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I thought my story would've ended two years ago. Those wounds should've killed me, but I still fought for some reason. It was like my body... wasn't ready to leave this world just yet. Why is that? I guess that there was still something left worth fighting for after all. I want to rebuild that same motivation I had to continue pursuing my revenge. I want to rebuild my strength, my power, my everything. They may have been revoked from me, but that was only temporarily. Prepare yourselves, because....

This is my Redemption.

Third Person POV: two years later

"What I don't understand is why transporting a small portion of people is so complicated." A croaky voice spoke up, while leaning back in his seat and smoking on a long cigar that never seemed to extinguish. The smoke that was being released from the cigar, coated the room in a thick fog; a haze so dense you almost couldn't make out anyone else that was present in the room. The heavy fog from the outside mirrored that same haze in the current meeting room, providing the best coverage from an unsuspecting someone.

A heavy glass was smacked onto the circular, timber table with a clank and it provided the room to be aware of not disrespecting their superior.

"Thomas, there are rules to this method. We're trying to transport all of these bought pests, but we're trying to do it discreetly." The head poncho emphasised so the entire room understood how vital it was to not fuck up anything." We need to be patient and await instructions, otherwise we'll all have to answer to the Ivanov's goon, and I don't know about any of you, but I certainly don't want to have to deal with him."

The other men in the room groan with agreement, but Thomas spoke up once again.

"The sooner we get rid of them, the better. They're getting restless and we've already have to send one of our men to the hospital for having his ear bitten off." Just the mention of it, send a slight shiver down Thomas' ear.

"Let the attending guards deal with them, but not too harshly. They have to be in mint condition, ready for the buyers. So, let's just await and then-"

Then, the lights to the room were suddenly extinguished, which plunged the room into darkness, minus the faintness of the lights from the outside window. The smoke in the room could be seen swirling around and blinding many of them men's visions.

"What the fuck is going on?! Who did this?" The superior yelled out at no one in particular, but internally he was frightened by what occurred.

One of the men hesitantly spoke up, while in a clear state of panic and distress." Maybe, it's just a power cut. I can go and check the backup generator and-"

"I don't think that will be necessary."

A voice abruptly cut into what one of the goons was saying and everyone looked around as to who said that.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Another man spoke up at the presence of the mysterious figure.

The voice was smooth, but it had a contrasting harsh edge and it was laced with the kind of power and terror that would send grown men to their knees, begging and pleading for mercy.

"I'm telling you now, you don't know who you're messing with, you stupid-" The same voice that had spoke up moments earlier was cut off and all that could be heard was gurgling sounds and grunts... and a sharp slice that was so clean that there was no chance anyone could've survived the assault.

"Oh, I'm plenty aware of who I'm dealing with. And, by no means, am I threatened at all." The mysterious voice spoke up once again, pausing only briefly to let their words sink in to everyone in this meeting room that suddenly seemed to shrink in size." I'm here to inform you that your days of transporting trafficked victims is officially over and... so is your time on this planet."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12 ⏰

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