Part 8

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"You did what?" asked Fox, needing to be sure he'd heard Wolffe's explanation correctly. "You're lucky it was just her com she yeeted and not you along with it," he added, a serious tone to his brotherly voice. Soon enough, a sigh escaped his lips; the paperwork involved would be torture, and on top of that, there was little doubt the Coruscant Guard would be charged with finding the now missing Jedi.

"You're not helping," growled Wolffe, once again confronted with his conflicted feelings. The kiss hadn't been intended yet; still, it haunted him more than anything prior to it; the words he'd spoken after weren't any better. He thought he'd been relieved she was gone, but instead, he felt even more guilt than before. He'd hurt her perhaps even worse than those a part of her past had.

"I wasn't trying to," simply replied Fox.

"What are you doing?"

"Contacting General Kenobi and Skywalker; if anyone's gonna find her outside General Plo, it's those two," spoke Fox, setting himself on the immediate task of finding the missing Night Sister. After all, he knew the fear others had; he knew others were scared she'd one day turn back to her dark side roots.

"I'll help," Wolffe volunteered, feeling the need to correct his mistakes, even if that meant sacrificing what little downtime he had. "The boys are fond and won't rest until she's found."

"You've done enough," harshly responded Fox. Although it was instantly clear he regretted them, he still did nothing to soothe the situation. "The Jedi are afraid, Wolffe. (Y/N), is the daughter of a Sith lord. They're afraid she'll rebound and turn back to her roots," explained the Marshall Commander, revealing just a little bit of what he knew. "They're afraid if she falls to the dark side, she'll become far worse than Dooku; after all, she was more of a reason to hate some of them."

"More of a reason?" Wolffe asked, once again suspecting there was more to her history than met the eye. Plo had hinted at it on several occasions when one of the boys asked, and several other Jedi had, too, even if (Y/N) herself dodged or changed the subject when it was brought up.

"Let's just say most of the Jedi Council monumentally failed her," said Fox in response, recalling when he'd stumbled across the information, it had been with things sent over from the Chancellor's office. When Fox had questioned it, the answer had come from the Chancellor himself, making it clear the information hadn't been put in there by accident but to prepare the Guard in case anything happened. "She trusts them even less than they trust her."

"Commanders," politely interrupted Obi-Wan. Anakin was at his side with his own Padawan. Just behind them were Commander Cody and Captain Rex, and both of them appeared prepared for the task likely already set before them. "Master Plo will be joining us shortly," announced the Jedi Master, a soothing tone to his voice, although he was momentarily distracted by Anakin. No doubt he was attempting to sense (Y/N) if only to make the search that little bit easier.

"She's still on the planet, although making it difficult to track," spoke Anakin, quickly determining she was likely using her own power to block him and anyone else who attempted to track her via the force.

"Sorry to interrupt; I've sent a message to her unit. One of them is a tracker," called Cody, recalling working with the elite unit before. They were unpredictable but effective. They got the job done no matter how dangerous it was and always seemed to have fun while doing it; the more threat to life, the more competition there was between them. "They're young and reckless, but they're loyal to her."

"What caused (Y/N) to run?" asked Ahsoka, noting that it was out of the ordinary for any Jedi to hide unless they were given the order to. Although even she would admit, (Y/N) did seem to have more freedoms than a normal Jedi Knight would. She got away with far more, including ignoring direct orders from the council, so much so they had come to expect it from her.

"The past, Snips," replied Anakin, suspecting that Maul's recent reappearance had triggered memories and feelings she had spent over a decade trying to push away and bury. Brought the hurtful past, she's tried to run from bubbling back to the surface. "For over a decade, she believed her father was gone, only for him to reappear and be on the warpath. She's lost, conflicted, torn between who she was and who she wants to be," he explained, knowing her trouble; he'd be the same if his mother suddenly came back from the dead. Like (Y/N), he hadn't let go of his past; he couldn't; instead, like her, he'd buried it.

"Either way, we must find her fast," said Obi-Wan, recalling the recent council meeting. The latest intelligence had only brought forth concerning news. While Maul was on a revenge tour against those who wronged him in the past, Savage searched for (Y/N), no doubt, to reunite father and daughter again—or at least unite what remained of the bloodline. "We won't be the only ones looking for her."

"It would be best if we split into groups," announced Plo upon his arrival, his voice calm and even as normal. "Commander Fox, go with Ahsoka and (Y/N)'s enhanced unit; search the lower levels around where she was last seen," he added, suspecting (Y/N) would be far more open to being found by Ahsoka than any other Jedi. "Skywalker, take your captain and a small group of the 501st, search the underworld levels, Obi-Wan, the upper levels, around the old factories. I'll take the Wolf pack and search her old hiding spots."

"I don't think I'll be that much help, General," voiced Wolffe, his miss-matched eyes downcast now. "I'm the reason she ran away in the first place. Me being involved in the search will only anger her further," he added with regret flooding his voice; he could still remember the hope fading in her eyes; the image had all but burnt itself into his memory now as if a means to torment him further and punish him for his stupidity.

"On the contrary, Commander, you were the last person to see her, outside the civilians who offered tips to her whereabouts. Whether you hurt her or not doesn't matter; finding her before she becomes any more vulnerable does," spoke Plo, speaking as if a father rather than a Jedi. He knew (Y/N) had let her hurt, anger, and feelings of betrayal out on Wolffe, but he'd not be the sole reason for it. For years, she'd struggled with her past and overwhelming feelings; Wolffe's words had just been the breaking point. "You are not to blame for (Y/N) going into hiding. I doubt she blames you, either."

"We'll rendezvous here in a few hours; in the meantime, keep in communication," spoke Obi-Wan, suspecting the task at hand would be far more difficult than either of them wanted to admit. After all, few could sense how (Y/N) felt when she was a padawan; she had a unique ability to deflect her feelings and hide them by reflecting another's emotions back at them; as for tracking her, even for the Jedi, that had been an impossible feat, although many had questioned whether her ability to block them was a natural Night Sister ability or a concerning dark side one.

"And if we find her?" questioned Ahsoka, suspecting the Jedi Knight wouldn't come easily. (Y/N) had run for a reason; she'd hidden her struggles for so long many didn't even see it until now when they were powerless to help her and when she appeared to be in far more danger with her vulnerability than even she realized.

"Try to convince her to return to the temple," replied Anakin, even when he knew (Y/N) would refuse, even if Master Plo was the one who stood before her. "Only stun if necessary; just beware, (Y/N) is highly trained, and she will fight back," cautiously added the Jedi Knight, recalling all the times the pair trained together growing up. Despite his skills in lightsaber combat, he'd never successfully defeated her in a duel, although he'd learned a fair bit. 

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