32|| Lets Fix this mess

57 6 54

Jiyeon's POV

Confusion has been my best friend my whole life but it has become a better and constant companion these days. It clung to me like a shadow, a persistent reminder of the chaos swirling within. The events at Chan's house had left me rattled, the pieces of the puzzle scattered and refusing to fit together.

I couldn't understand Changbin's actions, the secrets he kept, the pain he seemed to carry. And Chan, the calm and collected friend I thought I knew, had revealed a hidden depth of anger and protectiveness I never imagined. The man who'd always been a source of comfort now seemed shrouded in mystery.

The way Changbin crumbled under Chan's fury, the raw pain etched on his face, had stirred a deep sense of compassion within me. Yet, the betrayal, the lies, they were a bitter pill to swallow.

I wanted to run away, to escape the suffocating weight of it all. But the thought of leaving Aeri, of abandoning her in this mess, was a guilt I couldn't bear. She, too, had been affected, her once bright spirit dimmed by the shadows cast by her father's absence.

Aeri's drawings, those simple strokes on paper, spoke volumes. Her insistence on drawing Changbin and me together, the way her small hands lingered on the image, was a painful reminder of the family she longed for. Yet, each time I looked at her, I was reminded of the shattered pieces of my own life, the broken promises, and the uncertain future.

The weight of it all pressed down on me, a crushing burden that made even the simplest tasks feel like climbing a mountain. I wandered the streets, the cool night air doing little to soothe the turmoil within. The grocery bags, heavy with the weight of my purchases, felt like anchors dragging me down.

I thought about cooking Aeri's favorite meal, a small gesture to break through the wall of silence she'd erected around herself. Maybe a familiar taste would bring a flicker of her old self back. Han had offered to babysit thankfully.

As I walked, a figure standing on the river bridge caught my eye, silhouetted against the twilight sky. Dressed in black, with a cap pulled low and a mask covering their face, they exuded an air of mystery. Something about the silhouette seemed familiar.

Curiosity drew me closer, and I studied the figure, trying to place the familiarity. As the wind lifted the cap slightly, revealing a pair of familiar eyes, a gasp escaped my lips. It was Changbin.

He stood there alone in the fading light, a stark contrast to the vibrant man I once knew. A mix of emotions rushed over me: anger for his past actions and concern for his current state.

I hesitated, unsure whether to ignore him or approach him. But the memory of his vulnerability, the way he had crumbled yesterday pushed me towards him.

"Hey," I whispered, barely audible over the gentle sound of the water.

I wanna go home already.

His body stiffened, startled. He looked up, his eyes shadowed in the dim light, and when he spoke, his voice was hoarse and tired. "Go away," he muttered, looking past me into the distance.

I actually felt like running away, hiding from the vulnerability in his voice, but something kept me there. A flicker of recognition, a memory of the man I once knew, drew me closer.

"I won't," I said, my voice steadier than I felt. The words were a promise to myself as much as to him. I sat down beside him, keeping some distance, but close enough to show I was there for him. The familiar scent of wood and clean laundry reminded me of better times, a comforting anchor amid my turmoil.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31 ⏰

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