And I had sworn to never go with those guys again. Cause most of them were just like animals. They didn't talk the same I did, because everything was half this and half that, and by the time the night was over my ears were ringing from listening to all that bragging and cursing. Riding my way home on the Triumph, Benny had accompanied me on his Harley. Upon my arrival home, I saw my boyfriend sitting on the front porch waiting impatiently for me. This is going to be a fun conversation between me and Jack, which certainly will happen. "All right" I began putting the bike into park. Benny gave a glance to Jack who was staring Benny down with narrowed eyes while smoking. "Goodnight. Adios" I said basically waving goodbye to Benny. Jack walked up to me, clearly annoyed and angry. "The hell have you been?" He asked loudly, arms spread wide in annoyence. I ignored Jack's question and just walked passed him to get inside. I was tired and wanted to sleep. From inside the house, I could see Jack and Benny square up to one another. Well, Jack was mostly trying to square up to Benny, who in return didn't seemed faced by my boyfriend's alpha male act. I rolled my eyes and continued to watch them. Benny noticed me looking through the window. A sly glint shined in his eyes. One that told you he was up to something, and I had a feeling that, that something was being annoying to Jack. I watched Jack approach Benny, but before anything happened, Benny reved his bike before driving off. Jack watched him from the front garden. Instead of actually driving away, Benny just parked his bike on the opposite side of the road as Jack watched him with a fixed expression. Clearly not enjoying that Benny had not actually left. The blond got off his bike and looked at Jack unbothered. Before slowly walking around his Harley and taking a seat. Making it clear he was not going anywhere, any time soon. Jack scoffed at Benny and shook his head before heading inside. And so Benny had planted himself there and would not go home. Jack came inside and within a second began screaming his head off at me about Benny. "What do you want me to do about him?!" I loudly questioned him, "get rid off him!" Jack replied angrily. His voice booming above my own. "how?!" I asked laughing in disbelieve, "he's on a public road". There was nothing I could do and Jack knew it, although it didn't stop him from trying to convince me otherwise.

The next morning

I awoke to the sound of a train horn and got out of bed. Passing by a window I could see that Benny was still in the exact same spot. "This crazy guy" I mumbled opening the door and walking out. "Benny, go home" I told the blond and pointed down the street. But he didn't move a muscle. Just sat on his bike with an intriguing look on his face. Even threatening that Jack will do something to him, was of no use. Benny clearly knew that Jack wouldn't do much damage to him, or any for that matter. I let out a deep sigh and turned back to get inside, to retrieve my stuff to go to work. I swung my backpack on, snatched my bike keys from a bowl and headed out. I swung my leg over my bike before putting my gloves on. I shook my head as I saw Benny leisure over to me. "This kid, I swear". Benny threw a cigarette on the ground after he stretched his back and arms out. I looked at him as I kickstarted my bike. Benny stopped beside me and put his hands in the pockets of his denim jacket. "Wan' to go to a meetin'?" He asked a smile on his lips. I smirked and revved my bike "sorry, I can't hear you" I loudly said sarcastically playing as if I couldn't hear him. Benny bit his lower lip, chuckling at my responce, enjoying the game I played. I put my kickstand up and looked up at him "well, see you around, Benny". I pushed off and drove away, and the blond biker called after me, telling me where the meeting was held. I turned my head at him to once more call out "Can't hear you!". I watched Benny chuckle and shake his head from my side mirror.

Later that day

(Benny's P.O.V.)
I was sitting on a picnick table watching bikers come and go. While some of the main members, Johnny, Cockroach, Wahoo, Brucie and a few others, sat around me chatting along with one another. Then the sound of a bike came closer. I could tell it wasn't a Harley and by the looks on everybodies faces. So could they. The rider came driving up the sand road of the field with ease. It wasn't suprising since it was dirtbike. The rider grabbed everyones attention, stopping everyone in their tracks. All of the heads turned to watch the bike and rider coming up. Although the dirtbike wasn't familiar, the rider was indeed recognized by most - it was Adeline. Johnny stood up to take a seat beside me as the two of us watched her "so it seems she took you up on your offer" he smirked. Adeline went ahead and parked the bike next to my own. Johnny leaned towards me "you know there is a word for a woman who rides her own motorcycle" he paused for a moment, both of us keeping an eye on Adeline. "A keeper".

Published: 3rd of August 2024

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