000 broken glass, and arguments.

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Chapter 000Broken Glass, and Arguments

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Chapter 000
Broken Glass, and Arguments.
Warning . . . Mature Scenes Ahead
You Have Been Warned.

August 29th, 2018.
Solana & Logan's Earth

"Nikki...Nikki...Wake up, babe. It's time for school."

Nikki Howlett felt the painful light seep through her skin as her mother, Solana, shook her back, interrupting a reoccurring dream of hers. Her eyes shot open in annoyance, and soon enough, they were rolled for the same reason.

The thirteen-year-old rubbed her right eye with the bottom of her hand, just above her wrist. "It's Saturday." She mumbled.

"Didn't I tell you?" Solana urged, watching her daughter finally open her eyes. She would have seen the grogginess from a mile away, it was so obvious.

"Orientation Day."

Nikki picked herself up, filled with motivation after she heard those two words. She had completely forgotten about her ninth grade orientation. Memory loss is a side effect of having telekinetic powers.

"That was today?" She asked her mom with furrowed eyebrows. She looked to the side, hoping she could recall any moment before today that Solana had mentioned.

"Been reminding you for the past few days..." Solana put her hand on her daughter's shoulder. An immediate purse of her lips showed whenever she was in a state of worry. Which was odd, because her anxiety didn't usually kick in until 10:00.

"Have you been taking the supplements I bought?"

Nikki sighed, and rolled out of bed to avoid an argument. "If my mouth is the fucking garbage can, then yes." Solana's jaw dropped slightly at her statement. "They taste like the idea of veganism." Nikki continued, cringing at the remembrance of the taste of the pills. Supposedly, they were supposed to help with memory loss for telekinetic patients, but they didn't do much for her.

That and the fact that they tasted like dirt.

"With that language, your mouth might as well be a trash can." Solana hopped off of the bed to deal with Nikki's preteen sassiness. The girl was now down the hall, feeling entitled as she rushed away from her mother, thinking she knew everything there was to know about mothering.

"Fuck." Solana cursed under her breath. Nikki's footsteps increased in speed, and so did her mother's adrenaline. "Oh, do not walk away from me."

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