
9 2 5

(Fake group)
Membres Numbers: 4
Leader: So-yeon
Debut: 21.11.2024
Survival show:lullaby
Main rapper: Jihyo
Main dancer: Nukamura
Main vocalist: Dodo
Main visual: all




Favorite food: bibimbap Don't like: banana Strong point: he is the most calm and he is kind Weakness: he can't really do a hight note Height: 1m85MBTI: ESFPSpeek: Korean, English and Japaness Age: 18 years (oldest)

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Favorite food: bibimbap
Don't like: banana
Strong point: he is the most calm and he is kind
Weakness: he can't really do a hight note
Height: 1m85
Speek: Korean, English and Japaness
Age: 18 years (oldest)


Favorite food: sushi Don't like: eggplant Strong point: he have aura and he look unreal Weakness: he love rap but it's hard for him Height: 1m78MBTI: INTPSpeek: Korean, English and Japaness Age: 18 years (seconde oldest)

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Favorite food: sushi
Don't like: eggplant
Strong point: he have aura and he look unreal
Weakness: he love rap but it's hard for him
Height: 1m78
Speek: Korean, English and Japaness
Age: 18 years (seconde oldest)


Favorite food: pastaDon't like: yoghurt cake Strong point: he listen the other a lot and he is extrovert Weakness: he can't really cooking Height: 1m67MBTI: ENFJSpeek: Korean, English and Japaness Age: 17 years (second maknae)

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Favorite food: pasta
Don't like: yoghurt cake
Strong point: he listen the other a lot and he is extrovert
Weakness: he can't really cooking
Height: 1m67
Speek: Korean, English and Japaness
Age: 17 years (second maknae)


Favorite food: tiramisu Don't like: spicy food Strong point: he is energic Weakness: he is introvert and scared by people Height: 1m82MBTI: ISFPSpeek: Korean, English, Japaness and FrenchAge: 16 years (youngest, maknae)

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Favorite food: tiramisu
Don't like: spicy food
Strong point: he is energic
Weakness: he is introvert and scared by people
Height: 1m82
Speek: Korean, English, Japaness and French
Age: 16 years (youngest, maknae)


Debut song:

Sky :

Look, look !
BeFour here !
We keep looking, looking to the sky, and hoping, hoping to see the wings.


There is some bubble here, touch,touch, pop, pop, They go to the sky, with us !

Follow my eyes *hight note* they looking at you *hight*

*rap* For touching the sky, you need to touch your dream before, sky, sky !

**rap* Me, you, us, all, we can do this *! We keep looking to the sky, to the stars, to you. Before you fall in love for an other

Baby, baby, let me show you my cutie side

••• *important dance part*

I will teach you the stars, you will show me your favorite, hand in hand we can walk together.

**rap* Me, you, us, all, we can do this * ! We keep looking to the sky, to the stars, to you. Before you fall in love for an other.

↑English vers.

Look, look !
BeFour here !
We keep looking, looking to the sky, and hoping, hoping to see the wings.


There is some bubble here, 터치, 터치, pop, pop, 그들은 우리와 함께 하늘로 간다!

Follow my eyes *hight note* they looking at you *hight*

*rap* 하늘을 만지기 위해서는, 전에 당신의 꿈을 만져야 합니다 sky, sky !

**rap*Me, you, us, all, 우린 있어*! We keep looking to the sky, to the stars, to you. Before you fall in love for an other

자기야, 자기야, 내 귀염둥이를 보여줄게
••• *important dance part*

I will teach you the stars, you will show me your favorite, hand in hand 우리는 함께 걸을 있어요.

Me, you, us, all, 우린 있어! We keep looking to the sky, to the stars, to you. Before you fall in love for an other.

↑ korean vers.

Your opinion? This is the first song I write, please be indulgent


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